The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 1365 of the Three Kingdoms

The left is cold, and I said a few words in Liu Yuri.

With the window, you can see Duan Tianya to marry, this two roofs are above the roof, and some people are constantly getting up, disappearing in the dark night ...

Lu Xiaofeng looked at Liu Wei and found that he was more and more instead!

On Liu Wei, as if cover a layer of fog!

Until the people of the purple palace, he left the gods ...

"The master still doesn't go?"

Lu Xiaofeng stood up and found that the master of the party and the long, the two were standing in the window, looking at the back of the Ziyan Palace, asking for shortness.


Master of the Foundation Gao Xuan, a Buddha, shocked: "Purple Palace, this is a lot of things in the rivers and lakes!"

The long way is deeply awkward, and the long must be moved, and it is aesthetic.

Lu Xiaofeng glanced, said: "If it is not the same, I can't believe that the Shaolin Temple is in the mouth of Wudang's head, actually said this!"

"Because ... he is a martial arts myth!"

"No trace] is the Purple Palace master !?"

Lu 560 Xiaofefeng's understanding is completely submerged!

The master of the party is serious: "You have not seen the Purple Palace take the initiative, never know how terrible he is!"

In fact, Lu Xiaofeng has already seen Liu Wei shot.

Just think of Liu Wei's things that are shocking, still shocking speechless.

"I used to serve the big law in the morning, the Dafa is dozens of years. The Eastern is unbeaten is a sunflower magic and suppress the black wood cliff, the invincible room ..."

Rushing the road, he hit a chill, continued: "But these two people are defeated in a person!"

"Zi Yan Palace Lord? What is he calendar?"

"The old and rushing the brothers have not been investigated for a few years, but there is still no more news, but the first Zhuang owner in the world, I also gave him a spring | Dream of no trace!"

Huadu Hall is sighing: "This person seems to be the same, mysterious and powerful! If it is not my eyes, it is blindly, it will seek this not to see what is the long ..."

Lu Xiaofeng touched his nose and smiled: "You still don't want to see it, because I have been self-defeating to suicide ..."

[The third is more distributed, the flowers are different, seek flowers, evaluation tickets ...].

Chapter 1,799, ice beauty!


Everyone looked at Liu Wei disappeared back, and the gods were awesome, and the master of Shaolin Temple was a hand of ten, and the eyes were like to see God Buddha, muttered: "Zi Yan Palace, martial arts!"

Purple Palace, martial arts myth!

In a hidden valley outside the city, it is full of disciples in the purple coat.

Everyone uses a kind of admiring to the extreme eyes, looking at this distinguished young people who step into the valley.

This man, mysterious and powerful!

Shangguan Feiyan footed is lightly followed by Liu Wei, but it is still looking up from time to time, and the beauty looks at Liu Wei, full of obsessed love.

Hawthrough for decades, creating a Tsing Yi Building, caged from 10,000 people, enough to be called a peerless!

But there is a ratio of young people in front of you, but nothing!

At least, Huo Hu is unable to let so many peerless masters in front of Liu Wei.

"Ben, see the palace owner, fortunately, not to humiliate, it has been chasing this!"

A Chinese-year-old man, who is in black, squatting in an ignorant.

Shangguan Fei Yanmei is slightly glanced, and he recognizes that this person is a middle-aged man who escaped from the ninth floor of the Xianju Building ...

The Confucian middle-aged people are still standing with a 737 dry old man, and a face is indifferent.

I listened to Liu Wei to laugh: "Yue Hui law is more comfortable, Mo Hou's martial arts is also very refined!"

Under the gas of the emperor, everyone's cultivation is invisible.

Zuo Chan Zen, Yue Yue did after the death of Liu Wei, there was a stronger, a force of ninety-seven, a force ninety-six!

In contrast, there is only 94 points of martial arts of Hengshan Jieutang, and after the practice of Liu Yushan, it has also been in the same year.

A few people who have a peerless master, after I saw Liu Hao, I still worshiped in the ground, I didn't dare to have no god!

The disciples in the thousands of palace in the city are shout: "Meet the Purple Palace"! "

"See the Purple Palace"! "

"See the Purple Palace"! "

In the valley, it's !

Liu Wei waves your sleeves, and it is quietly said: "Let's get up!"

Shangguan Fei Yan Fang Heart is shocking, this scene of being sent to the party, the cloud, is really a fascination! !

"Zi Yan Palace, it is true, it is the best!"

Duan Tianya is also a creepy!

Liu Hao did not send, the horror breath that was emitted by the body was like a high emperor, facing his own court!

"The people who rushed the dragon mountain, running this water?"

Liu Wei seized the daytime token on Duan Tianya, and he looked at the sky.

This guy is a square face, and it is also a common like a TV.

Duan Tianya is also a bone, under the strong pressure of Liu Wei, Schön Shou Tao chest, Hez: "Zi Yan Palace, the heroes, Feng Shi, the god of God, special to ask the palace to enter Jing!"

"Is there such a person?"

Liu Wei shook his head and laugh.

When he was gentle, he had obtained some secret information collected by Shangguan Hall.

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