The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 1350 of the Three Kingdoms

"Meng won the lottery, and the commander soldiers were committed to the army, the army of the Annan, the gods, the god soldiers who gave the soldiers, and the gods were one!"

"Sha Mo Ke is a person who has led the tribe to surrender, deeply righteous, and seals the generals of all, the god soldiers who gave the soldiers, and Baojia!"

"Meng Youfeng is ..."

The barbarians have been swallowed by Liu Wei, and there is no other way to say in the future ...

They only have a road, then participate in Liu Wei's Mammand, which is loyal to Liu Wei!

"Fighting the cavalry to strengthen training, maintaining the number of three thousand, the rhinoceros cavalry is only more than 20,000 rides!"

Liu Wei is preparing to use the Mammaking Army as a fate of the ace, specially pulled the Meng.

"Oh, you can rest assured!"

Meng won the reward, the heart is joining, the chest is shining, and I have a nod.

Meng's hurt is the king of Nanban!

Although it is not good at confident, he helps Liu Wei communicates the tribe, or it can have a steady victory.

At this time, Liu Wei commanded, and Meng was in the heart. It is planned to go back to grasp this thing ...

Today, I boarded the Han Emperor, the three armies were up and down, almost everyone got a reward, which can be happy ...

A box of money has moved up, some of the generals of work, even more holding the gold bang and smirk!

Follow Liu Hao, as long as you listen to the command, then it is rushing all the way, never breaks!

Winning, there is still money, isn't it a beautiful?

On the campus, the atmosphere is very enthusiastic.

Liu Wei is the god in 10,000 people!

[Fourth more sent, there are additional additions to the evening, seek automatic subscriptions ...].

The first thousand one hundred and sixty-six chapters of the pseudohen level legendary summon!

"Congratulations to the host, distinguished penalty, the soldiers worship, the value of the worship increase, the current worship value is 160,700!"

"Congratulations to the host, with the emperor of the emperor, so that the will be worshiped, the value of the worship is increased, the current worship is 162809!"

"Congratulations to the host, 100,000 soldiers have admired the host, the worship value increased, the current worship value is 163000 ..."

When the worship value jumped to 160,000, the speed of the worship rose, finally gradually slowed down ...

Feel another wave of rewards waiting to open, Liu Yuxin is full of expectations, greece: "Li Guang, you can arrange it, let the Yuki in the house tonight, set the banquet in the palace, entertain civil and military group!"

"Lower minister, obey!"

I got Liu Wei ordered, and Li Lianying turned to do it.

The night is coming soon, the new emperor is celebrated, the Tiantian celebrates, Jinling City, everywhere, is more than the glow of the four families of Jiangdong, and treats people from the group.

Just say a "new emperor", you can have a strong rice, big fish, good meat, good wine, beautiful, eat a meal ...

"Hey! New Huang Dengji, we also followed!"

"Brothers, are you from Qingzhou accent?"

"That is ... I heard that the emperor, I want to swim, specially from Qingzhou to eat this meal ..."

"The old brother, you earn ... The emperor this time, it will inevitably marry the lady, you can still eat again ..."

Liu Wei is also a minor, handed over to the major families to do, completely, but asked the specific operation.

He is now in the nine-five respect, if you have trouble, you have to be tired sooner or later!

After drinking a few cups under the hands, Liu Hao has suddenly heard a system prompt:


"Congratulations to the host, the mission subsequent reward has been successfully issued, please check the host!"

Reward is in place! ?

Liu Hao spirit slightly like a slight shock.

This wave of rewards, at least there is a supreme god-level item, and you have no friends!

The awareness is moved, the storage space is now there have been a few things!

Liu Hao immediately recruited Li Lianying, told him to entertain everyone, slipped himself.

After you enter a secluded inner temple, Liu Wei began to check the news:

"Congratulations to the host, politics, charm attribute breakthrough full value, fusion rewards pseudo-god level legendary characters summon card!"

"Congratulations to the host, get a milestone achievement - 95th, rewarding the worship value of 5000 points!"

"Congratulations to the host, successfully became the emperor of the big man, got an emperor's designated character summon card (with hidden tasks)!"

Lying in a slot? !

Pseudohen Legend Legend Human Summon Card? !

Liu Wei is slightly smashed, and you will be big!

This wave of rewards is really unprecedented!

"Plus this wave of rewards, the worship value has reached a terrible 21,2090 point ... It is second to respect the tenth!"

Liu Wei wants to be more comfortable!

This feels, simply cool, don't explain!

Shen Ding Head, Liu Wei directly communicates system: "This emperor is specified for the character summon card, what kind of people do?"

"This call will be designated as a building class, please know!"

"This is a good ... Building a Soul Tower ... I can use it later!"

Between Liu Wei, flashing , direct decision: first open super lucky permissions, then directly specify the emperor level legendary summon!


"Congratulations to the host, won the wonderful loved ones, the gods stop!"

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