The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 1355 of the Three Kingdoms

However, Gongsun's big sister is the big sister in the red shoes, but it is not only to be able to accomplish, only to hear, his wrist is lifted, and the sleeves have a sword sound!

Seeing a sharp sword light, it is necessary to bloom in this dark, but the Gongshun, but the wrist is like a very gentle and powerful hand ...

Her long sword can't even be a sheath! !

I have been taken away by the man in front of the man! ?

"This ... how is this possible !?"

Gongshan Lan Xinzhi swayed, forgot the camouflage, the back of the people, the people's skin mask on the face, and the people on the face fell down ...

A beautiful and delicious, suddenly showed it, just a beautiful, Taliff, is incredible ...

"Who are you? How can there be ...

Gongshunlan was shocked ...

Her arrogance is extraordinary, don't mention the peerless sword dance, walking on the rivers and lakes for a few years, how many incarnation, have already opened the name of the top masters!

Even good things, I also follow the peerless enchanting enchanting of the black wood cliff!

However, she can't do it in front of Liu Wei, even the sword! ?

What is this means!

"Your problem is too much ..."

Liu Hao blinked to Gong Sunshun, smiled and smiled: "It's raining outside, can you send me to the restaurant?"

"of course!"

Gongshanlan smiled and promised.

When Liu Wei turned into an umbrella, she suddenly wearing red shoes, it was light on the ground, and the whole person seems to have no weight, and it is moving toward the roof ...

"This person is unleadage ... first escape, and slowly investigate him!"

Gongshun Lan's heart is growing, the weather is flowing, and the body law has already launched twelve.

It's already a rushing roof between it, just ...


She has brought the arms of Liu Wei straight!

Gongshun, ""

This situation is like she is holding Hua!

Liu Wei smiled and swept away his chest | before the two groups soft | soft tactile, one hand of the umbrella, always tried to carry Gong Sunlais.

The shrinking is inch, and it is floating to the restaurant.

"It turns out ... a person's light power can go to such a realm ..."

Gongsunlan is lightweight, and half is half-legged in Liu Wei.

Her smart brain didn't know what is going on, but only see Liu Wei without a half-point murder, otherwise it is just the sword, I can take her life directly ...


"Congratulations to the host, defeat and live public grandchildren, extra reward 4000 points! Trigger the task: take the red shoes organization!"

"Do you accept the red shoes organization? Just accept this big sister Gongshun, you can ..."

Liu Hao smiled carefully, with a beautiful slim, found a place to let the window, then got a table of wine.

The two are sitting in the side of the side, and the guys on the food shook their heads: Ying Zai Fengyi, really is a pair of gods!

"You ... what do you want to do?"

Gongshun, whose heart is depressed.

It's a light job that I am proud, it is like this young people, just like a child is at home ...

"There is such martial arts in this world, absolutely no more than ten people!"

Gongshan Lanqun got a green and jade, suddenly said: "The Emei is alone, the sword is doubled seven or forty-nine kills, I don't have a knife, you don't match the sword, grow more than him. 10,000 times, naturally it is not him! "

Liu Wei smiled and said: "If you guise, I put you ..."

Gongshan Lan Mei suddenly looked up, then: "The most young and terrible swordsman in the rivers and lakes blows snow, never wear a white shirt, killing a sword without blood, you can't be him!"


Liu Wei drinks a drink, shakes his head ...

It is really ignorant of Maotham.

Gong Sun Lanxun said: "I have seen Xigumei blowing snow, I have seen his sword ... He is alone, but it is like lightning, but it is absolutely not worth you!"

"Baiyun City Lord Ye Hall, a sword, flying fairy, like a miracle, he did not appear in the rivers and lakes for a long time, is it ...

Gongshun Lan is like a curious little girl, discovering a big secret!

It's hard to imagine that this spicy and killing red shoes leader, there will be such a innocent side!

"What is the flying flying in the sky? Have the opportunity to be a while ..."

Liu Wei squatted out of the window, between the eyes, a purple gold mood.

With his current martial arts, the ordinary martial arts cheats have not been used at all.

It's a flaw in a broken eye!

But he is a bit interest in this kind of sword " " known as the people who do not exist in the world.

As long as the sword gods are fast, they can absorb, as the fertilizer nutrients of Liu Yuwu, only the martial arts Tongshen, can be 2.3 a voyage of Changsheng ...

Can break the breakthrough!

"Isn't it ... Ye Shan?"

Gongshan Silan is gradually lifting, exhaling is blue: "Then there is only the first son of the world, spring | dreamless, no trace, in line with respect!"

"Spring | Dream is not trace ..."

Liu Yu held a wine glass of the wine, finally had a stagnation ...

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