The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 1433 of the Three Kingdoms

Feel the Three Army's war, Liu Wei is naturally very satisfied, and it will be a few words in the army.

"System, give you a query, how much work is worth it!"

Arrange the things in the army, Liu Wei directly returned to the palace, then entered the royal study, and the communication system was not waiting ...

There are many people in the day, and now the night is quiet, and there will be no people will bother him.


"The host current merit value is 660758 points, please know the host!"

Lying in a slot!

Seeing the six-digit merits, Liu Yinxin opened a flower ...

These more than 60 million merits are basically the quarter intrusion, Double-time audinal model rewards during the mission of the Fusang God battle.

Because of the use of merits, it is still gradually opening, Liu Hao has not been able to use it, unconsciously, there is more than 600,000!

Money is going to spend on the blade!

Liu Hao smashed the upgrade of the Emperor Emperor Tower again: [Upgrade gain effect is related to the host strength, the first order increase enhances 1% combat power, the second order is increased by 2%, the third order is 3% ... In this kind of push, at most open!

No problem!

As long as you spend money, you can become more powerful ...

Liu Yizhen is sinking, decisive: "System, help the level of Emperor Emperor"! "

"The current emperor's soul tower is the first order, the host can consume 600,000 merits, increase the Emperor's English Soul Tower to the fourth order!"

Looking at the projection of the Hili Emperor's Emperor's Soul Tower, Liu Wei did not hesitate: "If you want to do a big ticket, directly upgrade to the fourth order!"

"Enhance to the second order, consume 100,000 merits!"

"Improve to the third order, consume 200,000 merits!"

"Improve to the fourth order, consume 300,000 merits!"

Improve the fourth order, the merits value is shrinking!

However, on this emperor's soul tower, the purple gas is getting more and more prosperous, the purple gold dragon on the clouds, the dragon body is getting more and more obvious ...

Liu Wei's breath, feels an endless pound of violent power, feedback itself, and finally there is a glimpse!

If there are some people see, Liu Wei, the point of the body is like the stars, and it is dazzling.

"This wave is not lost ..."

Liu Yizhang regarded the projection of the Emperor's Soul Tower, and suddenly asked: "System, this emperor's Emperor Tower, open to the seventh order, how much work is?"

System: "The fifth order, consume 400,000 merits, sixth order, consume 500,000 merits, seventh order, consume 600,000 merits!"


Liu Wei squinted his eyebrows and asked: "Source of meritorious value, can only provide a foreign?"

"The host can obtain the corresponding merits value as long as the host is suppressed, and the other enemies can get double merits!"

what! ?

Liu Wei moved slightly.

According to the system's statement, suppressing the aliens, you can get double-time value rewards, this is quite induced | confusing ...

In recent, Fusan is in full, Xianbei, Wu Hui, is very jumped, sooner or later, you have to hit a!

There is also a big disorder, the potential is unlimited!

Liu Wei is also open to the cerebral cave, asked: "How many orders have the emperor's English Soul Tower? If it is open to the seventh order, will it unlock it below?"

The system: "Open the seventh order, the host can unlock more tower hierarchy, and randomly reward to the sacred skills, please continue to work hard!"

"work hard!"

I heard the beautiful prospects out of the system, Liu Yuxin is full of embarrassment ...

[First of the morning, the outbreak continued, free flowers, evaluation tickets first wave ...].

The first thousand two hundred and forty chapter Nanhua old fairy, triggering machine!

When the heart is in the future, Liu Hao is a sense of knowledge!

"Who is in the Emperor Emperor Tower ?!"

After the blessing of the Emperor's Soul Tower, Liu Wei's spiritual power has increased a lot, but also a kind of wonderful contact!

At this time, Liu Yizhen fluctuated, and I have already pericated the direction of the Emperor's British Soul Tower, and it seems to have an interest!

A ghost figure, from the royal study, unclear speed, straight!

At this time, Liu Hao's light-fitment method, like Lingxixue, there is a mystery of ghosts!

The steady land is in the top of the temple, Liu Wei is like a star, and I really saw the Emperor Emperor's Soul Tower, the breath boiling, there is a purple gold dragon to dance!

Jinyiwei is a good martial arts, but there is no reaction at all, Liu Hao has passed out of the palace.

Liu Wei did not think too much, show his body law, and rush to the direction of the emperor's English soul.

Not much time, he has standed under the Emperor Emperor's Soul Tower.

Compared to the daytime, Iron Soul 13, spend more than 60 million menstrual expectations, the emperor's soul tower after upgrading, is more majestic, and the dragon body of the purple gold god dragon is more obvious!

Liu Yuyue smashed, the gas machine, but it was suddenly condensed!

I saw that there was a latex of Xuan Yi fluttering in front of him. This old Dao-eyed childhood, handed over his archery, sitting on the back of the gold-winged Dapeng Bird, and the body can't say high-hearted!


Congratulations to the host, the Tiandi Long Yi is expected to use it!

Nanhua Laoxian - Wuli 65, Intelligence 73, Politics 44, DIRP 12, Taoism? ? ? !

Tuzi 1, submission: Nanhua Laoxian, the three rolls of Zhang Zhangjiao, the mystery!

The baseway attribute is lower than the monk of the monasterion of Nanhua old fairy. If there is an end of Nanhua Laoxian, the Taoism increased by 0-5 points! (Depending on the qualifications)

Stunt 2, Taojie: Avenue Immediate, the first!

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