The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 1468 of the Three Kingdoms

On the side, Guo Jia is also laughing: "The so-called time workers are Junjie, Du prequightly, you will be optimistic about you, if the court is going to the court, in the future, the sand will be worshiped, but it is just waiting for the leisure, why not Early lower? "

Du prefamed Guo Jia, and the heart suddenly: this person is only 30, but with the front of the Holy Queen, Yingming is inevitably a seven-year-old military division!

He has passed a slightly invalid envy.

Learn civil wuft, goods and emperor.

This is ancient times, and the rooted thoughts.

Inside the seven big military divisions, many are young, but they have been repeated and unscience, and the sea is poor ...

If it is a big man, the Emperor of the big man ...

Guo Jia and Liu Yumei captured this eye, Liu Wei's heart is slightly happy ...

"The acquisition of Du pre-emblem has been successful, this wave ... You can save your emperor to save your emperor!"

Waiting for half a ring, Du pretrely, I have already gathered my mind, I fell down Liu Wei, and I said: "The sin will be pre-emptive, the sin is shallow, Mongolia is not killed ... Just to ban the generals will have a briefing. People have a talented talent. Please put it under the ban on the army, and the sin will be willing to take the horse and hold the horse.


Liu Wei is happy, and he will help Du Pre-, say: "I will heard the name of the army to rule the army. It is the material of the general."

If you come back, the personality charm of the traitorous Cao Cao is not covered.

The hand is really a ticket, and it will help him hit the river.

Now, you must be cheap Liu Wei!

It is pulling Du pre-talking, pulling the heart, suddenly heard Jin Yiwei, the military machine, said: "Your Majesty, Bohai County Military Machine ..."

Jin Yiwei is still in an mouth, lest the news is prisoned to know, and there is another branch.

Liu Wei was arbitrarily putting his hand, said: "Wonderful, just say it!"

Jin Yiwei said: "Zhou Yu DUCD, smash Cao will ban the part, Nanpi City has already taken, Qi Jiguang, Lin Chong, etc., is dividing the soldiers to attack the city of Bohai County ..."

Liu Zhen nodded and asked: "How long can I come back for the ban?"

Jinyi Wei said: "After returning, Cao will ban, choose surrendering in Nanpi City, just on the road to hurry ... Tonight!"

"Zhou Lao Miao counts the river!"

Liu Wei is so good, laughs: "Tell the military to set the banquet, prepare to welcome the preparation of Du Pre-, in the ban!"


Jinyiwei should be there.

"Bohai County has broken ..."

Du Pregnancy is very angry: "Take the river of Golden Soup, but the time problem ... The river is broken, the Eastern barrier is lost, the holy emperor can be long | drive | straight | into, straight!"

Du Prefecture is also a general of Zhi Yong.

Until now, I only insid Liu Wei's strategic intention!

From the beginning layout to a grain decided to deploy, the deployment is called, even the Wei Wang Cao Cao, Wei Wang Cao, the Tiger, Maxi, is between Liu Wei!

On the surface, Cao Wei's forces can also be resistant to Liu Yizhen, very calm.

In fact, Du fondly knows that Cao Cao at this time is already in the center of the hurricane swirls, will be in the wind and rain! !

As long as the news of the rivers and the country is captured by Liu Wei, it will pass, when Zhangzhou vibrates, and the state shake ...

Cao Wei hundreds of thousands of troops, we have a shudder!

Maybe the war has not started, and the situation will be reversed immediately!

Du Pregnancy is full of respect for Liu Wei!

Time passed, as a sap, night is coming soon.

Responsible to Raiders the Pioneer General of Bohai County bite gold, with Cao Jun's downcomers to the ban | dust from the servant, just caught up with this night banquet ...

"Wow haha!"

Seeing the case of Maotai Xianmao, the case, the junction, the joy, and the road: "Your next is ready to be a rich banquet, you can you welcome!"

After this is a fart, a fart is sitting on a seat, holding a wine diam, and the whale swallowed the cow.


Liu Hao is also free to thoroughly, and he doesn't care, it is slightly lit, it falls in banned ...

[Second, free flowers, evaluation tickets! .

The first thousand two hundred seventy-two chapters Emperor mission, take a five sona!

The five sons will be banned, about 367 years old, the face is solemn, the body is long, and when it is the strict, unmoidable iron soldiers ...

At this time, the ban on the championship, in such a scene, all of the Han army generals do not know, of course, some embarrassment, so in the crowd, I saw Du prefers in the crowd, but the old acquaintance ...


Congratulations to the host, the Tiandi Long Yi is expected to use it!

For ban - force 87, intelligence 88, political 85, and 92!

Stunt 1, Zuring the army: In the ban, the soldiers who trained them, they prohibited, disciplined,

Forbidden force +2, not worth +2!

The soldiers who have been banned, the force +1, tough +1!

Stunt 2, good will: be brave, commanded!

When it is banned, the force +2, which is +2!

The soldiers are morale, force +1!

Lying in a slot? !

It is not too powerful in the forbidden base attribute.

But plus this two types of special properties, you can force the cattle!

Liu Hao, it is, it can be said that it will be like a cloud, but there are very few of the two increasing soldiers!

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