The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 1272 of the Three Kingdoms


"Congratulations to the host, triggered the hidden mission subsequent: Du Qin's request!"

Mission Description: Help Du Qin solves the feelings, the host will get extra generous reward!


Liu Wei is slightly happy, generally this hidden task, can be encountered without quick!

This Kowloon Tiandi's chariot actually comes with hidden tasks, this is the first time!

Liu Wei put his hand, and he said: "Do you have anything about Du Lao, despite it, or solve it for you!"

Du Qin Daxi, even busy saying: "Chu Wang, after this king mountain, there is a group of strong thieves, God sent a post, to send granddaughter to send granddaughter to the mountain, the old man, how to get Thousands of thieves, so I have ... "

Liu Zhen nodded, recruiting a rushing bite on the side, asked: "The old way, the three hundred cars you todious, take the tiger, come!"

Cheng Jin heard Liu Wei's voice, suddenly jumped up, eyebrows opened: "The main public, who hacking this time?"

"You are following it ..."

Liu Wei's face is a black, told Ma Chao to continue to recruit, and prepare people to try water.

This first ring task, it seems too simple to look at it.

Du Qin is late: "Chu Wang, the group of rings, but there are three or four thousand people, the king named Qin, the martial arts is high!"

Liu Hao smiled and said: "Du Lao is relieved, and there is thousands of rides in the old year, and it will be afraid of this thousand mountain thieves in the Wolf army of the Wolf, and will be afraid."

Cheng bite is disappointed: "I thought it was a good thing, I turned out to kill the thief ..."

After the leadership of Du Qin, a few people came to a village in the suburbs.

There are not many households in the village, and some empty is silent.

Liu Wei swept a circle, recruiting a Jinyiwei, told a few words, and dozens of Jinyiwei behind him quickly and fly ...

Du Qin slightly, asked: "Chu Wang, this is ..."

Liu Wei smiled and said: "You have only a group of thieves is a royal thief, and the allowance people go to explore news, waiting for them to pass the letter, kill the king mountain!"

Du Qin Xin Siki: This Chu Wang, really strong!

Liu Wei is not anxious, just when he is coming, turn a circle, on the high sky, blooming a fireworks!

"You can do it!"

Liu Wei's eyes shilly, greeted, Cheng Jin murdered, holding a double ax, and pulling the horse.

Three hundred cars, the tiger, only ten guards left, and the rest of the whole finish bite gold.

Those who think of these three hundred people have killed thousands of people, Du Qin's heart is still seven on the top eight, saying: "Chu Wang, this general ..."

"Don't worry, the old run is the grass king of the words, let him kill the thief, it is really looking to people!"

Liu Yu chest has a laughter.

If you bite gold, you can do so a thief thief, that is really no need to make a mixed world ...

But the journey, I got Liu Yunjun, naturally, I didn't dare to stop it. I can't hate the wings to fly up on the mountain ...

This experience is rich, and when you catch a whistle, you will clear the orientation of the cottage.

Not long, this three hundred people can't get the tiger, like a tiger into the column, killing the thief soldiers! !

"It's a generation is not as good as a generation!"

Cheng Jie Jinxiao killed a thief who known as Qin Yulu, while thinking about the situation in the year.

He has also been the grass head of the wind, and there is thousands of people in the hand!

For this king homony, Cheng Jie is looking at it!

Waste one group!

"Not good! The warehouse fires!"

"Grass, how does the front hall also fire?"

"Hey, who takes the knife,?"

In the thief, the thief is crying, Cheng Junjin double ax is like a wheel, and it is easy to crush this group of kings.


"Congratulations to the host, Cheng Jie Jin caught the thief, Qin Yilu, extra award worship value 500!"

"Congratulations to the host, successfully triggered the hidden task of the second link: get the recognition of the Tiandi Chariot in Kowloon!"

This wave is very stable!

Liu Wei is slightly happy ...

[Fifth is more sent, the addition of monthly tickets, seek automatic subscription, the difference is more! .

The first thousand ninety-seventh chapters do not seem to be the treasure, Liu Hao is suppressed!

"The Jiulong Tiandi" of the sacred potential ... finally came! "

Liu Wei gods slightly like a shock, check out his own consciousness, really show the words that the task has been updated ...


When Liu Wei fell in the foot of the mountain in the foot of the mountain, the Jinyiwei Xiong was rushing to the mountains, and the situation of the entire battle, said to Liu Wei ...

Cheng Jiejin is going to horses, steady, sweep the thief!

"Cheng General dried!"

Liu Wei said that: "Sure enough, it is the general!"

Cheng Jiejin is proud of the mountain, and I also mentioned a big man wearing a nail, laughing while walking: "Du! This is said that the granddaughter of your owner, the beauty is like flown, this is moving I have to grab the past, and there is such a thing. "

Du Qin's face changed, and the support was: "This ... this can be more thanks to the generals ..."

"Do you have a daughter of your home?"

Liu Hao looks slightly moved, it seems to find anything to do ...

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