The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 1399 of the Three Kingdoms

not good! !

The steps of the roots are all fried.

Panic out, turn back the knife, this shot is full of overbearing strength, but how it is he can stop! ?


This majestic burly giant is actually a blood cave that was thrown by Sun Ce! !

Stephen's heart suddenly burst into a pair of blood!

so horrible!

Too fierce!

When the Huainan Xiaofang, although it was defeated under Liu Hao, it did not sink!

Ingest into the bus, a shot of king!

"The king!"

"The king ... is killed by a shot?"

"Is it an illusion? Still doing a dream !?"

Step by step, it is the Warriors who have no situation in the group, thousands of Xianbei gold tribes, began to be crazy!

They lost the final reason, and they began to rely on the roots of the roots.

Sun Cui pulled out the green sword on the waist, the longitudinal arm waved, and the roots of the roots will cut down!

"The Xianbei Wang head here, the descendants don't kill!"

"The Xianbei Wang head here, the descendants don't kill!"

Sun Ce held his head and shouted, shocked to countless prosperous warriors ...

The Xianbei soldiers looked at Wuyi immediately majestic as Sun Ce, hepatocandy!

Ingestion into the thousands of military clusters will be the first level!

This slave, who is energetic! ?

[Seventh is sent, seek automatic subscription, seeking flowers, seeking votes, there is also new in the evening, seeking various support ...].

The first thousand two hundred and nine chapters have no double beasts, stepping the mountain river!


The spoons of the school affairs, the flying horses will pass the military situation of the front line battlefield to the back army's pressure-stricken Cao Cao: "Sun Ce, single-player, inserted into the bus, a shot, kill the prosperity of Xianbei Wang Geng, Xianbei, chaos, Lejin General Tiger Leopard support has arrived, don't have to take long, and you will be divided! "

"Okay, ok, good!"

"It's amazing, this is beautiful! Look at Wei Wang coordinates command!"

"Wei Wang is a clear understanding, seeing this Sun Bifan, now look at it, it is a fighter resurrection, there are Wanfu Mo Yong!"

"Haha! As long as the Xianbei Wang step is going to the roots, the big event is awkward ...!"

Xu Wei and other cooking suddenly smiled, there was a championship.

Yuan Shao took the town of Hebei, and the way to deal with the exoticism is to let go of its development and grow, only pay attention to the growth of his eyes ...

At this point, Cao Cao is tall with Yuan Shao, I won't know where!

He knows what you developed at this time, it is the prosperity of the deep and horizontal, and the wolf!

However, seeing that it is about to become a battle, Cao Cao's face is still very calm, and there is no half a little color, but I can't help but sigh.

Everyone's observations, the feeling is not quite right, and the heart is not confused. Xu Wei is also a strange question: "Wei Wang, Xiaobao Wang Yong crown three army, the former army Dasjji, prove that Sima Jun's conspiration is successful, what is sigh?"

Cao Cao said: "Sun Bifan is so brave, still in Huainan defeated in the Han Han Han Han, who knows how horror !?"


The middle of the military is speaking, a speechless.

Wentai does not say that the military commanders are also afraid to imagine, forcibly suppressing the Han Emperor Liu Wei, the Xiaobao, and what kind of realm of horror!

Suddenly, Cao Cao began to laugh: "But ... this battle is winning, it is barely to have a capital of the front of the Han dynasty!"

Others only look at the eyes, the traitorous Cao Cao is a number of people.

From the fact that he is currently controlled, if you want to follow Liu Yu, it is inevitably complicated with a full-crushing.

So, alone is alone, put in almost all Hebei else, conduct a gamble!

If you gain, then you have a base card, there is an unlimited possibilities in the future.

Think of doing hundreds of thousands of iron rides!

It is also eligible to sit up with Liu Yiping, and Cao Cao is excited and fanatical!

Jinling, Beast God Valley.

Here is the place where Liu Hao is training the Mamadan Legion.

Look at it, the mountain is in the wild, all fame in the rhinoceros, the visual impact is very strong!

"Your Majesty ... is too strange!"

Zhu Rong accompanied Liu Wei to visit the valley, whispered: "According to reason, these three thousand giants, 20,000 rhinoceros cavalry, no three years of five years, how can I come to Jinling, I am so angry?"

"Of course, I'm all in love with beauty."

Liu Wei smiled slightly and closed his eyes.

In fact, of course, it is not because of the beauty of Zhu Rong.

Fighting with rhino, naturally, it is not easy to get close, Nanbai Meng won the arms with his own hand for decades, and practiced such a batch of fierce, rhinoceros.

But the power is very strong, the assault, even the dragon scales, the rushing army, did not dare to take their front.

Liu Wei has a fierce beast and bonus, training, and half the effort.

Not even if there is a volts god to join Wu Song!

That's right, there is Wu Song's Vocal Beast God, Liu Weijun's beast training fame like the speed of rhinoceros, and accelerates a lot!

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