The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 1416 of the Three Kingdoms

Zhang Wei lifted the gunfront: "If you can't pay half a step, Chen Wu, all , block the left and right wings, this will be an army to reach the Chinese policy!"

It is worthy of Hebei Four Court!

In the face of such a crisis, Zhang Wei still made the most accurate judgment!

The three armies have been moved, Chen Wu, and the whole Tulu will lead the life to kill, just block Mu Guiying and Lu Yuling ...

Chen Wu also slammed the seven-point truth, I want to sing Mu Guiying first, but I don't want Mu Guiying's fish scale. It is like a fish dance, no flaw!

This is shocked by Chen Wu's arms, and the heart is shocked!

He didn't dare to neglect, and he lifted the throne of the twenty-point, with Mu Guiying, twenty rounds, Mu Guiying, a slut, a tip, will !

Chen Wei is ashamed, didn't wait for him to get up, it has been covered by the female soldier to use the net ...

"It's not good! Chen Wu will be hurt!"

Although Chen Wu's tiger is not collapsed, he lost the command of the general, and it is also difficult to resist, and continue to increase your arm.

Zhang Yuxi is scheduled, and suddenly I apologically the left wing is chaotic, and I will hurry up.

There is Zhang Wei, and the situation is once again stabilized.

Overall, the female soldiers have the enemy, accounting for ambush, and the casualties are less than the tiger.

"If it is lost to the female troops, I am free!"

Zhang Wei is also a face iron.

This is to be a stepping stone by the female troops, don't say that I have no honor on Jiulong, in the future in the army, I am afraid that I can't get up!

Observe the battlefield situation.

Zhang Wei found the left and right wings, all are in a difficult to resist, and the heart is deciduous: "For the present, only the enemy's main will, the ability to turn the tide!"


He hosted an empty file, moving toward Mu Guiying!

One of Hebei Four Trial columns, martial arts, long | gun dance is like a river, the power!

"It's good!"

Mu Guiying Knife Lian Liu Wei is in vain, and will it be afraid?


The knife gun is empty, and Zhang Wei is actually married to the tiger of Mu Gui hero!

"The palace Mu Wei, it will have a holy emperor, so there is such a goodness ..."

Zhang Yuxin is shocked, but the movements in the hands are not slow, the gun tips are dot, like the silver snake dance, and the golden mood is suddenly blooming under the sun.

Mu Guiying knife is like a phoenix nod, the cold is a burst, and the game is!

The left knife is like a purple festival, the right gun is like a hometown of the tiger, and it is dusty to kill the dust.

After fifty tricks, Zhang Wei is already sweating, it seems to be the general!

Mu Guiying shouted, the purple gold knife knife was again, the air in the air suddenly emerged, and the full cover of Zhang Wei's guns!

"I am going!"

Zhang Wei took even the dozen knives that blocked the moment, and the gas was finally unsustaining. Long | guns were directly smashed out ...

Next, Mu Guiying's long knife stabilized between the neck of Zhang Wei.

"Mu Wei, so the means, the end will be in the heart ..."

Nowadays, it is not as good as people, and Zhang Wei is also licking, sitting in the horse back.

"Sin, General Zhang!"

Mu Guiying wrist turned, and the knife was turned to do the blade, and the horses will be touched.

"General Zhang Wei ... General Zhang Wei defeated!"

"What !? What is your special joke !?"

"Who dares to open this joke ... Mu Wei, a knife, will be cut off!"


One pass ten, ten pass hundred, hundred pass thousands of people!

The generals of the generals were sent to each corner of the tiger's army.

All the best is to catch the killing with Lu Yuling!

I heard this news, I have a chastity of the whole heart, I was seized by Lu Yuling, and I broke the long blue and saved the horse.

At this point, the Lord of the Tiger, will have all hit the Mu Guiying.

The rest of the tiger is, and the dragon has nothing. In Liang Hongyu, Mu Guiying, Lu Yuling, etc., and finally collapsed!

Mu Guiying won!

This battle, Mu Guiying not only bursts, but also the departments of his hand Chen Wu, all of the two people!

Absolutely beautiful victory!


"Congratulations to the host, Mu Guiying led the female military camp to defeat the 50,000 tiger of Zhang Yajun, the task was perfect, and the extra reward is 1000 points!"

"Task rewards, have been delivered to the host's storage space, please pay attention to the host!"

Liu Wei heard, his heart is slightly happy ... 2.5 ......

I didn't expect that I will share it out!

Mei Xi!


Didn't wait for him to see the rewards, the departure of Dai Zong, the high platform, single knee, slammed the boxing, Gong said: "Your Majesty, the winner has been divided, Mu Shuai is settled in the Mamuku, Chen Wu, All three generals, and defeated the Tiger of Zhang Wei! "

"The female military camp is more than 37,000 people, the tiger is ... The whole army is covered!"

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