The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 1402 of the Three Kingdoms

It is getting more and more 340 days from the New Year, and there is no time to open the spring.

Liu Wei drives to Zikinshan and personally look at the architectural process of the English Soul Tower.

The dragon wood has been taken out, as the foundation of the Soul Tower, there is Luke's Chief Zhu to supervise, the Soul Tower is already quite larger ...

The Ministry of Welfare Zhu stopped to see the iconic Kowloon Tianyu, and hurriedly put down the matter in his hand and greeted the emperor.

Liu Hao's negative workers look at the endless workers in the handling stone, light: "How much time is Zhu Shilang, can it be completed?"

Zhu stopped and low his body: "Return to your Major! The 9th Soul Tower, the micro-ministers are expensive, and it is expected that after the year, it can be completed!"

These workers participating in architecture are all recruits of Liu Wei.

High-intensity moving bricks is the perfect labor transformation.

Liu Wei nodded slightly, but there is still some expectations: it is necessary to make this soul tower!

It is not that Zhu is not awesome.

It is built according to Tuo, this nine-story English soul tower, with more than 30 feet, high!

Imagine what grand?

Building conditions, too harsh!

Liu Wei is thinking about the meditation: "System, there is any way to accelerate the construction process?"

System: "The host can consume worship, speed up the construction!"

No problem!

Flowers can accelerate! ?

Liu Wei is slightly happy, hurriedly views;

The first level accelerates (consumes 5,000 worships): Over the construction worker, the construction period is reduced by 50%!

The second level accelerates (consumes 10,000 worships): Make the construction workers full of 100% shortened during the construction period!

"time is money!"

Only 10,000 worships, Liu Wei will be in the heart, suddenly decisive; consumption 1000 worship value, make workers are full, the construction of the Soul Tower is reduced by 100%!

After deducting the worship value, Liu Hao's observations, He found that these buildings moving bricks, as if suddenly opened, the hands and feet were very fast ......

what! ?

Zhu Ting was slightly stunning. The two monk did not touch the mind. "Your muttered:" Your Majesty, this group of guys, just like the blood, this speed, don't have to get it in a month! "

The system accelerates, it is unbearable!

Liu Wei took the shoulders of Zhu to stop, and encourage a few words. At this time, the ear of the system suddenly came out of the system's tone: the main body of 95. It is increasingly powerful, the system will enter the upgrade, after the upgrade is completed, Turn on the mysterious function, please know the host!

The system is upgraded! ?

Liu Wei slightly, pinched the eyebrows.

In the past few years, the number of times the system upgrade is not much, but every upgrade is almost accompanied by a new function!

"I want to see what new effect will be developed!"

Liu Wei gathered the curious thoughts, told Li Lianying: "Li Shi, play back to the palace!"

When I returned to the palace, Jin Yiwei, who was in the Military Machine, has been outside the Palace. I saw Kowloon Royal Driving, I was so rushed to the ground, called: "The Lord! Qizhou Gongsun, there is 100,000 envelopes!"

"100,000 fire letter ?!"

Liu Wei moved slightly, and opened the letter from this wax wax.

"Cao Wei's 100,000 army, Chen Biji County, after the light ride around the enemy, Cao Cao won a general, the small tyrant, the courage is unable to stop, first shot the Xianbei king step root in the Wanjun, and then Xiang Xian Xiang King Juita ... "

"The Xianbei Golden Tribe is 10,000 tens of thousands of troops. Before the county, the residual strength of the Murong, Tuoba, annexing the gold tribe, Going Cao Wei ..."

"Sure enough, the highest level of military emergency news!"

Liu Wei gods slightly like a shock!

This news is too time!

The military's martial arts did not have a mistake, and Zhan Ze Cao Cao, with Sima Yi, actually played such a battle!

Helling hundreds of thousands of yield gold tribes!

Liu Hao immediately sent Li Lianying to call a few major military divisions, in charge of the hall.

"Your Majesty, Cao Cao is very people!"

After everyone arrived, the ghosts Guo Jia woven sigh.

Cao Cao, which survives and develops forces from the sketch, is a well-deserved traitor!

However, let Guo Jia Chong Jing, but it is still Liu Wei's eyes.

Liu Wei started Cao Cao as the biggest enemy on the road!

Liu Bowen laughed: "Now there is no morning, there is no Shang Di, sweeping the world has become, Cao Cao will win this battle, but it is for you to do stepping stone, come to the sky, the province, there are countless temperate!"

Liu Yu nodded.

From the big way, the foreign alien is so late, which is a hidden danger, Liu Wei does not allow the soil development to grow!

Now Cao Cao, this knife first, in addition to a part of the yield, it is very wonderful!

"The military machine is repaired, informs Gongsun, homopolysis, next year, open the spring, ,

Liu Wei put his hand, told him a sentence, suddenly saw Zhuge Liang's dissolution, asked: "Kong Ming, what is going to say?"

Zhuge Liang gently shakes the goose fever, frowning: "Chen Ji is just thinking, Cao Cao really is the traitor of the world, now Cao Angzhen, the passers-by, he is in the past, the purpose is to recruit the horse to buy horses, now expensive Twenty thousand troops, where did his food come from? "

[First of the morning, ask for automatic subscription, take more than a dozen plus more, ask for outbreak! .

Cao Cao, a headache of the first thousand twenty-two chapters, non-toxic, no husband!


Liu Bowen has said that Cao Wei's internal affairs is difficult.

The second country hegemony, not the number of army, can be completely crushed.

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