The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 1266 of the Three Kingdoms

Hu Chi -

The horses under the seat are gradually slowing down in the continuous hidden nose, and the speed of running is gradually slow.

It is a public to smoke a whip, an urgency in my heart: this Nima!

If you can't support it in Taiyuan County, you only have the second legs to go to your own!

"How many miles to Jinyang City in Taiyuan County?"

"Retrogenous adults, probably only less than twenty miles!"

The left and right leaders of public expectations visited the road opening.

"Less than twenty miles !?"

It is still awkward in the heart, and the heart is still awkward:

Who can get it, two months ago, he controls 100,000 male soldiers, such as Han Wei in the day, then he was angered by Chu King! !

The strength of Chu Wang is too powerful!

so horrible!

Before the business, there was a move, but sent into public, and went to the north and south, and contacted the 36th and Guozhou Wenzhou Lu Bu, together, and a strong Song Dynasty. Liu Wei.

The thirty-six-year-old people have been done, and the road is far away, and it is publicly connected to the Mercedes-Benz, which is around to go to the state army!

This is awkward, and it is good to have a good time, and I have escaped the championship of Ma Chao.

All the way crazy Mercedes-Benz, the wind meal, finally in the day, rushed to the Jinyang City Taiyuan County Jinyang City.


The Shuzhou spoons, the footsteps will be reported to the public: "Wen Hou adult, the western cool messenger is public, waiting outside Houfu!"

"The messenger of Liangzhou !?"

Lu Bu put down the Fang Tianyi, and the eyebrows were picking up, "" What is it to do in? "

Sprint: "I don't know, ask him to come, or ask the warmth to ask him personally!"

"Bring it to the front hall!"

Lu Bu nodded, turned to the Queen to go, this big morning, the sweat is, it is a good wiping.

"Jun Hou, the house said the messenger, is it the king of Chu?"

Lu Bu's wife Yanshi one side side loured a maid to the Lub buzzing clothes, asked an eager opening.

"Not the messenger of Chu Wang!"

Lu Bu scored, the majestic face, also a little disappointing look.

Yan's started tears: "This Chu Wang, it is true, if you really like Qi Ling, let's take a book, inform us, the wind is light, the daughter is speaking, this is what is going on?"

Yan's is the original lady of Lu Bu, is also a mother of Lu Yuling.

Lu Bu met a clothes, listening to the words of the lady, is also dissatisfied: "It is really unparalleled!"

Although the letter from the daughter said that he was in Jiangdong Women's Camp, but 250 this thing Lu Bu has two people who don't believe ...

Come to now, the battlefield has never been a place where men have bleeding, and where is the precedent for women?

Lu Bu is also depressed, his original ambition, first quented by Chu Wang Liu Wei, then it is a hard-working daughter, which is actually raised in Jiangdong, Jin House!

It is publicly observed, and I found that the height is nine feet, the majestic mountains of Lu Bu, which looks like the face is not very good, hurriedly shoots: "The worship of the worship is public, see the warm Hou adult, the war of the war, I am long!"

Lu Bu faintly, the big horse gold knife was on the top of the master, and the eyebrows wrinkled ...

Seeing such a situation, there is a public in the heart of the public.

Your mother's egg!

I heard that this Wen Hou Lu cloth, moody, and gave birth to very violent!

Can't kill me! ?

Lu Bu finally said: "You are in the western cool, come to me, I want to protect Chu army, I will not send troops to help you to settle the western cold!"

[Fourth more sent, there is also add more at night, ask for customs! Lv cloth does not accept? .

Chapter 111 Can't, can't be enemies with Chu Wang!

In the state, it was in the same place, so Dong Zhuo invaded Luoyang, at the time of the Shuzhou Mingshenyuan, so that the rapid leader killed the Si Lun, rushed to a piece.

Now Liu Yibing out of Luoyang, straight directly, and the news has passed to Lu Bu's side here.

Lu Bu is amazed and a dark alert.

After all, I watched the Looking, after the attack of Chang'an, Liu Wei wants to sweep in the north, or drive the soldiers and horses, only these two choices.

It is also a slight glimpse. He didn't expect Lu Bu, but he didn't know that the Western cool 100,000 troops, even the battle loses, has been suppressed by Chu Wang ...

It can be seen that the passage of ancient news is very lag.

Cheng I publicly organize the language, say: "Wen Hou Yingming, I am here, not to let Wen Hou from sending troops, but for the temperature of the warmth!"

"Item of me?"

Lu Bu was slightly moved, asked: "Where is this statement? The Western Million Trunteer, the greater, why is it to be far away, come to the state to fight?"

It is publicly said that 287: "The West is more than 100,000, but there is no such as Wen Hou," I will be like a temperature, who is like a temperature, such a goddess, fight hundreds of thousands of foreign? "

This is a little embarrassed, but it is still comfortable.

On the occasion of Lu Buzhen, Li Su Su Su Su Su Su Su Su Su Su Su Su Su Su Su Su Su Su Su Su Su Su Su Su Su Su Su Su Su asked: "Mr. Cheng, you still say the situation in Western cool first!"

This person is the Li Su, which is Dong Zhuo's hand ...

After Dong Zhuo defeated, there was no lonrementation in the hands, and Li Su and Lu Bu were the same township, and the relationship was good, so they came directly to Yuben.

Under the help of public, only the situation of the West is, "

"Hey! My God!"

"This ... how is this possible !?"

"Liangzhou thousands of miles wilderness, hundreds of thousands of soldiers, there is also a way to be such as, actually being covered by Chu Wang soon ..."

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