The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 1542 of the Three Kingdoms

"His Majesty is long, this gimmick, I really fly to the branches and change the phoenix!"

"Yeah, nobles, is it very popular!"

"Hey! A look does not turn to the night, why don't you have this life?"

The night in the room is still surprised to hurt, there is a wonderful and happy sense of dreams ...

On the previous day, she is just one of these people. It is insignificant.

But after Liu Hao's relationship, everything has become different!

The child has become an envious object in everyone!

At this time, the Dalong General, Li Lianying, just told the Jinyiwei to send the letter, turned back, and his face was honored: "What do you do!? Don't go to your noble, arrange lunch, I want you to look good! "

"Yes, the total management ..."

On the side of the maid, we slammed his position and suddenly quiet.

Noble people, will be the existence of them!

"Chen et al. ... When you meet, I will wish you a long time to Long live!"

Guo Jia, Yu Yu, Tian Feng, Yan and others, before and after entering the podium in the foreigner of the temporary palace, Qi Qi squad, say hello to Liu Wei.

"You Ai Qing, Peace ..."

Liu Wei cut his legs with a knife with a knife, he put his hand, and said: "Sit, you have commanded the bail, you will use it together ..."

Such as the care of Mu Chunfeng, let Guo Jia and other military divisions, I am touched, Qi Qi, said: "Chen, etc., thank you, you will be!"

[Fifth, ask for reward, ask for a reminder, vomiting blood broke out, seek book friends, the big men support a hair ...].

The first thousand three hundred and forty-two chapters gambling Huaxia gas transport, the martial arts will then rise!

Everyone is sitting, everyone is placed in prior to the roast sheep legs, such as Yangzhou flavor food ...

Junchen used the meal, waiting for everyone to eat, Liu Wei took out the scarf on the table, wipe the wipe the corner of the mouth, and asked: "All the position, you will take the state. Upy predecessor, can there be a break of the enemy? "

I finally started working!

Guo Jia and others, the look is oscillated, and it will stop the movements in his hand, caught in contemplation.

The maid on the side, withdraws the tableware, in order to make a good tea, the army is holding the tea, and the army teacher Guo Jia stood up, and after arched, he pointed at the map hung in the hall. He said: "Your Majesty is please ... Now in the hinterland of the Qizhou, the fishing in the county is in our army, and there are hundreds of thousands of iron rides in our army. , Recently, fresh and iron ride, must have an immediate! "

Military Tongfeng is also getting up, and the hand said: "Her Majesty can not be underestimated, the Xiongnu, Xianbei, Wu Hui, each have hundreds of thousands of troops, among which the Huns have the defeat, the power is small, 13 x-in-law, Wu Hui still in the day ... the ministers have a good news, the exotic power of the grassland is fully integrated, and there are 450,000 to control the strings. If you read them, you must be defeated! "

Tian Feng was born in Hebei, knows the situation of the north, and the character is straight. I think what I said. It can be said that it is a loyalty.

Yuan Shao can't listen, now it is now embarrassing a bone.

Liu Hao, of course, listened to it, could not help but wrinkle, looked at the map, with a large red to marke the farmity range.

After the Eastern Han, it is a short-lived, Jin Dynasty, and the nutami, the era of five hunaries, all kinds of desert, which is the dark period of the Han people to become a second feet!

Liu Hao's arrival, in a certain extent, accelerating the history of history, the Jin Dynasty will no longer exist, the strong phase of the grassland alien, will also be advanced ...

"Taking into account the difficulty of hidden tasks, you really have to treat it carefully, otherwise it is easy to turn over the ditch ..."

Liu Wei took the brown eyebrow and said: "Non-my class, his heart must be different! is also ideas, specific measures, what is the idea?"

, Zigong said: "Your Majesty, Xian Yi gold tribe, has been defeated by Cao Cao, now annexing the prosperity of the gold tribe, is Mo Rong, Tuo, these two more than 100,000 The Xianbei cavalry seems to have reached an agreement with Cao Cao's mutual assistance. Cao Cao entered the official, they will have actions! "

Dozens of thousands of army admit defeat, absolutely can't ignore!

Guo Jiazhen's short-term, said: "The situation in the Qizhou is in the right North Ping County. If you can take the right North Ping County, you will be connected to the county, resist the county, and more convenient, and even more convenient. Your Majesty is sent to general, first steadily, and then take the thunderous power, go straight to the right North Ping County, so the northern situation can be customized! "

The current situation is not only the game between Liu Wei and Cao Cao, but also the ultimate game between Liu Hao and the grassland of the grassland!

This game, gambled in Huaxia!

After listening to a few military policies, Liu Yao is confirmed, calling: "Cai Wei, why?"

, Xu Wei is out, holding a box: "At the end, what is your command !?"

"Yi and other two, collaborate Xu Huang, the leader strictly prevents the fresh iron ride into the Central Plains!"

Liu Hao squatted, suddenly suddenly moved slightly, continued to ordered: "The Xianbei power expansion, the main force of our army is not, it is not necessary to train the soldiers, the specific command, listen to Xu Huang ... Yuan Hao, you have a situation for the north, you are most understand , Can be the army of Sima, help the public! "


Diwei, Xu Wei, Tian Feng and others, will be tadled to accept orders.


"Please pay attention to the host, the host is now Raiders the northern alien, the future will rely on, and the loyalty of , will be born!"

"I am busy, I almost forgot ... I have Wu Roun Tian Wang this ace !!!"

I heard this system prompt, Liu Wei suddenly laughed: "I have a tiger bear and river, and I have a white tiger, ride the desert, ride the fresh pole ride, and the end of this strong man, and finally this strong man. Before the driving, I have not yet been able to live, the life wakes up, I can know this dream ... What solutions? "

The inner courtiers, sinking and sinking, or the ghosts Guo Jia, laughing and said: "Congratulations, only the sages of the sages, there is a grateful sign, this strong man, invested in the frightener, inevitably be a dream, Let Jinyiwei are in the north, exploiting the search, will be won! "


Liu Zhen nodded and was very satisfied with Guo Jia's understanding. Hawran got up, told: "Feng Xiao really has a mystery of ghosts, then this is settled ..."

"Xu Huang is a general, Tianfeng is the marching Sima, and Xiwei, Xu Wei to prevent Xianbei violently into the 650 invasion, you personally lead the army, first conquer the goats in the right North Ping County!"

Right North Ping County, from the geographical position, it is the military, very important, and it is the junction of Inner Mongolia, Hebei and other regions.

This place is also the soldiers of General Li Guangxi!

Sheep's head wears a purple gold helmet, wearing a majestic armor, a long body shape, but some Confucianism.

Sunset city head, blast roll, flag hunting.

Sheep is standing by the sword, squinting, staring at the horizon in the distance.

After the death of Gongsun, Gongsun took a residual white horse from the middle of the Dangdun, after a few years of recuperation, Gong Sun Bao's brother, with the help of Gongshu, the power of Bai Ma Yi, integrated, recycled. 100,000 white horse cavalry, also known as white horses!


I don't know which defenders are more than the pointer, I have seen the horizontal horizon in the distance, and there is a black pressure cavalry!

The hand of the sheep is on the sword holder, suddenly grip!

[Sixth, the addition of the ticket is more, ask for reward, ask for a reminder, seek automatic subscription, there are updates in the evening, seeking support ...].

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