The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 1293 of the Three Kingdoms

There is Changshan Zhao Zilong, steady, Taishan!

After the end of the Dachelor of the Chang'an Temple, the people immediately pulled the horse to the campus.

Liu Hao also replaced a bricks in Xiao Zhao's service.

Waiting for 100,000 big cools to adjust, Liu Wei is sitting on the Kowloon Tiandi's chariot, by the old driver Du Qin personally drives the car, along Chang'an ancient road, head towards Ba.

"Hey! Chu Wang driving, is too prestigious?"

"I only looked at it ... I can't help but I couldn't help but I kneel it!"

"me too……"

"Look at the nine gods, all the best, is not the sky !?"

"With nine gods, pull the rush, too tightening ..."

127 Kowloon Tiandi Battle, this is the first time in front of the world, causing an uproar.

Among the crowd, a middle-aged scripture of a clear clear, blind, muttering: "Ancient books, this Kowloon Yuki, isn't the Emperor's car driving, actually reproduce the day !!?"

The voice of everyone excited in the ear, he did not smell, looked at Liu Yuyuan's Jiulong Yu ...

Not long, a Jinyiwei wearing a flying fish clothing, passed through a crowd, directly arrived at the middle-aged scromings, holding a boxing, said: "But Mr. Tian Feng?"

The middle-aged scromings were slightly stunned, and they replied: "It is ... under!"

Jin Yiwei smiled: "Chu Wangzuo gave a sentence to Mr. Tian, ​​within half a year, with the Junchang in Chang'an City, Wang Jun will raise the body ..."

After saying, the Jinyi Sweehed body shape slightly, it disappeared in the sea.

"It turns out ... Chu Wang has already found me ..."

Tian Feng went to the eye, and he had a long must, shook his head: "But ... to sweep the twenty thousand barbarism, it is difficult to get up !!"

Tianfeng sweeping the South China for Liu Wei in half a year, still not optimistic.

This is not empty.

The peerless counseling, considering the way, very detailed.

Tian Feng's mind turned, and the speed of Liu Wei was taken into line. Even if Liu Wei is at least one and a half years, can we sweep the whole Nanbar!

However, how did he wisdom again, you can't think of Liu Hao's march!

The dragon ring is in the hands, the Kowloon Tianmie chariot is driven, the three army speed is arrogant, usually the leader will go a day, now you can take more than 80 miles!

The big saver is consumed on the road!

Ma Chaoyue Dongjun and Lu Bu's Pingxi Army, divided into two sides, directly divided into Zhu Yumi and Meng Da and other anti-bonedui ...

Nanbu, the Three Kingdoms, in fact, is near Yunnan Dali in the market.

That is, in Yunnan, the barbarian Wang Meng won the wild inflation, combined with the local military, preparing to invade the country in the north, occupying more land, but also to plunder more supplies ...

Meng Da is just being held as Yongchang County, and Yongchang County is the county town near Dali. It can be said that the bird is not pulling.

Meng Da has arrived in the world, and it will be in the world.

Yongchang County bordered in Nanban, Meng Da took the opportunity to do a good relationship with the quite Wang Meng, and got the news: Liu Yumi Bi soldiers, from the Central Plains, and the Zhongyuan Million Majun is fighting!

Time is here!

Meng Da has always had a foreign language, and Liu Wei is not there, it is stupid to move, directly in combination with the Taushi Taishou Zhu Zhu, Yuejun is too high, and it is colluded with the barbarium.

These counties are too guarded, and they are used to use each other. They are all played a good abacus, I want to divide Yizhou situations.

As a result, it was found by Liu Wei's big uncle fee, and the flying eagle was reported to Liu Wei.

"Come, drink ..."

Meng Da took a cup of Cup in Zhu, and the two were drinking, haha ​​laughed.

Moutham, known as Wang Hou wine!

Sunful and delicate, alcoholic thick | full, long aftertaste, empty cup staying | long ...

Drinking Wang Hou, doing Wang Hou Meng.

Meng Da is self-cultivation of the world, and when he is a good guidance.

Gao Xing smiled: "The time is coming, if I can occupy the Ba Tu, I must be a Wang Ba's industry!"

"Son Jing (Meng Da's expression), you said it is very reasonable, the Chu Wang soldiers are strong, but they are not enemy world hero!"

Zhu Wei nodded and thoughtfully.

He is also one of the prostitutes of the prostitute, Liu Wei, who attacked the group, is very unlikely.

Mengda is highly laughed: "What is this? I have already secretly follow the Wei Hou, Zhao Hou is settled, and the time will arrive, and I will send the soldiers to kill Chu Wang!"

He has a long time to stay in Yongchang County, even if you have the heart to agree with the Central Plains, it is necessary to spend a few months. This sentence is installed, let Zhu Zhi and Gao Qian can't see his shadow, He happened!

Meng Da, the intelligence is far away!

Zhu Xiang and Gao Qian two, in the clouds, unknown!

"Meng Da is so wonderful, and is it under the Queen Seven Millennium ?!"

"Zhu Taishou is a good! This phoenix patch is, and why can he have, and it is the place where it is the general of Mengda!"


Commercial mutual blowing, Zhu Xi said: "Meng Da, when we contacted the king of Meng, let him increase in Chengdu ..."

"Everything is in the middle ..."

Meng Da Zhizhu said in the ground: "The two too guards can merge one, seek a big event, I will arrange everything, borrow a hundred thousand troops, and go in the flat!"

[Fifth more, the addition of flowers, the evaluation ticket is a few hundred plus, the automatic subscription is also more than a dozen, seeking assistance! .

The first thousand one hundred and seven seven chapters of the philosophy of Pang Tong, the courage of Luhu Bub!

"So, very good!"

Zhu Xi, Gao Qing two people heard the words, and it is also a big joy.

Three county soldiers and horses, there are 100,000!

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