The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 1262

"So beautiful ... I am impeccable, if I can have a friend, it is also a big life!"

Liu Wei is slightly movement, and the fourth person has been given:

"The fourth person, Qin Huai, one of Qin Huai, Dong Xiaomi - Wu Li 32, Intelligence 84, Political 72, DIST 1, Charm 96!"

Stunt: Qin Huai Ba Yanyi, Tianzi Qiao Hui, Neglighted Juan!

Take Dong Xiaomi's red pill, random property +1!

Random attached to hidden tasks: Collection Qin Huai Eight Yan (a), host random property +5!

"Lonely can be ..."

Liu Wei looked at Dong Xiaoli. It is really a beautiful woman in the eye, but the posture is compared to the migmetry of his home, and is between Jiefang.

The key is to collect eight beautiful, big by the same | sleep, there is a valuable five-point attribute value, isn't it beautiful?

Soon, the fifth beauty finally slammed the water:

"The fifth beautiful woman, after the country, Xiao Mei - force 32, intellectual 85, political 77, the price rate 23, the charm 100!"

Stunt 1, enchanting: Xiao Mei Liang Li Tiancheng, During the country!

Every ten years, charm +2!

Stunt 2, the country: Xiao Yan, the name of the age!

Xiao Mei Niang Tianguo is different, triggering the chances of various tasks, greatly enhanced!

With hidden tasks: If the host is conquering Xiao Mei, will automatically get the residual dragon of the Xiao Liang Dynasty!

"The pressure axis is smoked, and it is actually drawn to the Mei Xiao !!"

Liu Wei's eyes turned, and after turning to this Xiao, I emerged after Xiao Xiao, and at this time, she probably the princess of the Xiao Liang Dynasty, and the girl charming Tiancheng is very moving!

Historically, Xiao was hiding into the deep palace by the Emperor of the Three Dynasties. It can be seen that this beauty is extraordinary!

Liu Wei got a closé and made a decision directly: "The system, excluding Zhang Dust, Shangguan, Dong Xiao, Choosing between Xiaoxiqing!"

Since it is necessary to choose beauty, of course, choose the most beautiful!

[Fifth is more sent, evaluation ticket is broken, seeking to reward, trying to remind! ! .

The first thousand eighty-seventh chapters recruit a big mandate! For example, Liu Wei!

Moreover, the two beautiful women of Xiaomeiqing and Xiao Mei have come with an extremely rich hidden task. Natural priority is higher than the other girls ...

"The characters are selected, please wait ..."

"Congratulations to the host, successfully selected the wooden , this king, the beauty of the Wanjie beauty, when the host entered the Song Dynasty world, you can directly accept the love of love at first sight!"

"To enter the Song Dynasty, or wait for the things that will be handled in front of you!"

Liu Wei finished his storage space and the wheel did happen.

Li Lianying said in the car, saying that "the main public, arrived!"


Liu Wei is light, pulling down the car curtain, under the escort of Xu Wei, in the city.

The city of Liangzhou is located in the northern part of the West, close to the place of the .

The city is not much better, full of simple and cool, the people in the city, mostly the big body.

Liu Wei couldn't help but lamented: "The big cool is ancient and many good hamenters! If it is a cool soldier, he is uncertain !?"


"Feel the strong wish of the host, trigger the violent task, please take the host in one year, recruit 100,000 western cool soldiers!"

"If it is successful within the time limit, it is recruited that hundreds of thousands of western cool soldiers, then the 100,000 people training proficiency accelerate, and get the Dash Seminth Angguan (Platinum)!"

Big Mandarin: West Cool, Wight! The host is the western cool soldier, all the force value +1!

Note: 1, can be superimposed with other aura!

2, after winning, with the improvement of fighting experience, the Dalamant Master Legion is upgraded!

Lying in a slot! ?

Liu Wei is a violent task, and the heart is slightly stunned, and you are big!

"Can be upgraded to the army radope! This wave of mission rewards, at least tens of thousands of worships, Toyima is rich!"

Seeing Liu Wei seems to have a little color, Li Lianying smiled: "Chu Wang's martial arts, cool, Qingzhou Qingzhuang, naturally join the army, I don't have to remember, the master can be willing to pay!"

"I hope so!"

Liu Wei smiled slightly, leisurely.

For a long time, he returned to Li Lianying's temporary Wangfu, Liu Wei used the afternoon, and it took advantage of the law, and he made it up from outside the door. Family, it is all in the control, just ... "

Liu Wei said that: "Is it just?"

Dumbled, Shou said: "It is only the deposit of the whole city, and you will not see the whereabouts of the public!"


Liu Wei squinted his eyebrows, smiled: "The district has a mile! What is the atmosphere? I haven't used the meal, come with a meal, eat ..."


I am touched by my heart, but I don't dare to define Liu Wei ordered, and I respect the Liu Hao, I have a bowl like a student of penalty ....

Li Lianying said on the side, and he was a few guys on the side.


Liu Hao is forgotten, with his identity, the common people see him, please kneel, please enjoy it, it is really a huge reward of the passover.

After this meal, after going back, you can blow a life.

I have used lunch, and Liu Wei told Li Lianying some things, and she took the co-origin and went to the vegetable city in the city.

In order to shock more people in order to shock more people, they will build a high platform in the vegetable city.

Liu Wei came to this world, and it was also for several years, but it was still participating in this event ...

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