The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 1382 of the Three Kingdoms

"What ... I haven't used it !?"

Step by step, it is also a big brother of Xiangtu, Murong and other Fresh Better.

This is not using all the best, and it has uniforms the Xianbei First Warrior.

If it is awkward, it is not killing! ?

.4.7 ......


However, a shot of a shot of the ugly, but has become a legend, it is circulating in Cao Weijun.

The night is silent, Cao Erman is lie in parallel with the ugly, whisper: "A ugly, where are you?"

A ugly double hand pillow in the brain: "Jiang Dong!"

"Then how do you ran to the north ..."

Cao Dui took a shock, and quickly said: "You don't say this, the Hanhuang kills a lot of brothers of the school government, and Wei Wang is very angry. People come in the south, Be careful to be treated in detail! "

The is ugly smiled: "I am a revenge in the south ... I am fine!"

[Third, stable and updated, seek automatic subscription ...].

The first thousand, one hundred and ninety-three chapters, the princes, all the way to make a loess!

Cao Duper turned over and sighed: "Hey! This world, it is really no way to live, died……"

A ugly: "The battlefield kills, life and death, the mason, is the best place for every warrior!"

Cao Diu said: "Hey! I walked early, my mother died earlier, it was a bad thing for Wu Rong people ... The thief is dead ... "

The Battle of the New Year Bridge is the key to reverse the situation in the North.

When I died in Gongshu, his son can't pressed Qizhou. Yuan Shao was lying.

Weigh the North, let Yuan Shao began to expand, and the result is destroyed!

A ugly suddenly interrupted Cao Du Niu, asked: "A cattle, do you have anyone in your home?"

Cao Ernut is burst out of the bright light, grinned: "There is also two sisters, a brother, last Wei Wang into the city, Yuan army is biased ... "

"Hezhou Shouyang City Wars Lu Bu, is Deng Ai, and also cut several people. Wei Wang is good, as long as it is full, there is a lot of money ... I have enough yourself to live with my sister for several years. ! "

Speaking of your brilliance, Cao Dui is very proud.

"A ugly, what about you?"


"Yeah! Hey, this hard work, the eyes are fierce, must be a soldier who once, it is difficult ... Is Yuan Shu's colored egg?"

The ugly is silent, and the road: "Yes!"

"Haha! Is it true?"

Cao Dui is happy, smiled: "This Yuan Shu, it is really unclosed unfolded egg!"

"At the time, the generals of Gongshun did not have a tens of thousand soldiers. At that time, Chu Wang Qianglong passed the river, and he didn't stand firm. This Yuan Shu has already healed Jianghuai, and it has more than 300 million!"

A ugly gods have some remembering, said: "Hey! More than 300,000, how can it? Over the past, it is a loess ..."

Cao Duniu said: "At that time, Chu Jun probably dispatched more than 50,000 people, and played Yuan Shu screaming, hundreds of miles, defeating ... It's really too global!"

With several times, it is actually suppressed by the other party! ?

This is a shamefulness of the generals participating in the war!

A ugly: "You haven't seen Chu Jun Fei Lei car? Flying Thunder car out, let your city wall is higher and strong, you can't stop ... At that time, this Spring City is like this ... "

"Fly Lead?"

Cao Xianni shakes the brain bag, low Shen said: "But the Shura Battlefield, Bai Mayi's light cavalry dedicated from the silver lion led by General Dragon, or the white horse righteous from the defeat ..."

"On the leadership, Gongshun is not as good as Gong Sun, the defeat is not enough!"

A ugly smile: "The Chu army is really powerful, or the positive break broke the dragon scales of Tiger leopard ride, the dragon scales, the world is unparalleled!"

"Is it found?"

Cao Cao wiped his hand in the hands of the Qing Jianjian Feng, and asked.

Wei Wang Quanfu, candlelight beating.

Cao Yu took the knee in the back of Cao Cao, holding a box: "The brothers of the father, the school government, have been deep | Investigate the mouth supply of many brothers in the same invoice, the uniform saying that this is now the Huainan battlefield Escape soldiers, Yuan Shao will join our army after death, usually do not love to talk, no friends ... "


Cao Cao smiled and glanced at Cao Yu: "Do you have a long brain?"

"Children ... do things, please fate for the father!"

Cao Yu's eyes flashed through the color of yin, but it was very good to cover up ...

Cao Cao shook his head helplessly and wiped his palm of the young sword. "Is there a family?"

Compared with your own big son Cao Qian, Cao Yu is strong, the political means is immature, plus the graphical coincidence, and is not happy.

Cao Yu said: "A ugly, when you live in the army, wait for the extravagance of the field, live in the family outside the city, the child is checked, his family has the old mother, there is a brother, a sister!"

"Hahaha ..."

Cao Cao returned to the sword, and she sang.

The Mission of the Phieman is also smiling: "Congratulations to Wei Wang, get the small tyrant of the Zhenjiang Huai!"

Little Bawang! ?

Cao Yu is a face of you.

Xiaobault Wang Teice, is a lot of people, it is the wind and the emperor, but it is a flat autumn!

So, the world will, what is the gesture, how will it be ugly gesture! ?

Cao Cao smiled: "I know my person, Zhongda is also!"

Today, I picked up such a powerful fierce, Cao Cao is very good.

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