The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 1300 of the Three Kingdoms

After he kill the barbaries, he called: "Zhu Xu is too stunned, Meng Da has been ?"

"Who told me?"

Zhu Zhizhong is not high, but the martial art is a bit, and the head is rushing, and it should be looked up.

It is place where the Zhang Wei is hundreds of meters.

Zhang Wei caught the knife and lealed the knife. He lied Meng Da with his hand.

"Haha! Sure enough, Meng Da!"

Zhu Zhizhi, the heart is big, the heart is shocking, but he is cut off by Zhang Wei ...

The head is rolling and falling, and the eyes of Zhu Zhu have risen, still do not dare to confuse before death!

After Zhang Wei, after Zhu Zhu, she took the Mennda closed ...

This Yongchang County soldiers more than 30,000, tonight, a mixed war, the death is over 10,000, the rest has become a downward.

The entire Yongchang County has also been pursued from the West Road Ma Chaaujun to the official.

"The main public, I am also a thing, I have been chair with the high-definition threat, please ask the main public to width, and I will give you Chengdu in my year."

Meng Da was brought to Liu Wei by Jinyiwei, he didn't say two words, slammed down, hugged with a gargar!

He instantly pushed all the sinfulness to Zhu Wei, and his gesture was very low.

Unfortunately, how can Liu Wei be cheated by him?

"Good one is not!"

Liu Wei smiled, with the mouth: "Gong is good, I have a job in Chengdu, you are a good fortune, weighing is not difficult. If you are diligent, there is always a promotion day, you gather people, don't want to sit One is the throne? "

"Come on, drag down!"


Cao Shaoqin has the same 2.9, the white hair eagle, and it is very good, one hand will make the accounts.

After the last scream, Meng Da killed pigs happened to stop.

Liu Yuer also came to the system prompt:

"Congratulations to the host, successfully killed Meng Da!"

"Congratulations to the host, Meng Da, Zhu Xi, Gao Ding three people, Yizhou three counties are fixed, and the extra reward is 1000 points!"

Mei Xi!

Liu Hao nodded and hired Zhang Wei for a long time.

"You are Zhang Wei?"

Liu Wei turned, glanced at this general of this chandlian, and at the same time, a sudden illusion was lost ...

[First is more sent, seek automatic subscription and reward ...].

The first thousand one hundred and twenty-three chapters are like a broken bamboo, shocked, the king!

- 88, intelligence 72, political 68, power rate 83!

Stunt, loyalty: Zhang Wei fights brave, loyal, very good!

When its loyalty is more than 90 or more, force +2!

Note: Zhang Yizhong is in the heart of the Han, the current loyalty of Zhang Wei, is 98 points, has successfully triggered the loyalty special skill!

"Listening to Kong Ming said, you caught Meng Da, very good!"

Liu Hao nodded, Zhang Wei is nine feet, tiger's back bear, a rare tiger bear army!

I heard Liu Wei called, he pushed the mountain, the pillar of the jade column, holding the box: "Meng Dazhi is a small person, trying to collide Nanban, take a criminal, everyone is got, the end will send him to the road ! "

"Zhong Yong Ke ..."

Liu Wei said that: "Zhang General kills Mengda, but the first work in Ping Yongchang County, I will be the general of the loyalty today, temporarily lead Yongchang County Taishou, stabilize the situation, I will reuse again!"

"The end will be ... Thanks to the master's grace, the main public"

Zhang Wei is excited.

Before he did this, he did not enhance the biased, it was not awkward, and even Liu Wei did not hear his name ...

Today, I was awarded by Liu Wei, and the four products of the Yuma, and it was already in the middle of the name!

Why don't you really envy! ?

Zhongzhong will, the eyes of the eyes are on the body, and the hearts of Liu Hao have deepected their loyalty.

As long as it is known as the Chu Wang, the awards are less than! !


Liu Wei suddenly didn't seem to have thought of what, asked: "Zhang Wei, Meng Da is changing with the king, how much do you know?"

Zhang Yu Hou said: "The Lord, this is not the same, the barbarium Meng won, mad," said that the enemy, he took the leader of the Nanban, integrated with the army, preparing for the North Shanghong Plains, seized Yizhou! "

"Today's chaos, the messenger of the Wang Meng, will die in a general arrow, I am afraid that I will get news, I will get news, I sent Yongchang County!"

The military divisions under Liu Hao have grown down.

Zhuge Liang asked: "Barbarian Wang Meng won the Sanjiang City in the west of Yongchang County, this land is three sides of the river, but it is the land of odd, the barbarian is rough. If you can induce the enemy take the initiative, this is a good thing, just don't know How is the army of the lady ... "

The customs of all parts are different.

Nanbu disadvantages, Ru Mao is drinking, to some extent, there are many cultural backwards, can be called a barbarian!

Liu Wei searched for memory, I remembered a thing, asked: "The philosopherman said that in this barbarian, there is a rhinoceros cavalry, and if there is a cavalry, is there anything?"

Zhang Wei was slightly smashed, shaking his head: "The end will only know, the people of the barbarian, there is a surgery, how is it, but it also knows limited ..."

"Okay, let's take it first!"

Liu Wei put his hand and said.

After the screen returned, Guo Jia said: "The main public, Chen thought that he was fighting with the barbarian, our army will win!"

Liu Wei asked: "Why is this saying?"

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