The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 1511 of the Three Kingdoms

He three-line operations, the force is shared, and there can be a few hundred thousand army! ?

Furnishing Lejin Pioneer army, like a broken Cao Cao, let him suffer a cone!

Yu Wen Chengdu holds the boxing: "Yue Shuai used a soldier, after this battle, it must be a Weizhen world!"

Zhang Fei is also a smile: "Yue Shuai's father and son, all the hero is a hero, and it is so big for His Majesty.

He held a glass of wine and died.

Yun Yun also put a small person's look, holding a wine bowl, calling: "The Wing Dejun is a three army, but I still have to study with the Wings of General!"

Everyone laughed, and the atmosphere did not mention more enthusiastic ...

The wine passed three patrols, and Yue Fei was almost asking, asked Zhuge Liang and Pang Tong, said: "Two military divisions, now our army first take Yangwu, then break the Uxtine Cao Zhai, and how do you expand the results?"

Zhuge Liang stared at Pang Tang, nodded slightly, or Pang Tong said: "Yue Shuai, this war is bigger, then our army will solemnly stabilize the nest, then Cao Cao will have a chaotic, etc. Cao Cao himself The feet, my army naturally has the enemy! "

Zhuge Liang added: "The company is not bad, don't forget that our army is on the third-line battle, from the top of the overall situation, Guan Shusheng, for Cao Jun Zhang, the river battlefield, there is absolute influence" ... "

"For the time of the present, when the inside of the nest, send people the flying eagle to send a letter to the state, the river, the big scorpion, the situation of the official battlefield, slightly rendering, the Cao Wei people will change, when the people who sway, definitely as a wall Grass surrendered ... "

Yue Fei is a meditation, hitting a praise: "Military division, is the policy of the state, it is so!"

Wolong, the philosophy of the phoenix, can be said to be a pleasing chess game and make the best choice of 0.6.

As long as the three front lines, form absolute suppression, let Cao Cao have a sky, Cao Wei's forces, there is a great might of landing!

This is the positive!

The frontal strength is crushing, let Cao Wei's warm water boil, automatic chronic death!

Guandu battlefield, steady advancement.

Yue Fei hits Cao Jun and Cao Jun and Cao Jun, who will fight Lejin, will be said to be named!

Yue Fei again listened to Wolong Zhuge Liang and Feng Chi Pang Tong's two major military divisions, and the wishes of the nest of the nest, the way to pass the official Fuwan fruit, with the aid of the military machine, and completely stirred the water!

[First, ask for free flowers, evaluate tickets, and support ...].

The first thousand three hundred and twelve chapters powerful public opinion offensive, Cao Hongjun is bad!

"I heard it, Wei Wang has a big defeated, and there is a fierce called Yue Fei, and kills the summer!"

"Scared! The gods of the gods Hou Yusu, but Wei Wang's leftham! He was killed, Wei Wang was more than arm!"

"Hey! Your news, too late ... Guandu battlefield, and defeated a battle, Cao Wei will be happy, and it is passed by Yue Fei!"

"How do I heard that the big man is supervised, and the army has already raised the river. The general of Hu Wei is banned, the river is too guarded, and it has fallen ..."

"Grass! The Wei Wang is losing, this is ... to collapse !?"

"Hey! Small point, do you dare to say ... Hurry and pack fine, I don't want to be more than a war, I can't stand more ..."

"Sk to slip ..."

"I have to pay for it ..."

Heyuan, Taiyuan County, Jinyang City.

One | Between the night, all kinds of trails are flying ...

On the streets of Jinyang City, just a passerby, all of the world's great trend, pointing to Jiangshan.

The people are not stupid, they receive the wind, learn that Cao Wei is losing, where is anyone is optimistic?

Have a low-key luxury tribe, have already begun to clean up soft, prepare to take care of the rest of the stable cool, Chang'an, avoid the war disaster ...

It's true to the state!

Former General Cao Hong received the news from the school government, suddenly violent, in the banquet, the temper, married: "Mad! A group of waste, Wei Wang spent so many hearts, raising these waste, even the next The people 's mouth | Paku can't help !? "

The posture of the school affairs is red, and it is slogan.

They are also a dog in their hearts. This kind of public opinion is not to manage!?

The source of the news is not allowed. Under the passage of the public, the people in Taiyuan County are almost known, and they have gradually spread towards the trends around several counties ...

It's hard to do, do these people! ?

Isn't that the blood sea?

Too unreal ...

Do not say that the people of the state, even between the civil and military officials of the state, all the people have discussive, many people have ideas ...

Time-seekers are Junjie, facing choices, everyone wants to mix with the future, just this.

Put the darkness of the school affairs, Cao Hong's anger has not fully played, turned to Sima Zhao asked: "On the child, you are a rare , resourceful, have your father's style, this situation, how to do?"

Sima Zhaoyou hit down, sinking half a ring, double eyes, brushing a trace of violent murder, said: "General, this must be the Han army Jin Yiwei to drive ... Why not let the school affair, in The city is strictly investigated in the city. Whoever is promoting, directly killing, perhaps can curb the momentum of public opinion! "

Sima Zhao is full of smart and has discovered the source of things.

Cao Cao gave the school government in Liu Hao's mood as a dark kiss of Fan Xin, Liu Wei, is of course not idle ...

Cao Cao's hand, basically there is Liu Hao's military machinery to explode.

Control public opinion, manufacture people are turmoil!

This game has no warfat, but there is no doubt that Liu Wei occupies an absolute advantage ...

Cao Hong itself is a violent person, and the Sima Zha is a shot, and the knockout: "The child is in the same time, so that these spree people have closed their mouths | Ba Tai ... Who dares to pass the half sentence, set Kill innocent! "


The secret of the school government will lead my life.


Cao Hong's heart moved, and recruited the secret of the school government. Did you confiscate? "

The so-called full official, of course, I entered Cao Hong's pocket.

Sima Zhaowei, I didn't expect that Cao Hong was so greedy, refused to let go of any opportunity to make a fortune!

The secret of the school government is absolutely obedient with the order above, and the boxing will lead.

After the secret of the school affairs, this banquet continued.

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