The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 13 of the Three Kingdoms

"It seems to go to Luoyang again."

Liu Yuxin has already had a care.

If you want to seek an Jue, of course, from the power of the Luoyang, he has not forgotten that he is in Luoyang City, and there is a famous teacher.

He is, Cai Wei!

Cai Wei, is the father of Cai Wenji, and a few big Confucianism only.

Perhaps it sounds there is not so cocktile, but in fact, the three countries are the world of Haizhong.

In the Romance, after Xiangli Tiger, Dong Zhuo Zhuo entered Beijing, and how did Zhang Hao, never hurt him, but give him a high official, gathered, and you can see the components of this teacher.

Dong Zhuoxu is a moving Cai Wei, that is, with the heavens who are enemies, and his hand under his hand will not sit on such a situation.

Liu Wei wore increasingly found that some details of this different time and space have different details have been different from the history books.

Cai Wei in history should be exiled by the bullets. This world is a resignation in Luoyang.

Liu Hao is in front of Luoyang, and it is worshiping under Cai Yumen.

This big ~~ leg, do you have any reason?

Chapter 13, a little Loli

Take the teacher's name and visit the teacher and the sky.

Teacher's headbrowse, is a common thing in this era.

Liu Wei searched for the memory of the mind, the teacher Cai Wei seems to have recently held a big Confucian in Luoyang.

Thinking of this, Liu Hao immediately put down the affairs of Zhuangli, and started to get to Luoyang.

Since the name of hundreds of famous yellow towel thieves, Liu Yizheng shocked the farmers.

In addition, the Qingzhuang in the Wongmin has become a family, and the family has reached more than one hundred people, and no one will dare to Liu Fu.

Everything in the family has Cao Zhengqi, Liu Wei is very safe.

Zhanzhen managed the same township, and there are also wells, and the plan to open the wilderness finally embarked on the right track.

As the saying goes, the spring is long, spring is a season of farming, Liu Wei sent a batch of grain seeds, and the people who have been hot in the sky, sowing food.

In the spring breeze, Liu Hao is on the road, and it is going to Luoyang, and only the exagidan from the Cai Wei and the night battle.

Originally, Cao Zheng, worried that Liu Wei met a thief, asked him to bring some people, the result was rejected by Liu Wei, there is two martial arts value super high bodyguards around, Liu Hao wants anything.

On the one day, I finally arrived in Luoyang. Liu Wei looked at the majestic city walls of more than 20 feet in front of him, and sighed: "This is Luoyang City!"

Cai Wei smiled: "I didn't have to come to Luoyang, and it is much more lively than Chen."

There are still many hawkers under the wall, and the exaggerations are right, and suddenly, I'm really curious: "The Lord is not in Luoyang, why is it sigh?"

That's more ...

Liu Wei smiled and said: "Every time I come to Luoyang, there is always a new feeling."

"That is also."

Exhibition is driving, watching the eyes, saying: "The Lord, only look at Luoyang, who can think of the miserable situation of other states."

Luoyang stabilizes the economic center of the whole world, and the business dealence shoulders, the street shop is full of people, and any city in the United States is more prosperous.

Don't blow it, Luoyang City at this time, it seems to have not affected by the Yellow Towel Army, the same appearance on the surface.

However, Liu Wei is understanding the truth of peace.

In the county of Luoyang City, I saw the trail of many lifeline activities. It was in Luoyang City, and it was much more than the past.

A few years ago, the yellow towel was chaotic, and the foundation of the Eastern Han Dynasty was shaken directly, and the contradiction between the Zhongzhong Chen's Emphasis and the General March, and it has also reached the hide.

At present, what is the power of the other party's control is slightly more powerful than the officials.

He Jin himself, there is no big talents, I feel that I haven't worry about the party, so I have contacted the West-Demai Dong Zhuo as a member.

"How is it bustling, as long as Dong Zhuo is coming, I can't escape the destruction of the destruction, I will give me the time, I have been there."

Liu Wei shook his head secretly.

He is clear in his heart. At this time, the Han Room is still very stable on the surface of the court, in fact, it has been jeopardized.

After a few months, the first of the Western Series made the generals in the second side of the two fires, that is, the 20,000-wheeled iron ride stepped into Luoyang.

At that time, Dong Zhuo hand gave a strong army, and he couldn't be swollen. He would put your court in the eyes.

Liu Wei sat in the carriage, the Caiwei guard, Zhao Zhao drove into the city, went to the house of Cai Wei.

Zhan Zhao listened to Liu Wei's words, deeply affiliated with Liu Wei's vision.

Since I worship the Lord, I naturally I will be willing to completely wear, however, how can people receive so many fair than cumbersome people, and the long-distance perspective, there must be its truth.

Driving, drive!

At this time, there is a luxurious carriage on Luoyang, there is a luxurious carriage that is galloping, and the car is slamming the whip, and the two horses racing the car are fast.

If the pedestrians are avoided, they are directly knocked on the ground. Zhao pulled the reins, and Liu Wei felt the carriage bumps, but frowning glanced, when they worch, the car came to a arrogant voice: "Wei San, hurry up, these damn people will also dare to block me."


The car is loud, the speed has been soared, and Liu Hao is turned. I saw a dirty girl in front of the front street in front of the front street.

This little girl is slim, it looks more than eight ~ nine years old, the clothes are shabby, the face is also black, but Liu Yizhen is too powerful, and it seems that the little girl's clear appearance, seems to be a beautiful embryo, she is blocking The road that rushed into the road, there was no knowledge.

Be hit by this horse, even the adult may have a few bones. This little girl does not have to think too much. It is hit on the spot. It is possible.

When this is a dangerous, the little girl finally has a sense of feelings.

She looked up, looked at the two horses that came around, and the bright big eyes were all desperate emotions.

"Brother, I am dying ..."

The little girl made a dream of the same voice, and the thin body shuffling.

The top floor of the station of the street, there is also a pair of tight look at everything that happened on the street.

The eyes are quiet and cold, and it is like the fairy in the sky, and the beauty is very beautiful.

The owner of the beauty is wearing a red clothes. The more you put it out of her skin, the skin is like a general, the body is just beautiful, but it is just behind the thin veil, but it is not true, but add a little mystery. Elegant.

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