The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 1463 of the Three Kingdoms

Du Prefecture is not willing to recognize, the point steel in his hand is a gun, the two sides are on this wilderness!

The soldiers of both sides are all crazy, and they will bite gold and Du pre-two people to help, the momentum is iv.

After the joy of the Jin Tianzi, Du preceded, and the bite is also like the blood, but the bite is also like it. Wow wow, step by step, the Du Preferently kill Du Preferently The teenager is around ...

"I have never dinked this morning, and Xiaoye went back to a meal, and then called this, I know that it is powerful ..."

I took a few ax, and Du preformed a shot, and she broke the junction of the bus and pressed the top, and the horses were retired.

Cheng bite gold anger, whispering: "You do this yellow mouth child, dare to arrive in front of this uncle, hurry down, grandfather, you can spare you a life ..."

This Du pre-, the age, is definitely 167 years old, the child of the child is in the year, but there is such martial arts, the storm is difficult to understand, the junction is very fascinating ......

Du pre-shooting horses retired, the junction bite is very big, and the little call is chasing.

The Han army morale is like a rainbow, and the Cao Jun killed the helmet and throws a lot of weight on the ground.

"Haha! This person has force, and it is only no brainfurt, in the ban, the army of the army is successful!"

Du prefamed in the heart!

He as a bait, which is a perfect completion of the preliminary hook | pilot plan, bite gold, a large circle ...

Seeing that I have to hit the Cao Junfu Circle, the Cheng Jin suddenly raised his hand to stop going down.

"I have a big event!"

Cheng Jie Jin wiped a quaternary, the brain suddenly remembered Zhou Yu's : encountered the lush land of the mountains, must not enter!

That's in front of it, is this not just a wilderness forest, a hills?

In the observation situation on the hillside, it was found in accordance with the plan. The last journey was stopped, but he looked far away in the mountain pass. Ren Du pre-scorpion smoke, and did not move it ... ...

"This is too alert ..."

In the ban, it is, suddenly ordered: "Han will have doubt, left and right, and kill, and completely destroy this Han army!"


I have long been a good Cao Jun general, and I killed it from around, Du prefame and fell back.

This three-way army, gathered, between the time, the murderous mountain shake!

"His grandmother's bear!"

Cheng Jinjin is panicked to die, broken, big, "this dog day is to ban, it is really insidious, Laozi is so beware, and he is still ambush ..."


The left and right depths took a bite gold, and the heart was spit: big , it seems that you ordered the whole army to cover the whole army, and the Cao Jun teenager who caught one person with a gun! ?

"Cheng General, what should I do?"

"Can you still do? Slow, wait for the old man, their support ..."

Cheng Jinjin such as sliding sub-slide, first seeing the situation, immediately ordered the Third Army began to remove the rear ...

This time, the situation suddenly reversed.

Instead, tens of thousands of Cao Jun began to chase and bite gold ...

Chasing the blood, the Han army array is still in order, unrest, unimportant money is heavy, lost a land, no casualties are not big ...

The leader of the ban is the leader, and I am sighed: "So close to the situation of collapse, the Han army can steadily, when it is a teacher!"

Just when he was ready to speed up the charge, the Han army support finally arrived when the discussion of the military commander was destroyed!

"The Han army generals are here, Cao will ban, not speed down the horse !?"

"General Han Jun Ding North will be hit here, Cao will ban, not speed down the horse !?"

There is a horn between the wilderness, desolate and sinister, suddenly sound!

The fish and Roo and the victory led the Han army. He kills out one left and right, just intercepting the ban on Cao Jun!

"not good!"

It is disabled, and my heart is a sudden!

Like him, there is a sand field, naturally know what this means!

The Han army owner will inevitably have a meter of spending his volts, but will count, in the way to chasing, then settle up, killing Cao Jun!

In this way, aliens others, and the result has fallen into the enemy routine!

The sound of the shout of the squadron and the sound of the squadron, and the Cao Jun soldiers suddenly chaotic.

The proceedings are all right, began to get together, the former army turned the armor, left and right wings, archwing the middle army, although the hand is busy, it is in an orderly, there is no more than a long time ...

The smoke killed by the two sides, boiling the sky!

On the hillside of not far away, Zhou Yu followed his hand to guard against the hand, and he was gave up, and he observed the battlefield situation ...

At this point, the situation is good, everyone has admired: "In the ban, everything is expected in Zhou Tuo, a million admire!"

Zhou Yu took the Jianjie: "It is also a rare general, and the army is tens of thousands of troops. If the arm is made, if it can contribute to the main public, it is a fast thing!"

"not good!"

The left and right people have a tightness, and the road: "In the ban, yourself!"

I saw that on the battlefield, in the ban, the fish, Luo Ro, Zhang Wei and other generals intercepted the left and right wings. Although it is supported, it is already difficult, caught in a hard battle.

Cao Jun was staining Du pre-, killing, but he couldn't kill the heroes of the Han army. He knows that the situation is not good, hurriedly called: "General, you 1.3!"

In the banned gun: "The army here, the Lord will repeat !?"

Du Prelude: "General, I will see today, the Han army's strength seems to have not yet reached the top | peak, it is very likely that the war is around the South Pantry City, if it is lost, then our army will be completely Cut off, the Bohai County will be unable! "

"Almost cast a big mistake, forget this!"

Du Pre-in-one, I can't say vibration in my heart.

As far as it is, he is alone, it is already a way to be blew by the Han army.

This child is a peerless future!

[Third, stable and updated, seek big brothers to subscribe, and more than a dozen plus ...].

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