The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 1452 of the Three Kingdoms

Liu Wei came up with it, and asked clearly: "Sun Quan has a strong aid, but also to engage in things, why?"

According to this form, this East Wu Emperor Sun Quan, although it is not good at leading the battle, it is also clear, can see the situation, still have a few strategies.

The Mad military division Guo Jia smiled: "Mr. wrote, there is a good abdomen, and there is a battle!"

I laughed and said: "The collections are inversely, with the thunderstorms, Qi Qi River City, nature is a tundry, but now it seems that there is a big leak ..."

Liu Wei asked: "The meaning means ..."

Frustrality: "Please ask this letter to send this letter, send it to the South of Bohai County ..."

The mind is simple and asked: "This is also sent back, isn't it to join into the army?"


Frustrality said: "At this time, this time that has been opened back, and it will be doubt in the ban, you can cause the river and the Bohai two counties in the river. , You can break the Bohai County first, and then break the river of the River, is it a victory? "

Liu Wei hit a trip: "Hebei Tianfeng is with your deeds, it is the second big wisdom, but the decision ..., according to the plan of the Note, Shaqin, you send people, will this The letter sent to Bohai County to the army! "


Cao Shaoqin's hands holding punches, rolling the hawind, and go out to do things ...

Bohai County, on the campus.

The wind is hunting, blowing the banner.

General Cao Junhuwei will ban, right hand, press the knife, put on the stage, the eyes of the cold patrol, the three army array drill ...

As a hard-working, the old man under the hand of Cao Cao, did not have a big out of the wind, but have been in the back of his own strength, and the Cao Cao training has at least hundreds of thousands of army.

Because of the deep Cao Cao, it is arranged to be arranged to be arranged to calm the Bohai County.

The Bohai County has a raft with the riverside country, and the death of Qingzhou.

As long as it can support the front battlefield of Guandu, it has completed the strategic purpose of Cao Cao arranged for the ban.

At present, the Bohai County is stationed in Wuhai, with the leader of the Head, at least 12 million Cao Jun, and the force has reached more than 20 million horrible!

Have confident to hold the river, Bohai second county!

When I was on the campus, I was shouting to the military number, and I walked in a post to the prostitute of the school government.

The school government is responsible for supervision and news. Cao Jun will recognize his costumes, so don't stop him.

This probe length | drive | straight | into, the radio is straight to the station, then there is a few words in the ear, then put a letter, directly to the forbidden hand ...


Surgicting the words of the Office of the Office of the Office, suddenly took a breath, the simple face, all shocked look ...

[Third, stable and updated, unprinci-break, there is a small partner to watch the game together in the afternoon? .

The first thousand two hundred and fifty-eight chapters Cao Jun vibrate, Tian Feng debut!

"Heat City ... actually being broken !?"

"The Han army sent troops from Qingzhou, but only half a month, actually battled and broke the river city !?"

In the ban, Xiao Xiaobai is slightly fighting, the original three countries is the leader in the five sons, and of course, knowing the serious consequences that may lead after the river city causing.

"Calling Bohai County Wenwu Zhongwu, Taishou House!"

Seriously the face is serious.

Bohai-gun core civil and military several people received the order of the ban, and there was a Taishofu.

The general shouts shout: "The river is falling, I am afraid that the Han Jun will be in the next step!"

"Yes, the river city is dependent on the south-skinned lips, and a city is falling, and another direct is isolated ..."

"What should I do?"? "

This news, like a small stone in the lake, stirring the original calm Bohai County.

Dong Zhao suddenly laughed: "In the ban, there is also the gang of the Han army!"

Listening this, the hall is a silence.

In the ban, he asked: "What did the gentleman?"

This Dong Zhao is also a member of Yuan Shaotu, and it has a wisdom.

Cao Cao was suppressed by Zhangzhou, and the momentum swallowed the power of Yuan Shao. Dong Zhao also chose to surrender Cao Cao ...

Dong Zhao smiled: "This looks like the person of the river Sun Shoukang, but it has been seen after being seized by the Han army. The general is please see, this book is much striped, and the letter is sealed, but there is more than one seal. trace……"

Surgressed in the ban, I took a letter, I was carefully connected, and Sure enough!

"What is the prose of the school government?"

"I will go back to General, I have already gone!"

Everyone heard the words, stagnant: this is big!

I am afraid that the Han army is sent out!

"Ha ha!"

Dong Zhao died, smiled, said: "This will be the Han army to lure the enemy. I want to swindle my army to attack the river city. In fact, I am sneak attacking the Bohai South Pei Gahi!"

In the ban, I have been a letter from seven points and ask: "What is the Mr., can I break this bureau?"

Feeling the eyes of everyone, Dong Zhao's heart is secretly, but it is a little: "Since the Han army makes the enemy, we can count, first, head, clear the wild, and keep the Bohai county, and then send a post to the public. The fire will be contacted by the Hengfang country, and the time is appropriate, and the two sides will arrive at the river in the river! "

Since the ban, I heard the head, and finally took the case, call: "This is very wonderful, and the words of Mr. Yi!"

After Xu Xu, Xia Houzhen began to rectify the riverside soldiers.

After several days, it is finally integrated to 10,000 troops.

Finally, Xia Hou left tens of thousands of soldiers and horses in the hut of the river, and strictly guarded the rest of the city, repairing the beacon, and sent people to the news.

"I wish the military horse to work!"

Xu Vi personally took the city with left-behind.

Xia Hou, with Sun Quan, two people, Qi Qi, smiled Qi Qi: "This is homogeneous, and the second road is a big army, and it is awkward.

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