The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 1442 of the Three Kingdoms

"This is so much ..."

Liu Wei smiled: "I will arrange Jin Yiwei to bring neon phoenix to the river, and let the Niang, Chunhua help you, the next thing, can be given to neon phoenix!"

Yan Niang, Zhang Chunhua, is the love of Liu Hao's hometown, and it is also the high level of the Tianfeng Legion.

These two women are in the hometown, or the Tian Feng Jun is, the existence of martial arts is existed ...

Mu Guiying wants to stay in the Tiantail Legion, can't open for a while, and it is helped by them. It is just right.

Mu Nihuang slightly, and immediately promised: "The end will inevitably let your Majesty!"

When I went to Mu Nihuang, I left the mother, Zhang Chunhua and others left, Liu Yuxin, blew the sleeve, smiled, said: "Sun Quan children, the dead is near!"


Sun Quan is sitting in the Taishou position, listening to everyone to report the military.

In these few days, Sun Quan always felt his right eye, jumping, and it feels that it is somewhat wrong.

Sun Quan took the horned angle and asked: "General Xia Hou Hao came?"

"Back too late ..."

Officials of the school affairs: "General Xia Hou has been on the road, and the life of Wei Wang, bringing 30,000 elite drama!"

"In this way, the Head of Head has exceeded more than 150,000 ..."

Sun Quanbiao's eyes are turned, and this week, I heard that it is the name of the world ...

If it is a hundred thousand tens of thousands of troops, break the Zhou Yu, and it is not a big power for Wei Wang.

Sun Zhongzi's name, will also be called eight tables! ! ?

I thought that I stood in the heights, swayed, and the scene of the tsunami, Sun Quan breathed a bit ...

His mind has gradually emerged a bold idea: take the initiative to attack Zhou Yu!

Sun Quan wants to make a good time, but the reality is cruel ...

A few days later.

Mu Niko sneaked into the hinterland of the river. Under the help of the three thousand veterans of Qingyan Mountain, it has already launched a beacon destruction plan.

The beacon tower is very retro.

The way is naturally a lot.

Mu Ni Hui led the crowd from the hinterland to attack the defenders, and she had a plenty of Sun Quan.

All the rivers are all destroyed!

Sun Quan can of course choose to rebuild, but it is already a critical moment. If you want to organize manpower to build a beacon, it is not a reality ...

When the news came to the Head of the Head, he couldn't be sunny!

Put the head of the sun ...

"This Nima! The beacon is destroyed, is equivalent to the news between the rivers and the city, it is completely cut ..."

Sun Quan has a touch of tension in his heart, but it is very hated: "Zhou Yu, this is, it is a multi-end, actually, this is the first ..."

The Xinci Xin said: "Too much adult, but also rush to Wei Wang, the beacon is destroyed, the link to Hebei will be cut, if there is no countermeasure, the consequences are unimaginable ..."

Sun Quan nodded, frowning to say: "First, I feel the spoons of the school, how to whip, turn the news back ..."

"Second, find out this group of thieves, the Han army has not stepped into the river half a step, it will first come to Mawei, of which the river is the thief is chaos!"

In the end, it is East Wu, the brain of Sun Quan is still awake, and it is not bad for the judgment of the situation.

Unfortunately, the development of things is not all he can control ...

Mu Nihuang and Qi Niang, Zhang Chunhua finally crossed three thousand veterans, in the river, play guerrillas, stir the wind in the river, chaos Ji Sheng ...


"Congratulations to the host, Mu Ni Huang led the army to destroy the river beacon, so that the river is once again become a lonely city, the beginning of the Northern Expedition, please break the river, reward the final settlement!"

I heard the system prompt tone from the ear, Liu Wei's eyes slightly.

The map is marked obvious, and there is a county city next to the river.

Dividend, bow high, granting, medium-water, Wuhu, Bunch, Dongping Shu, Gao Yang, Qixian, Wen'an, Yixian, this 11th county ...

From the perspective of geographic position.

As long as Liu Yizhen is at the river, you can completely cut off the link between Bohai County and Yizhou.

At that time, I can strike Zhongshan Guoyu City, straight to Huanglong, can also swallow the Bohai County, then break Cao Cao's finger!

Liu Wei came back to God, asked: "Public blood, for the rivers, what do you think?"

Zhou Yu smiled and said: "Your Majesty, as long as the General Mu will successfully destroy the beacon of the river, you can make a general, long | drive | straight | into the front, positive cloth, hit the river of the river At the end of the valley, break the river in the river, it must not be here! "

The way of using soldiers, Qi Zheng.

Soss into the hinterland of the enemy, destroying the beacon is a wonderful, destroying the means of the enemy transfer news ...

But it is not a conspiracy, Zhou Yu's positive promotion, the morale of the Guardian army to the Head of the Head, is a positive relative positive!

As long as Sun Quan head iron, dare to take the initiative, then he will be unlucky!

[The first morning, free flowers, evaluation tickets and one wave ...].

The first thousand two hundred and forty-nine chapters Zhou Lang Miao, Cao Cao will be made!


Outside the footsteps, the junction, the Jinyiwei, a military machine, the stepping, presented the military news: "Your Majesty, Mu Ni Hui squatted in the Head of Head, successfully destroyed Cao Wei Bai!"


After waiting for the day, the newspaper finally came!

Liu Hao, I knew this news, once again hear, but still hit the package, my heart is happy!

The river battlefield, every progress is very critical.

Zhou Yu looked at the map, hugged the boxing, and said: "Your Majesty, the moment of attack is here, if you first break the bridge of the river in the river, forced Sun Quan to fight, then defeat the rivers, if it is Sun Quan strictly guards the death Your Majesty can transfer the soldiers, with a general, attacking the South of Bohai County ... "

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