The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 1310 of the Three Kingdoms

I saw it, and the account door is open, a beautiful woman full of wild charm, moving the doubles of the Changyuan Garden | Legs, twisting the waist, come in ...

After her back, I also have two tiger bear and fierce bodyguards, and the momentum is extraordinary.


Meng won a lot of laugh: "Han people have a sentence, saying is right, the victory is the military event, now there are two joins, so they can reverse the situation, and the defeat is better!"

"Waiting for us to kill Chu army, occupy Yizhou, you can score the site, no longer need to worry about food!"

Meng wanted to use the power of the two, the attitude is still very correct, and the bones nodded. He said: "What is the Chu army, I see them are waste! Can you hurt my vine troops half a minute? I have to give my brother sooner or later revenge!"

30,000 vine troops, knife guns, flexibility than Meng's fierce rhinoceros cavalry can be strong!

There is also a blend of, not 300 but beautiful, and also got a secret surgery, the snow white root arm, wearing ten shank flying knives.

The flying knife is out, the case is no vacant, very powerful!

There is these two to force the joins, the barbarian people finally calm down.

In the end, it is still a decision to make a decision: "Tomorrow, the whole army will fight again, be sure to catch Chu Wang, revenge and hate!"

One | Night has no talent.

Earlier the next morning, Meng won the people of all directions of the barbarian, and the bones and bones.

Almost all the soldiers of all barbaries are here.

Three-way drum, horn sound.

Chu Jun Ji Long flag, covering the sky.

, ,

The military and blood of the Chu army is really a great army! ?

It is worth more than!

I wish a pair of beautiful spirits to lock the majestic Kowloon Tianti's chariot under the violent umbrella, and the heart is slightly foolish.

Chu Wang live people, how is it! ?

[Fourth, there is another chapter in the evening plus more, seeking automatic seeking to reward and ask ...].

The first thousand one hundred thirty-one chapter Zhuge Liang masonry, one will become a harder!

The knife gun does not enter a vine troper? Zhuge Liang masonry!

Many Wang Meng, and ran to the front of the battle, it is a look of a pair of heroismatics ...

"Hey! Who is looking for a peeping?"

Liu Wei sat in the Jiulong's royal, and the emperor of the emperor was quenched by the emperor.

Suddenly I feel that some people seem to peak him, when the heart is brach, the five senses are mad, instantly reverse locking the bailout!


Congratulations to the host, Tianzi looks at the moment, the use is successful!

Zhu Rong - Wuli 91, Intelligence 76, Politics 64, Positive rate 84, Charm 93!

Stunt 1, flying knife: Zhu Rong once taught flying knife gods, perfuming!

When I use the flying knife, I will +3!

If the enemy and the basic force are different from five o'clock, force +2!

Stunt 2, Imprisoner: Zhu Rui is behind the ancient branches, flowing down in Nanbai, for the truth of the beast, there is extra relatives and bonus!

"This girl is good. 13 ... If you can use it ..."

In the eyes of Liu Wei, the golden purple flashed, like the starry, and the Zhu Rong was completely seen.

Single theory, the skin is healthy and wheat color, naturally, is a little bit a few beautiful.

However, she has a wild unique charm that can arouse people to conquer her!

Don't say her crop special skills, it is simply unreasonable!


The opposite Zhu Rong is a condensed, and the heart is intuitive. The opposite is above the Jiulong Yushu, and it seems to sit with a high emperor, overlooking everything!

Zhu Richeng swayed, did not dare to look at it, panic and recovered.

"Chu Wang only uses his eyes, just scare me ... is so powerful !?"

A wonderful, quietly emerged, and even the Meng in the side shouted her, she did not know ...

"Actually live on the battlefield? What is this woman thinking!"

The barbarian Wang Meng shook his head, and the bones: "Today's battle, you will look at the rattang army!"

"I am afraid of an egg!"



Tens of thousands of Fujikai began to play!

Liu Zhen nodded and schematically conducted according to the established operational plan, and the order was transferred.

The first game is the West, Master Ma.

"Barbarian, who is going to die today?"

Ma Wei's hand is hovering the horse, and the horses are horses in front of the battle.

"Made! Chu will actually be so mad!"

A horse, a horse, a long knife, hopped, killing out!

The two knives came to the gun, and he did dozens of batches. Ma Yu was hung, and he returned.

Finish the horse to walk.

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