The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpaid Supreme Chapter 1552 of the Three Kingdoms

Qizhou fierce Wei Xiong - Wu Li 88, Intelligence 32, Politics 46, During 77!

Technical, pretty fierce: the martial arts is not good, the mind is simple, but it is a number of ourselves!

When it comes to the enemy, force +2, intelligence-2!

[The current state has been killed, the host has got a fragment, an extra reward worship value of 800 points!

"Unfortunately ... it is a bit of strength, the rest, most of which can not trigger the smell of fruity and rotten shrimp, not worth mentioning ..."

Liu Hao was sigh, but suddenly thought of, asked: "Public blood, you said that Du pre-born sheep, what is he now?"

This member is destroyed, it is called a monk, and since it has already been born, there is no truth that I have missed!

Zhou Yu arch is a hand, and smiled and said: "His Majesty is relieved, the minister has sent him to put him in the sunset city, and the arrangement is proper!"

"Well ... so peerless, you can use it!"

Liu Wei took the palm of the palm: "Come, the front, I want to take a look at the sheep ... Gongsun Ce, Tian Yu, Wol, etc. First in the city, tie the camp village, serve the banquet tonight, reward the Three Army!"


Gongsun's policy is holding the Tian Yu, and he will hold the box.

Zhou Yu on the side, is also the heart, and it is true ...

Liu Wei is in a ride, and he will do the heart of Gong Sun. It can be said that it is not expensive, and it will take nearly 100,000 white horses!

Such a fucked result, when it is today, only Liu Wei can do it!

The key is that after Liu Hao is so big, it is still not stunned, but it is awake!

Under the leadership of Jinyiwei, the civil and military people, like the stars, and surrounded Liu Wei to the place where the sheep is closed.

Sheep is quite talented, Zhou Yu is also hong with him, all rooms are quite elegant, and there is no hawward at all ...

Wearing a flying fish clothing, Pei Xi Shu Knife's Jinyiwei, the gods of the gods are guarded outside the door. When I saw Liu Yulong, I walked over, and I took a knife, I was squatted, and I called: "I saw Your Majesty ... ... ! "

Liu Hao nodded against them, and he said hello, his hands were separated, light and one, far in Zhu Hongwu door opened outside, suddenly took a hole!

The neighborhood of a sitting straight, the gods are soaked, holding a wolf mill, what is written in the case.

This person is a sheep!

Liu Wei dared to look forward to the left and right, laughed: "The sheep is really a famous in the Qizhou, the extraordinary!"

Sheep, I have seen the movement outside the door, put down the wolves in my hand, stood up and smiled: "It turned out to be defeated in the Han Han's hand, sheep !"

Since Liu Wei appeared in Qizhou, it means that Yanzhou is an important strategic purpose of Liu Wei.

There is Gongshun's 100,000 white horses from the tiger, and they are stared by Liu Wei. Even if sheep is more than 100,000 people, I am afraid that I can't stand the right North Pingshi ...

Liu Hao smiled and entered the room. He said: "The generals of the sheep, there are Tiandi's talents, comparable to Han Xin, Lu Shang, like now, the right North Ping County, the volley of the district, not know the world, just like a pearl dark investment, What is it a pity? "

273 melon, Liu Wei continued: "If it can be the effect, with the destruction of the peerless treatment, help the power of the army, sweep the world, lying down the world, establish a relationship, blind wife, is it unhappy!? "

At the beginning, Liu Wei recruits talents, it is to pay for it.

Now, as long as Liu Hao is open, there is a very strong persuasion between invisible!

Bi-side, the year's Liu Wei, is just a general manager of a small company, the ability to recruit abilities, the salary treatment is not good, can only be attracted by the potential ...

So, it is of course difficult, now Liu Wei, is the old family of five hundred listed companies, with the mouth of the olive branch, for those of the people who are recruited, is a favorite feeling ... I feel ...

In addition, Liu Wei broke the charm of the limit of the limit, and everyone in the side of the people, there was a sense of convictions to surrender |

Where is sheep?

As the saying goes, learn civil wufts, goods and emperors!

He is talented, he has been reading thousands of books since childhood, and he is not forgotten. When he is ten years old, it is already a battlefield, and it is familiar to the chest!

However, the lack of sheep is a chance!

[Sixth, the addition of flowers, seeking books, big, open automatic subscription, and more than 20 automatic subscriptions plus more ...].

The first thousand three hundred and fifty-two chapters of the ancestor returned, and the name of the Wu name is achieved!

In the face of Liu Wei, sincere, there is no doubt, the sheep is heart |!

With him the talents of the military, it is called peerless, and there is a right North Ping County in the district. It really can't get him!

It can make him flying nine days, led the army to shoot the land, and the opportunity to open the soil is in front of you ...

The sheep is in the heart of a man, but it is afraid that he is because Liu Hao's words will be the Lord. He will make Liu Wei look at him ...

At this time, Ji Tiger is out, holding a box: "The generals of the sheep, I will intersect you for many years, natural is known to know the bottom ... Your Majesty is the unsuccessful Shengming, and the heale is still in Gaozu, Hanwu. After you stay in the world, you must open up our majesty, cross-hit the mobei, hit the alloy, when the imperial court is needed, the generals are needed ... Please ask the sheep and the generals, early work! "

"Ji ... all surrendered?"

The sheep is slightly pine, Ji is a unclosed old stubborn, and now he is in the heart of Liu Yuxin, what else is good! ?

The sheep is no longer hesitating, a dress, she worshiped, and the head is grabbed, and the loudly said: "The sin will 370 sheep, no morality, not know the number, the number of days, and fight the big man, please down sin!"

Red crime?


Helling the extinguish, a long way to go, and sheep, such a dental talent, and familiar with the situation in the north, nature should be used!

Liu Yulong, he walked to the sheep, and helped the sheep, and the warmth laughed: "Since the general of the sheep, since the knows, the past, I don't look back, I only have a foreign mart of the horse in the future. It is a common enemy of the big man! "

For the country to open up, it is the glory of the people!

Sheep, heart, break, once again, stuff: "The sin will ... suffer from the holy emperor and width, willing to take the role of the dog, resist the prosperity of the north !!"


Liu Wei's heart is slightly happy, and she will support her sheep, and the warmth said: "I have the helping of the sheep, He Yizhen is uncertain, the interracial is not flat?"

This is not a polite.

The sheep is stationed in the right North Ping County, which is quite deeply known for the situation of the mobei alien.

Have his help, in the future, the whole and Xianbei is waiting for the whole battle, absolutely beneficial!

Guo Jia and Ji Hao, who had a big military division, and I wish you boxing on the side: "Congratulations, you will have a good person!"

The system's prompt sound is also awkward;

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