The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 1497 of the Three Kingdoms

The heavy bombing sound, like the Yangtze River, swept it!

Sun Ce's eyebrows suddenly jumped, and it was found that there was a cavalry in the distance.

Everyone has a heavy armor, and even the mounts are covered with good armor. The Han army cavalry's face is covered with a horrible surface!

"Hedong Xu Huang here, Sun Ce will fall to the horse!"

For the head of the general, the 5.0 waving the giant ax in his hand, and the side wings of the liberation, directly born ...

Dragon Scales, mysterious, the world, the world is unparalleled, and the annoyance of the excitement, ever, the world is elite, encountering an annoying soldiers, can't hold this fierce charge ...

The first row is annoying, can't afford the mad impact, just like the heavy armor, the army cavalry is hit by the heavy armor, and there are thousands of people behind, and they will refund Qi Qi.

The second army array, whoever retreats, whoever morale will fall.

Xu Huang's hand is in dancing, slashes and kills the bilies, just like mowing the grass!

[Fifth, the addition of flowers, please free flowers, evaluate the ticket is a wave ... GG, the finals don't have to be seen, the two sticks are torn with each other, the buns first uninstall a wave of games ...].

The first thousand two hundred and ninety-eight chapters of the mall army, overbearing the fierce, the mountain river!


This only took the face, and the Han army took a round of charge, and the elite and disadvantaged the unspeakment of the scholars fell sharply. Sun Ce was furious, lifted up the long | gun, killing the past ...

"Good !!"

Xu Huang is the first time to fight for Liu Wei, the war is high, and where is the charm?

! !

The giant ax in the hand lifted high, with the trend of the mountain, falling towards Sun Ce!


The giant ax is falling, Shen Miye is so angry, it is like a tiger to go down the mountain, with Sun Ce's long | guns hit together ...

A shocking giant sound crashed, the two mounts endured the strength of each other, shocking, flashing in lightning ...

The first trick, Xu Huang's body swayed, heartless: He said that Sun Ce has the courage of overlord, today, there is extraordinary!

Sun Ce is also a sharp shock: Hanhuang has five tigers, galloping the world, can't meet the enemy, this ax is absolutely not one, there are so martial arts! ?

In the battlefield, the two people's minds, like electric flash, instantaneous, and instantly ...

No one will refund, Xu Huang and Sun Ce are danced in the weapons, and fight again.

The peerless combination will be the battle, and the gas is scattered, like the shammat, the power is extraordinary!

The dust rushed on the ground, aroused the flying sand!

Thirty-strokes changed, when the two people killed difficult, Sun Ce suddenly heard the earth's crazy earthquake!


It's like the sky, the arrest of the troops are all doubles. The legs tremble, when this, the valley suddenly sounded in the bottom of the behemoths!

Then, Sun Ce's unfolied soldiers were stunned!

Everyone is in a sigh of breath, and the cold hair of the body is stunned!

I can't believe my eyes!

This is what the mother is, what is the situation?

I saw that between the valleys, a group of towers of the armor, the rhinoceros, under the leader of the generals, is moving down to the annoying soldiers.

"This ... What monster is this !?"

Sun Ce is dumbfounded ...

He is also a long-lasting alternative, but he has not seen it. This is like, the sharpness of the rhinoceros is crazy, killing violent, such as the frenzy, to completely crush the disads of the inner disperse!


"Grass, the Han army has the goddess, you can summon the monster!"

"This ... how to play this !?"

When facing unknown, human heart always has a fear.

Wu Song and Meng, Sha Mo Ke, etc., led the Mammer Legion, gave Sun Ce's liberation of the soldiers, and the head ...

Sun Ce is disadvantaged, and it is broken!

After a burst of tenacious resistance, the disconnection soldiers have gradually been collapsed ...

Morale crash!

The troubles of the excitement are almost motive!

Not that they are not strong enough, enough physical fitness, the weekdays are also well trained, absolutely weighing the elite division!

However, how is it else, but also can't hold more terrible Han army?

Zhao Yunxiang saw the situation gradually showed a crushing situation, ordered: "Silver lion light cavalry, followed by the generals, ready to completely intercepted Sun Ce. !!"



The sound of killing, this starts, echoes between the valleys!

Sun Ce is also a heart to kill the enemy, no power back!

The battle of tens of thousands of people, the Han army will lead one of the tigers, he can only support it ...

After fifty rounds with Xu Hui, the squatter knife added to the war group, Sun Ce has fights twenty rounds, the war is all ...

He was a shot, and he was forced to retreat Xu Huang.

"I am going to take Sun Ce!"

"I am going to take Sun Ce!"

The Han army will be guilty, crazy, chasing Sun Ce.

Along the way, the disadvantage is like a straw that is cut, and a large piece of a large piece fell down!

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