The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 1560 of the Three Kingdoms

Zhang Liao said: "The news of Jin Yiwei is absolutely reliable! Cao Cao has been in detail, Cao Zhang has a brave, was sent to Wushu City, and is also reasonable ..."

5.7 Cao Yu can get the news of the Han army through the scouts of the school government, the Han army military machine Jinyiwei, but also the ghosts, and the backhand will pay the information of Wuyi City, and give a clear bid ...

Zhang Liao asked: "Wenke, you can know Cao Chang, what?"

Surface: "Cao Chang this person ... The rule of the army is very strict, the temperament is violent, often whip killing the army, but this person is Wu Yong people, Cao Cao is called a thousand miles, and it must be a shock!"

"It turned out to be Cao Hou's son!"

Zhang Liao hand held a horse, a smile, said: "Oh, according to some view, this child has no wake, but the sorrow, the destroy is like it!"

[Fifth, there are also add more, ask for free flowers, evaluate tickets ...].

The first thousand three hundred and sixty chapter Zhang Liao Wuzhao Cao Zhang!

I don't have it, but I asked interest to: "Wen Rui, Cao Cao Yiyi, he has no opinion, there is no opinion?"

Cao Wei's core rights in the center, still held by Cao Cao's party, which is a very unhealthy state for a huge force group.

The head is smirk, "Xia Hou, Xia Houyuan, Cao Ren, Cao Hong and others, martial arts, is also a good place, in addition, Cao Xun, Cao Zhen, etc., all the people, Cao Cao will only go to Cao Weizong, have not been there. People are available! "

Xia Houzhen, Xia Hou Yuan, Cao Ren, Cao Hong, etc. Cao Wei Zong people, ten are dead in seventy-eight ...

Cao Cao himself did not think that Zhang Liao stopped in the foreigner, Cao Wei's power is really happy!


When two people were discussed, Jin Yiwei flew reports: "General Zhang, Yu General, found Cao Jun Fu Bing, attending Mafeng, at least 50,000 people!"


Zhang Liao @ , press @ , : Can't live, go down the mountain! "


Jin Yiwei is holding boxing, flying quickly ...

The Han army has moved, and the iron shield of one person, I turned out the strict defensive five-line thick soil, looked at the thickness of the thickness, and a seamlessness of the sky.

The mountain is called the sound, and the Cao Zhang, who is on Mafeng, the second eye of the gas, and hesitely asked: "The scouts of the school government have not, who is the Han army?"

This Nima!

In his eyes, the perfect spending of the battle, this is broken! ?

He is the face of Cao Wei, whoever, does not want! ?

The current war is also a big man, holding a big man, holding a box: "Cao Zhang General, brother @ Taishou in the ban ... "

what! ?

Cao Weizhong will look at each other and say: "The Forbidden General is the Wei Wang Xinfei love, now there is here, is it not enough !?"

"It is definitely surrendered, and the rivers are broken. Where is the Bohai-gun?"

"Grass! This anti-bone di, Wei Wang so heavy him!"

Everyone talked about the sound buryth, Cao Zhang is also eye @ , , @ : "Haha, Zhang Liao is the Lord? If it is a battle, you will be able to name the world, Wei Zhen Jiuzhou!"

Deng Sheng smiled: "Zhang Liao called the hero, today's fear, but so, I will lead one brief teacher, go straight to Zhang Liao first!"

Yang Chaoying guns: "General Cao, to ban this anti-@ @ @ , the end will kill!"

It is said that there is a Han army soldier in the mountain: "Cao Zhang, you have no ovate @ , you | Mom calls you home to eat milk, don't give up the conspiracy, hurry, Zhang Liao is full of compassion, spare you A dog life ... "

This Han soldier is very big, and the sound of sound is swayed in the valley, and the Han army on the side smiled.

This novelty, called the Cao Wei soldiers on Mafeng, but not laughing ...


Cao Yuqi is to be angry, almost bite the steel teeth, called the road: "Zhang Liao Children, it is rampant, I will take you the first level!"

Under the @ ,, Cao Wei's army took the leader of Cao Zhang, and suddenly kills from Mafeng!

Under the horse peak, kill the sound!

50,000 Cao Jun, is also a trained sophorese, and it will block the entire valley.

Although Cao Zhang is smashed, it is not completely no brain.

The mountain road is narrow, it is not suitable for cavalry fighting. He knows that the Han army cavalry is amazing, so it will take this place to offset the advantages of the Han army cavalry ...

Zhang Liao in the Han army is also discovered this, and the long knife is always increquisited. Now it is! "Wu Songbei famed in front of the army.

The cavalry is difficult to show, but it is like a legion, but there is a use of martial arts.

As long as I step on the past, Cao Jun has no place to avoid, only hard-lived against this wave of fierce shocks ...

"The narrow road will win the brave, and will be killed! Take Zhang Liao, in the arrow, reward thousands of gold, worship the general!"

Under the reward, there must be the courage!

Cao Zhenzhen arm, tens of thousands of Cao Jun squeeters, all behind him, head towards the Han army array @ @ !

Cao Zhang is brave, it is not to say more.

He is a horse, rushed to the forehead!

Zhang Liazi @ @ @ : "The whole army ... attack!"

The Han army cavalry came toward the second side, gave it out of the three hundred fierce pictures, one somewhat science, like hills!

The beast army will be martial arts, and the hand is high, and the hands are called: "Just work, when at this time! Crush those Cao Bing ... kill!"

The imperial soldiers on the back, while reminding the fighter to start impacting the enemy's arms, while singing: "Kill!"

Roar! Roar! Roar!

Three hundred fierce pictures, long nose, like the prehistoric beast, @ ,,,,,

The number of tons of tons are like, because of the reason why the south to north, the climate is not used, the exceptional violent.

Both the strokes must be thick, the legs stepped on the ground, and they made a violent scream, as if the ground had to be calendhed ...

"My grass !? What is this ghost eldest @ !?"

"Monster ... monster !?"

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