The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 1345 of the Three Kingdoms

During this time, I will recruit a tens of thousands of female soldiers, and it is 50,000 female soldiers.

Japanese | Japanese drill array outside the city, theory of fighting power, it is actually weaker than the general elite army!

Especially Mu Guiying, Lu Yuling, Liang Hongyu and other women will be the people of martial arts, and they are ordinary martial arts, and they are not their opponents ...

"Calculate the time, don't have to be used for more than one month, the class teacher Jinling ..."

He has suddenly thinks about what it is, laughing: "I took a break in this few days to see Xiao Liu ..."

After setting up with Chang'an City defense, Liu Wei directly tripped directly, and turned into Jinling Emperor.

The flag is fluttering along the way, and there are ten miles away.

There is a special effect of Liu Hao's marching speed, which is better than usual, and it has come to Jinling Emperor.

Huanglong Navy, riding a boat to the sea, and come faster, it will return to Jinling in the early month.

Today, Yan Li is just escorted the prisoner, came to Jinling City ...

"This is the island of Southern, it looks like a six-foot child?"

"The exquisite, describe it is ugly!"

"Oh! Dare to take us Jinling, it is simply to die!"

At this time, the Han people are very exclusive, especially for the Fu Sang, which is to invade the Han people's homes, but no face ...

Continuously there are people who have lost their arbitrage leaves, stinky eggs into the prisoner, this group of ...

The is a prisoner, which has long been scared, and the scream of the prisoner is full of desperation!

At this time, the former Joint Jinyiwei was arrogant, and he came to Qi Jiguang Ma, holding a box: "He General, Chu Wang driving, already outside ten miles!"

Chu Wang! ?

Qi Jiguang heard the words, and the heart suddenly excited.

As the saying goes, learn civil wealth, goods and emperors.

Liu Wei is what he is recognized!

Qi Jiguang read the military book battle, martial arts, it is for such a day, can personally kill the thief for Liu Wei!

"Stop entering the army! First push it to the side, otherwise the people placed the cooking leaves and eggs, too embarrassing!"

Qi Jiguang is slightly sinking, and there is a decision immediately!

When the hand, the tiger camp soldiers are cleaning up the scene, the flag general Zhou Cang has led the tiger to the tiger ...


Zhou Cang is a bit surprised to look at Qi Jiguang led his hands and soldiers. In the quite adjustment of the formation, a prisoner is pushed behind the crowd.

Zhou Cang followed Liu Wei from the northwest. At this time, we didn't recognize who it is.

What didn't think of Lu Shuzhen is that Liu Wei's Kowloon Yuki is coming, and the people around him, suddenly ignorant, everyone is excited, shouted: "Long live in Chu Wang!"

"Long live in Chu!"

"Long live in Chu!"

This mountain calls the sound of the tsunami, almost clutch the dome, the earthquake, the eardrum!

Looking at the respect of the people, Liu Wei was shocked by Liu Wei, and the heart was shocked. He hurriedly drove the horse to Zhou Cang, holding the box: "At the end, he said to the general, please bring the general!"

"You are Qi Jiguang?"

Zhou Cang heard, slightly stunned, and then bowed this figure in front of this figure, Haha laughed: "It turned out to be a hundred hometown courage, weighing the Tour of the TenGui, the hero of the generals, famous Three Army, this time, the main public will be rewarded! "

"Don't dare!"

Qi Jiguo quickly held his punch and did not have a brightener |

At this time, Li Lianying, who was on the side of Liu Wei, called: "Which is the general of Qi Jiguang? Chu Wang has you!"

Qi Jiguang heard, immediately rushing down the horse, followed Li Lianying, before going to Kowloon Yuzhen, single knee, slammed, loudly said: "At the end of Qi Jiguang, see Chu Wang!"

The curtain is gently, Liu Wei came out from the car driving, and he was satisfied with a little smile: "I killed the thief leader, killing more than 10,000 people, and the general is the tiger!"

[Fifth is more sending, the monthly ticket is added, and the automatic subscription is to subscribe, and only a few more than a few more ...].

The first thousand one hundred and sixty-two chapters Liu Wei's anti-day daughter!

It's really happy!

Liu Wei taught between, and waved the sleeve, and the emperor of the joyous clouds was really strong. After the air escaped, there was a codes in the air, and the Qi Jiguang could not help but stand up.

"The main public ... actually has such strength !?"

Qi Jiguang was shocked!

He itself is a gentleman, a knife, a tiger, the martial arts, but by Liu Hao, but it does not resist the room.

Liu Wei is really super common!

Qi Jiguang is more respectful, holding boxing: "The battle of Qingzhou Donglai County, all by the old generals, the enemy, lead Zhang Wei and others, kill the thief, there is a yellow dragon water teacher, the battle is overwhelming in the East China Sea On, calling 40,000 thieves feeding fish shrimp ... The last will, do not dare to work! "


Liu Wei nodded with satisfaction.

The legendary character summon card of the king level may be one of the highest extraction costs!

"He will not have to be self-modest, you can't invade Huaxia, and you can't make it so much ... After lonely!"

Liu Wei took the shoulder of the shot, and he said with a long time.

"Is it ..."

Qi Jiguang's majesty, the heart is dark; is it about Chu Wang wants to Turguide the sea, and it will support Sandong Island! ?

"Hejun can start to prepare from tiger camp, pick up 30,000 elite soldiers, according to the combat characteristics of the , more training, and there will be big use in the future!"

Liu Hao once again passed a news, and he said that he said: "Make me the Chinese, although it will be far away, I will have to take this Fusan!"


Qi Jiguang turns, the brain seems to have a thunder, can't think, slammed to the ground, hold a box: "A certain qualification is dull, the main public does not give up, so the end is willing to live, be the master of the horse Little pawn, do our best to help the Lord, take the Island, and achieve the hegemony of the world! "

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