The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 1428 of the Three Kingdoms

Si Tiger Sima Yi, sure enough to make a country.

In this way, it is possible to make up all thickening, the two defense lines, and give the Chu army have a certain pressure, and do not reduce the strength of the Chinese army.

Cao Cao smashed, but also nodded, and smiled.

Jinling City, the campus.

Liu Hao's commanding order has reached, and the three armies have been moved.

On the campus, the head is crowded, and it is already a gathering of the dense numbness!

"At the beginning of the holy emperor, the big cool mandarin is 100,000 people, has already been scheduled!"

"At the beginning of the holy emperor, the Dragon Scales, the rush, the 20,000th, has been scheduled!"

"Lift the Emperor, 30,000 silver lion light cavalry, has been scheduled!"

"Enhance the Emperor Queen, 50,000 Tianfeng Legion, has been scheduled!"

"Enhance the Emperor Queen, 30,000 alcoholicrafts, have already scheduled it!"

With the expansion of the territory, Liu Hao's strength, more and more, more and more powerful!

The light is Jinling Emperor, gathers more than 20,000 Northern Expedition!

In addition to each other, there are hundreds of thousands of soldiers homework!

It is a million male teacher, not for it!

This battle is the most thorough big battle in the south and the north, who is lost, then lost the bottom card and qualifications of the world ...


Liu Wei looked at the 20,000 army of the team's queue, all of them were prohibited by the prohibition of the torch ...

Although the number of people in the campus, everyone is a shackling, looking at Liu Wei on the high platform, and the eyes are full of fanatical loyalty and admire ...

"The last battle of the dead chaos, coming soon ..."

Liu Wei looked up and waved, called: "If you pay attention to the northern exteration, in order to sweep the Cao Wei, you will also rely on all the power ..."

"Willing to die, sweep the Cao Wei!"

"Willing to die, sweep the Cao Wei!"

"Willing to die, sweep the Cao Wei!"

The sound of the mountains and the sound of the tsunami suddenly sounded on the campus.

Liu Hao nodded, left and right, stale: "Feng Xiao, what do you see?"

Guo Jia arch is a hand, Gong said: "So soldiers, the world is unreasonable, hit Cao Wei, just ..."

Zhuge Liang said: "Your Majesty is driving the north Expedition, this must choose a pioneer to be a pioneer ..."

Liu Wei took a smile: "Kong Ming is not bad, he will gather in the Three Army today, it is to choose the Northern Expedition, as the forefront!"

The people who received the sound of the wind will boil.

Cheng Junjin grinned and laughed, Mo Huoxue: "Hey, the pioneer general has a better year, and the experience, it is coming to this pioneer!"

It's quite a lot of you to try: "I will wish to be this pioneer!"

Meng's, Meng Youwei and other pretty will, and I will fight.

Finally, I will come to the Feng Wenjin in Jiulong, and I will come out, said: "This time, the northern disaster is large, and the end will lead the lead!"

I will be out of Kowloon, and the scene is calm.

Liu Wei smiled: "Pioneer general, be sure to know the martial arts, know the advance retreat, on the planned platform, set up a platform, the three military commanders, you can put it before, who can be great, you can palm!"

This method is relatively fair.

Otherwise, so many people are interested in pioneering, the position of the pioneer is not so much.

Liu Hao, the attention of everyone, shouted to the play of the play.

"I'm changing this pioneer!"

Sha Mo Ke jumped up, he heard him height, the mushroom, the muscles of the body, and it is a rare fierce!

Everyone under the stage, there is nothing!

Sha Mo Ke first held a punch for Liu Wei, and then felt the eyes of the people in the top of him, raising the two-handed sixty pounds of copper hammer, attracted Meng's waiting. A wave of guilty ...

"Banzi, see you will come!"

One of the next year, the hand, two gum giant hammers, flew into the play of the Warcat.

Sha Moko slightly stunned: This year's green robe will, the gum potter hammer in his hand is actually bigger than him!

"Kid, what is your name, this pair of silver hammers, afraid not to be a paper pasperse?"

There is still a Mu Qing, a Mu Qing, Sha Moko, who is not going over.

"The hammer of Xiaoye is really, don't you know?"

Mu Qing's pretty will be, it is , two people fell to the giant hammer, fight together ...

"Ha ha!"

Liu Wei took the dragon block, and smiled. "Mu Qingnian is small, this body is not, the two gum gambelines, all kinds of seventy-two pounds, combined with Sha Mo Ke. ... Within ten tricks, Sha Mo Ke defeated! "

On the side of the big military division, they looked at it, and the giant hammer is in the giant hammer!

The two people have the talents of the pneumatic, and they are still the talents of Mu Qing, the tenth move, the copper hammer in the hand is flying by Mu Qing, and the unfortunately lost his hand ...

Darkness of the junction of the junction is very dark: this kid, what is it grows! ?

How to have this horrible momentum! ?

Shath Kuju mouth shocks, Meng went out with Meng Younou, called: "The little general, see you will be ..."

The result is self-evident.

Mu Qing stabilizes the War Station, and the two will hammers!

[Sixth, the plus of flowers is more, seek automatic subscription, the difference is more than 20 plus, and support ...].

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