The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 1572 of the Three Kingdoms

"Laughing is dead, but it is only to shoot the Wenhu ..."

Everyone nodded.

Today, the exchange is captured, and it is also a hutter.

Fortunately, Zhang Wei got to Zhuge Liang, standing in advance, the most suitable of the arrow, one arrow hit the Tiger, causing the Wen Dao to stop, doing the northern palace pure, the dark arrow, stirring Cao Cao Zhongjun chaos ...

This series of changes directly by Pang Tang in the eyes.

It can be said that today's Han Jun killed the general of Cao Cao, and the safety earned back Gao Shun, which can be happy!

Cao Cao collected soldiers, this is not able to play, Yue Fei took the Han army, escort Gao Shun to the medical camp, and diagnosed.

"The situation is not good!"

The supervisor of the medical camp is Hua Zhong, the son of Hua Wei, he checked Gao Shun's injury, and he made a happy: "General Gao Shun is in the battle of the battle, and he has fallen to the right arm. There is no proper treatment, injury. And infection is aggravated ... "

"If it is not Gao Shun, the military is joy, I am afraid that it is already a corpse!"

Yue Fei was shocked, and I quickly asked: "How is this good management?"

The foot of Yuwen Chengdu also said: "This old husband, start with your life! Gao Shun General is the Lord's heart love, please save himself, you have to save him!"

Everyone asked Qi Qi.

"Gaoshun's internal injuries have been sent together, as well as symptoms of infection ... The injury is too complicated ..."

Hua Zhongzhi wrinkled, and said: "Some can hang the gigabunner of Gao Shun's life, family and Li Shen doctor, at this time, I will go to the north. At this time, I am ahead of time, but I will call my family and Li Shen. , A diagnosis, maybe there is a line of life! "

Although Huazhong is a son of God, the talent is more than Chinese.

Handling a general situation, Huang Zhong is more than enough, facing the situation of nine deaths, or is still a fire.

Zhuge Liang gods slightly, said: "In this case ...

[Second, stabilize and update, seek flowers, evaluate tickets, support ...].

The first thousand three hundred seventy-two chapters of the emperor summon, once again shocked!

"It's so!"

Yue Fei looked at Gao Shun on top of Jin Paper, and the heart is not a taste, and it is busy ordering the military machine.

The military machine is flying in the event, the efficiency is extremely high.

However, between the day, Liu Wei has received the battle report from Guandu.

In fact, Liu Hao has taken a corresponding message in the system's prompt:


"Yue Yun is rushing, killing the Cao Jun Yanshan thief Zhang Yan, with an additional award worship value of 1000 points, rewards will be fragmented!"

"Hey! Cao Cao drives the truck fight, the golden knife Wang Han Qiong, the knife is broken to high-shi right arm, deduct the host worship value of 2000 points, please know!"

"Both sides exchanged the prisoners of war, Zhang Yizhu's arrow, shooting the Cao Jun general, the extra reward 2000 points, extra rewards will be fragmented!"

Cao Wei Black Mountain General Zhang Yan - Wuli 84, Intelligence 72, Political 68, Positive Rate 85!

Technical, whistle: Xiaoju Mountain, saying a good party!

When Zhang Yan is the battle of the Montenegro thief, the force +1, the insurance +1!

Ministry of the whole 313 body black mountain thieves force +1!

Cao Wei's Wenhu - Wuli 90, Intelligence 85, Political 77, Positive Rate 83!

Stunt, good will: Wenhu is the son of Cao Wei, the talent, when it holds the gun, Wu Yong is exciting, force +2!


Liu Hao, who had a few cases in front of him, and a few pour in the rosewood case.

Li Lianying couldn't help but play a cold. When I have never seen Liu Wei's murder!

The deduction of the worship is a little thing, killing Zhang Yan, Wenhu is just a surprise.

The key is to trap the commander of the camp, and the right arm was broken by Han Qiong.. This is basically advised to gain a high-tech horse career.

After all, the right arm is the hand of the force, the military commander, relying on this hand to eat.

Now the high shift is folded, the martial arts will basically have been abolished, and how to take the lead in the future? !

"Your next is angry ..."

Li Lianying also knew that this military newspaper is: "At this time, the situation is critical, it is better to send Hua Wei, Li Shizhen two god doctors, rush to the official battlefield, diagnosis and treatment of Gao Shun?"

"Feng Yi is the arm of , ​​can't be lost ... I personally took two god doctors to go to Guandu!"

Liu Wei squinted his eyebrows, played with his hands, and finally decided.

There are generals such as Xu Huang and other generals in the north to lead 100,000 white horses from the town, steady, such as Taishan.

At this time, Zhao Yun, Zhang Liao, in the ban, etc., it is also a slightly, Liu Wei, has been successful, and Liu Wei has been successful. At this time, the timing is mature, go to the front battlefield hard steel Cao Cao, do not lose a good choice.

"The command of the command, convene Feng Xiaoliu military division and others, come to the age!"

Liu Wei thought that he was ready to do, a single order, Guo Jia and other civil and military people, and the fish will enter the account.

Wenwu Qunchen has heard: "Chen, etc. ... Meet it, you have no borders!"

"When it is very, don't have a lot!"

Liu Wei raised his hand and said, directly said: "Li General Management, will be officially reported, there is an adult!"


Li Lianying gave his life, and the military news from Yue Fei was handed over.

"Guandu hundreds of thousands of military warfare, big scene!"

"The key is the general of Gao Shun, the situation is not very wonderful!"

"I have to send Hua Wei and Li Tuan god doctor to diagnose the treatment, delayed the time, Gao Shun will probably be dangerous ..."

Gao Shun is low-key, do not fight hard, not drinking, and is rigorous, but very serious.

The military will be very good with him.

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