The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 1516 of the Three Kingdoms

"Wind tight!"

This, even the old brothers who are happy, choose the running road ...

They followed Huaxi, in the hands of the master of the sages, and he once led the final elite Hanguan army with Huangfu.

That is, it is deeply understood that the Han army is elite!

Today, this battle, the extent of the Han army, but it is still above the big man in the year!

In particular, Ma Chao, Pound, Ma Wei, these three people, it is like a tiger, a knife, and Cao Junzhi harvested wheat, a piece of poured!

No power!

Chen Qingzhi and Lu Xun were watching half a ring in the back army.

"Leave the military order, ready to enter the city!"

Chen Qing also nodded, Hawran ordered it.

Three thousand big cools, steady eating this number of Cao Junshi Gu Bing, completely no problem!

The battle lasted for a long time, and the slaughter side finally stopped.

Cao Jun directly defeated, and less the command of the main command, the county of the country was scattered, and there were no one to guarded the city ...

Ma Chao, Pang De Pioneer broke the city, almost did not carry out alive games, directly won the Dingkong City.

"Killing pigs, let the soldiers have a full meal, the three armies rectify one in Dingxiang City | Night, pack up, and then drive to the soldiers, go to Mengxian!"

Chen Qingzhi drifted into the city, did not hesitate, decisively ordered ...

After the death of the child, he did not pay close to the army of Yucheng, and Chen Qingzhi was carried out by the Han Jun, and Chen Qingzhi was driven into Changshan County in accordance with the original plan.

Changshan County is the site of Zhangzhou, close to Cao Wei Wang Duyu City, as long as I saw this military horse, it is bound to vibrate!

The fight is playing, and the place of your own heart is actually threatened!

Don't say Cao Hong, I am afraid that Cao Cao must focus on the head, and I can't stand it completely! !

Attack the next day of the city.

Chen Qingzhi took a full-featured and full of Han army, gods disappeared ...

In a short half, Cao Hong finally arrived at Ding Co.

He saw the big man of the city, the eyes of the beads almost all fell out, only feeling that he was inverted, the head is numb, the side of the body: "Sure enough, the Han army is still alone, come. Attacking the city ... What should I do? "

Cao Hong is good at leading the war, but the brain is not enough, but it is not good at making decisions ...

Sima Zhao's narrow eyes were slightly squinted, watching the map of the state in his hand, the god road: "The Siny General, now the Han army only 1.3 is afraid to kill the Menchi County, Mengxian is broken, Changshan County ... ... must be a next goal ... "

Cao Hong listened to the heartbeat, he didn't dare to listen again ...

This Nima!

I really want to attack the Han army into Zhangzhou, stirring the situation in the rear, causing the official defeat, then he as a general, the biggest one, is his ...


Cao Hong took a deep breath, and finally it was calm down his own inner, waved or waved, said: "Direct Ding Yucheng, and then rush to Mengxian ..."

[First, stabilize and update, receive notification, recently reviewed, today's update time in advance, can restore in a few days, the book friends fell to flowers, evaluate the ticket ...].

The first thousand three hundred and seventh chapter let the Cao Wei Jun's scalp hair!

The Han army has Liu Yun, the Emperor Dragon, the gods rush, and will always be a step more than Cao Hong!

When Cao Hong's rectification troops, when he rushed to Mengxian, Chen Qing has disappeared again ...

Cao Hong looked at the big man of the city, the violent jump, biting his teeth: "Made! This group of Mengxian dog is raped, dare to offer the city to surrender, give Laozi Tu | City!"

Sima Zhao quickly stopped Cao Hong, said: "The general will not be impulsive, the Han army leaves a red dragon warner, which is to anger you ... If you are in the intelligence, then make the parents will be fast. Things, can't be thaw | City ... "


Cao Hongyi fists put the table in front of them, and the lungs of the gas are fried!

The Han army has a ghost, it really took him as monkeys ...

Sima Zhao's mind, my heart moves, said: "Why does the general bring Mengxian County to ask a clear?"

Cao Hongnou: "Come!" Let this guy bring it up! "

Not long, a middle-aged man who looks shrinks, is escorted by the people of the school affairs ...

"You are Mengxian County !?"

"In ... under Meng Guang, see Cao ... General Cao Hong ... have ... What is the command?"

This Mengxian County order, felt the violent blood of Cao Hong, almost uncorrible diapers, all said that it is not good ...

Sima Zhao asked: "Who is the Lord? How many people?"

Mengxian County made Meng Guangmai, said: "Han Jun only thousands of people, but their Lord will encourage Chen Qing after convinced the county country, the county property grain, the army has 10,000 More ... Mengxian is now an empty city ... "

Chen Qing! ? ?

Sima Zhao was shocked!

Cao Hong is also a horror!

This | Mom?

Chen Qing is so big, it is directly in the hinterland of the state, if it is not successful, he will be able to be surrounded by hundreds of thousands of army!

I know that my opponent is Chen Qing, who is famous in the world. Sima Zhao is gradually brushed by excitement and hot color, said: "Tin General, now there is an idea, you can choose the general!"

Cao Hong's spirit is oscillated, put a hand, said: "Please say it!"

Sima Zhaozhi said in the ground: "Chen Qingzhi was become a god of white robe, and it was a big riser. I dared to take such a big risk ... Son of interest Inside, Chen Qingzhi's Han Jun, if it is able to dram the Han army, then the crisis suddenly unspeakdron, and the general is if the hand-blade Chen Qingzhi, when it is a big work, becomes a Cao Wei Army! "

Cao Hong smiled: "It's so!"

Sima Zhao said yes.

It is the best way to become a legend, just step on another legend!

If you can kill Chen Qingzhi, don't say, Cao Hong must start the world and become the God of Cao Wei!

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