The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 1341 of the Three Kingdoms

Cao Cao nodded and put his hand on the horseback, said: "The people are long, I have been long long, please go to bed!"

Under the leadership of Cao Cao, all family families began to board the high platform.

All the people are sitting, they can't help but use Cao Cao.

It is found that this person is only about six or five, and the body is not tall, and the face is more uncomfortable, and the heart is done to have a little thought.

Murong Tribe's Great Murongjian took the lead in holding the box: "Haha! Wei Hou invited me to enter the customs, it is a wise person!"

Cao Cao smashed his eyes, did not speak, the Sima Yi, who was dressed in his body, standing out, and said: "Wei Hou admires the strength of all nationalities, specially established today's alliance meetings ..."

"My Master Wei Hou, willing to cut into the Yanmen County in the state, one county in Liaodong to all people, each family can send tens of thousands, set the grassland coalition army, stationed in Yanmen County, and everyone will attacked mutual assistance, some are beneficial!"

It's not amazing!

Sima Yi's proposal, it is simply falling down the pie!

The grassland is beginning to discuss, and finally still greedy. The Xianbei king step is directly asked Cao Cao: "Wei Hou, you propose, but since?"

Xianbei, Wuhuang, hanging | midwhere, but is in a weak position, the mentality has not twisted, no one has occupied the big man soil, but the entry will be robbed, grab the food and women.

"There is a sentence in the Central Plains, called gentleman, hurry, a whip!"

Cao Cao laughed and said: "I am willing to be the brothers, and jointly guarded the North. As long as you face the war in the north, he attacked mutual help, standing on a line!"

Step by step, you can sit on the location of the Xianbei King, naturally not a stupid, heart suddenly started to count: Hey! It turned out that Cao Cao was a small elf, which was afraid of the grassland army to flush, in his back, plugged him a knife!

The land of this year, at least a million foreign doors.

No matter which angle thinks, the root will feel that you have no rejection!

,, | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Sure enough, Murong Xianbei's Murong is stunned.

Then, Tuoba 240 Xiangtui Duo Liki, also agreed.

The backbone of several Xianbei is expressed as accepting this aspect.

Alone can come out: "I refuse!"

"What! What can I refuse !?"

"Haha! This idiot is definitely the last battle, scared!"

"It's really a shame of the grassland man!"

Frequently, Wuhuang's ethnic groups began to laugh at the ratio.

Only Cao Cao is smart, and the essence is flashing, asked: "This is sincere, why is the leader?"

: "The grassland is free, you can play the horses Mercedes, is where my soul is!"

The step is swaying, haha ​​laughs: " ! You can fight in the same time, the courage is gone, hurry back to the grassland to graze, we will stay in a few, just leave meat!"

Every family laughed together.

Cao Cao is not very concerned, the leader of this Xianbei tribe, it is not worth spending a lot of money, a bit of Wei Hou's price ...

[First more sent, seek flowers, evaluate the vote is a wave ...].

The first thousand one hundred and fifty-eight chapters of the tiger Sima Yi's plan!

In the laughter of everyone, he can say that he will take his own hand and leave the grand scene.

The general of the general is very unhappy. It is very unhappy. When you look back in a few tribes, I will ask: "The leader, why not stay today, as long as you stay, this Liaodong County and Yanmen County are less than us. Meat eat !! "

The hole opened, in the future, the world of flowers, may not be a place where you are! "

Tell the end, or the bait that Cao Cao is thrown out, it is too attractive.

It's a touch of the face, saying: "You know, how is this Cao Cao started? Today, Sima Yi talking, is it?"

Everyone got, asked: "The leader! Who is he!"

"Yes, this benefit is not taken, you must be rooted with a few tribes!"

"What a pity!"


3 3 3 It is inevitable that the circle is undoubted! "


: "I have read Han people a book, called wants to take it first, must first give it ... Just as Cao Cao did it today, step by root these idiots, thinking that it has been a big benefit, Happy, don't have to regret it !! "

The ratio of the Han people's books is Sen: "There is between the Han people, but also mutual accounting. When the white horse in the year, the wind is in the wind, we are all afraid of him three points! But by Yuan Shaoxian crimped!"

"Now this Central Plains, is a strong Chu Wang to do the owner. He is a positive thing to defeat Cao Cao, Yuan Shao, etc. Zhongyuan, the Millions of coalition forces, once Chu Wang and Cao play, step by the roots and other people, as long as Cao Cao Strong, they are the cannon fodder to resist the king of Chu !! "

Everyone wiped the forehead cold sweat and wishes: "The leader is far away, I am waiting for it!"

The generals have been asked: "The leader, then we don't do anything?"

Animal husband, all are our! "

The public will be big, and we will wear: "The leader is high, and the leader must become the strongest king in Xianbei!"

Yanmen County.

Cao Cao is gather together with the martial arts under his hand.

The army teacher is , worry: "The main public, it is not right, this is like something to observe!"

Cao Cao smiled Xiaoying, huh, huh, "This is the ratio can be the grassland, the idea, the non-average person can, he must return to the grassland to save!"

The general summer Hou is blood airsty: "Do you want to do him at the end?"

"Forget it!"

Cao Cao raised his hand and pressed.

The play is said: "Go back to Wei Hou! Most people have moved into the county in the mainland, left to these grassland alien, inevitably be an air!"

Cao Yu also said: "The child has checked it, and the roots of 100,000 gold tribes have the cavalry, Xianbei Murong Tribe, Tuoba Tribe, each is more than 70,000 people, plus those small tribes, 300,000 It is basically a cavalry, but it is not all brought to the scene! "

300,000 iron rides! !

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