The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 1374 of the Three Kingdoms

"Wow! The brother news is really a lot of ..."

The soul of the gossip of the ear is burning, the more I really listen, the more it is not a taste!

Since the hometown of the Monarch, since the hometown of Huang Dang, the hood is still only so much, it can be seen your long love!

I only hate my daughter, don't live!

Dong Cheng saw depressed volts, holding a punch: "Fouques, six nine products official, chartered, the system is clear, tonight is worth celebrating, why don't you drink?"

The relationship between the two is always finished, but the mood is depressed, but I don't want to go, I have a brain, my euphemism refuses to say: "The foolish brain shell pain, come again ..."

"Ha ha!"

Dong Cheng smiled: "Voli brother, tonight, a full of filial piety is from the war of Wen Hou, this face will always give it?"

Wen Hou Lu cloth, won the Jiulong, according to nine products, but the first general!

Guo Jia is more don't say, ghosts Guo Fengxiao, seek ghosts, the holy emperor is listening to him!

These two are rare people!

After the spirit of the film, I held a reputation: "Solidly wish, don't dare to please!"

After the appointment, the two will report the car return.

When the night came, after the bath was blown, the drive came to Dong Cheng's government.

Dong Cheng is also from the Sijuxi valve, and the daughter is even more emperor, and today the daughter is also a mansion.

The two white jade lions in the door, good!

The Dongfu's people have long been waiting for the gate, when I finished, I was shocked: "It's coming ... so many people?"

I saw that the Dongfu door, and the people in time will take the carriage.

After the door, I just met the mixed world, I only wore a championship, I was a bit of pretending S., jumping from the carriage, grinning!

This is a fascination, and the whole atmosphere is celebrated.

I didn't dare to neglect, I gave a gift to him, and the Cheng Jin also hugged the box. I heard that I would like to make the Maotai Xianmao, who I hide, I have moved it, but I can drink it. The last game ... "

"Oldest! Tiger!"

Only the listening bite is called the throat. I really saw the figures of the two members of Xu Wei in the distance!

"You can't! Dong Cheng is facing this face ... really big!"

I have a sour in my heart.

The light will be on the Kowloon, at least three, the Guo Jia in the seven Millennium Millennium is also present.

Guo Jia's identity is not very common. He appeared, and the front of the Dongfu door received the wind, immediately, I hope to leave a deep impression on Feng Xiao Miller.

Guo Jia and Liu Bowen are willing to go, the news of Shangshuai, who is going to join the Lord, is not awkward, and Guo Jia status is respectful!

I don't want to go to the front of the song!

"Oh, Elete Naigu, I finally wanted to be a wide!"

Cheng Jin and Xiwei, Xu Wei ticking, three tigers, the bear waist, just like three moving hills, strong sense of pressure!

"See you don't drink him tonight!"

Ciwi and Xu Wei are also laughter.

They are also idle recently.

Liu Hao is deep in the palace, thousands of cars, the tiger's rims, and Cao Shaoqin has a good wait for two classes of Jinyiwei.

Everyone was introduced to the hall by the underbidden people of Dongfu.

Focused with the ,

"The holy emperor, the beginning of the big place, specially invite you to celebrate, thank you for your face! Take three cups first!"

Dong Cheng smiled quickly, and used three cups!

"Dong Nong good alcohol!"

"I admire you!"

Dong Cheng first died, and the atmosphere was warm. Assusa

At this time, I found that there are a lot of the army in the army. Not only Lu Bu, Cheng Ji Jin, Xiwei, Xu Wei is coming, the fish and neighborhoods, the generals, Zhang Wei, etc., the generals are also coming.

Usually, this is known as the exclusive of the King Palace Wang Hou exclusive Moutham, the military, the general whale swallowed and can't afford it ...

Take advantage of this opportunity, you will be ignorant to drink.

Cheng bite the golden eyebrow, holding a wine jar, intoxicating a mouthful, filling a wine, praise: "Your Majesty is full of fishery, actually can make such a human fairy, hehe!"

"Ha ha!"

The fish also laughed: "I said that this Maotai fairy is a fun thing ..."

"That is in Donglai County to rob a batch of Maotai Xian, it is not easy to be happy, hiding in the mountains and drinking carnival, the result is touched by our military, one pot is end ..."

"Hey, no brain, is not as good as pork dogs, can it be the opponent of the old fish?"

"Oh! The old general, kill it, you respect you!"

"I also respect the old general!"

The people will laugh, and the cup is invited.

Guo Jiajun said lightly, and also tried to be a cup: "The old general has the courage of Lian Po, and there is tens of thousands of people in Qingzhou, and it is worthy of being a big white!"

"All the best, Hong Fu Qi Tian, ​​the three army will fight the enemy!"

The fish and neighborhoods, and the red light is full of: "To say this, it is not a good, dare to make big Han Xinren! This time, there is 100,000 people before and after!"

Gan Ning also laughed: "It is a group of things that are not as good as a group of animals, and dare to step into the big man step, kill it!"

Guo Jia put down the wine glass, all my thoughts: "I am afraid that this island is not here!"

Another watermaster generally moves in Han Shizhong, said: "Feng Xiaojun's division has no legacy, the end will also think that I am afraid of this matter, not so fast!"

"I am afraid of an egg!"

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