The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 1570 of the Three Kingdoms

Zhuge Liang only shook his head and sigh.

Tens of thousands of people's wars, relying on his Wolong talents, it is impossible to preserve high.

After all, in Cao Wei, there is also the people!

At this time, Yue Yun's horses rushed to the Chinese army, lifted the Wenhu, which was tied to a dice, was on the ground, called: "Hey, I caught a Cao, is it a big job?"

Gao Shun was dead, and Yue Fei is not good, and immediately drink: "Agrons, you rescue Gao Shun general is not in time, if you have a good turn, you are also difficult to escape ... This Cao will be born very, it is absolutely not What general, how is it? "

The Wenhu on the ground can't hear it, anger: "Yue Fei, kill it quickly, or today, this is the insult, and there will be ten times in the future, there must be ten times!"

This Nima!

Wenhu mentality explosion ...

Laozi is a big brother of Wen Du, helping Cao Caoping Hebei, standing down his blood and sweating, how is it is not a general! ?

I want to be a bad enemy today, I have read this monster, how can I be hurt, I have been humiliated! ?

When the Wenhu pointed neck, Zhuge Liang and Pang Tong were shocked.

"Wen Tiger, in the past, Taishan County is too guarded, Cao Wei's brother of Military Wen Du, worships the general of Cao Wei Zhenzhao, is also Cao Cao driving the head of the forehead ... right?"

Pang Tong was burning, staring at the Wen Tiger, and he didn't even say it.

Wenhu's eye bead turns, said: "You are ugly, knowing a name, still killing me, otherwise waiting for a certain day, there must be a chance to die!"

Yue Yun's anger called: "Dare to speak in front of the military division, let you go, what? Xiaoye next hammer put you into a meat !!"

The phoenix cluster is a smile: "In front of it, it will use the general law, but the sculptor small technology!"

[Ninth, the addition of the ticket is more, the buns are crazy, ask for free flowers, evaluation tickets, and dynamics ...].

The first thousand three hundred seventy chapters of the poisonous tiger Sima Yi!

Yun Yun scratched his head and asked very much. "The military division, he is not dead, what will it be?"

Zhuge Liang smiled: "The young army, the Wen Du is Cao Wei Meng, the Wenhu is called, saying that this is not a picture!"

Wenhu felt that he was completely seen by Zhuge Liang and Pang Tong, and his face was passionate ...

That's right, it is the general!

If Pang Tong has this intention, let go of Wenhu, then he is ignorant ...

Unfortunately, he didn't know, this Pang Tong's talents, far more than his imagination, look at his careful thinking ...

"Yu Shuai, the security of the high general, is falling in this person ..."

Zhuge Liang gently shakes the goose fever, pointing to the Wen Tiger, and smiled.

Yue Fei's heart moved slightly, nodded: "That one will be repaired, sent to Cao Ying, called Cao Cao Zhopian, the way to temporarily stop warning, waiting for the opportunity, let the riverside of the river and the Cao Junxin ..."

"It is very good!"

Zhuge Xiangli thought, said: "Cao Wei's bottom card has not made further results, the things delivered, Yue Shuai has completed ... If you want to protect the high command, it is so!"

In this way, the news of Wenhu was captured, and he passed back to Cao Wei.


Outside Cao Cao, the heavy and smooth footsteps sounded, and a rumored voice sounded outside the account: "Wei Wang, the end of the end, ask for a paragraph!"

Then, Wen Hou ignored the block of guards on the side of the school affairs, and pushed the military account, and the radius came in.

"Oh, it's a time (Wen Du's expression) coming !?"

Cao Cao heard the Wen Yao, and immediately gathered his heart, said: "Since the time to find a lonely, but what is it?"

Wen Dumen, he said: "Wei Wang, the brother is falling into the army, and he is captured by the Han army. At the end, he will ask the teacher to take a brigade.


Cao Cao shook his head, silent

Musma Yi came out: "Wen Duo, the Han army master Yue Fei, is the name of the world, it is absolutely not to be underestimated. After the war, it must have stabilized the camp. At this time, it is not a wise!"

Cao Cao was apparent that Sima Yi's statement, said: "Don't worry, after the war of today, Jin Xiu Hou Sheng said that the Han army will be Gao Shun, forgive, they don't dare to Wenhu how to do ..."


At this time, the camp came outside the camp to call the centers of the school affairs guard: "Wei Wang, the Han Jun sent a letter, please Wei Wang, please!"

Cao Cao gods slightly moved, lifted his hand, took the letter from the school affairs to guard and opened his hands, opened a look, laughed: "If you really don't have Zhongda, the Han army has sent a letter. Take the Wenhu General and Lonely Exchange Gao Shun! "

I suddenly said, Cao Cao continued: "The passage command, the school government is in this war injury, and then send back the letter to the Han army, and exchange hostages tomorrow!"


The guards of the school affairs, suddenly led.

"Yue Yuan Shuai, the military division ... Today's battle, the specific casualties have been roughly finished ..."

The Han army is here, Jinyiwei's gods rushed, finished the battlefield, suddenly came to Yue Fei.

Yue Fei made a lot of hands, saying: "Speaking!"

Zhuge Liang and Pang Tong on the side are also in danger, and they will listen to it.

"Today, the war is more than 33,700, including the elite causing camp, the whole army is not covered, and the generals of Gao Shun lived. After Yu Wen Chengdu, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and other generals, the Cao Jun chaos This war is absolutely not under our army, at least 50,000 Cao Bing, fighting white horses! "

Jinyiwei will repay the entire battle again.

Zhuge took nodded and gently shakes the goose feathers. "This war Cao Cao is already smashed out of all the hidden fate. It can be made. It is already Yue Shuai command to be active ... hurry to the Lord Flying Eagle Invitably report the official battle! "


Jin Yiwei is holding boxing, flying quickly ...

the next day.

Genius is bright, Cao Wei and the big man, all of which have been arched.

Yue Fei rides the tiger God, and the horses go out, call: "How is Gao Shun General?"

Cao Cao also sent the horse to go out, and I saw Yue Feiwei Yingqi, I couldn't help but feel said: "Yue Yuan Shuaiwei winds, far more frequent, and must be called eight tables in the future!"

Yue Fei, this figure, Cao Cao has moved to recruit the mind, continue to open, say: "Hanhuang has Zhou Yu, Chen Qingzhi, lonely, Yue Peng, must be a total of people!"

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