The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 1591 of the Three Kingdoms


The throat between the junks, broke out, the scorpion, the patriarchal, and the evils went to Xia Hou!


A golden iron smuggling loudly, and the summer Hou is screaming, and the heart is shocked: I used to bite gold in the year. At this time, I have made martial arts again!

The two taps are connected, just kill a group in the forest!

Cheng Jin Jin's three ax, end is powerful, almost unparallert, hitting Xiahou, sour, sweat, but after the three ax, the junction is a little hard, although it can suppress Xia Hou, eager It is unlikely to be overwhelming, but it is unlikely.

Xia Hou Yu's procedure biting gold, I knew that she had touched her hard, there is no heartfelt war, and Cao Cao didn't have a lot of shadow. He felt a shot, and he opened the junction of Jin and took it.

"Rolling your mother, you will come back in your eyes ..."

The payment is biting gold, and the head is called broken throat. Xia Hou is not returning, and the horse is crafted.

"Cheng General, this ... this whole?"

Cheng Jin, the soldiers, all speechless ...

Today, this is too unlucky, a big man is soaked, so you slip away from your hand ...

"Chasing! I can't catch this one-eyed dragon!"

Cheng bite is naturally refused to let go, and the ax is catching up ...

Gufu white horse.

In the tonal, all the battlefields killed by both sides.

The two sides of this battle put into the total number of battles, at least 400,000!

Starting from the morning, I have been killed in the night, the mountains are in the wild, blood flow drifting, all are the body ...

After Cao Cang, after the command of the battlefield, he was handed over to Sima Yi's hand.

In order to complete the "Wolong VS Shu Tiger", Liu Wei also handed over the command of the Han army to Zhuge Liang!

Two people entangled in the fate, just in this official, carry out the ultimate limit!

Sima Yi controls Cao Jun, although there is a number of advantages, but can fight the generals, it is basically that there will be high pets on the five dragons, Yue Yun and other votes, the fighter, to give it to kill ...

Will be the bile of the soldiers!

There is no to force the generals, even if the soldiers and horses have more than 100,000, how can it?

With Sima Yi's relevance, under the support of the general, to force a hundred thousand generals, still some of them.

Zhuge Liang is different, and he has been rapidly growing in Liu Yuxi.

The situation in the battlefield is gradually falling to the Han army!

The two sides crazy blood war, killing late at night during the day, pale, looking at the red dragon flag of the red Dragon Dragon Bag, and said: "Don't make it a big business!"

On the side of the Cao Wei, the North Palace was purely called: "Zhongda military division, hurry, the tiger battle is overlooked !!"

The tiger chariot is the last barrier of the death of the big man Dragon Scales!

[Fourth, stable and updated, unprinci-break, seek book friends to open automatic subscription, every fifty automatic subscription, more than a dozen plus more ...].

The first thousand three hundred and ninety chapters chapter Guan Yu holds, Yi Yun Tian,!

The wild in the wild is in the wild.

Sima Yi, Sima Yi, Mission of Cao Wei, sighed, will be dead.

Under the protection of the guards of the tiger leopard and the school affairs, they finally killed a blood road and escorted Sima.

It's just that the big man chasing the soldiers countless, Sima Yi is halting down, escaping into the unknown mountain, and it is also a temporary to get rid of the Han army endless chasing.

"The military adult, found a village in front, there are several households, do you want to see it first?"

The school government guards the boxing.

Even in the past few days, Cao Wei Zhong is not only mentally tight, but it looks very tired and slack, it is possible to fall. ...

"In this case, I encountered the Han army. Isn't it in the white man?"

Sima Yi secretly secretly, the possibility of the Han army chased it was slightly slight, and he said: "Let's take a trim, multi-school, the deputy, a post," "


Cao Wei people, such as the Daddy, the tide has poured into this ruins of the village.


Guan Yu fell to Qinglong, the moon knife, galloping in the white horse, long-awaited, there is a kind of heroic state ...

Behind the silver lion light cavalry, it is also followed by Guan Yu, the sound of the horses and the sound of the thunder, crazy, secretly killing Cao Wei ...

"Where is the Cao thief escaped?"

Kill the ring, still did not see Cao Cao, Guan Yu Danfeng's eyes, my heart is a bit depressed ...

Temcer hillside, looking away, seeing between the White Horse Battlefield to Liyang City, with a few tensiles, a lot of chaos ...

These Cao Wei's heads, after the defeat, some direct fleeing soldiers, killing is also white killing, flying, but the Cao Wei's key header, one has not met.

"General, there is a trace of Cao Wei Tiger Leopard to ride with the school affairs to protect anyone!"

Jinyiwei rolled the cloak, galloping from the distance!


Guan Yu's spirit is oscillated, and the knife called: "Wait, the tiger leopard ride and the school affairs guard, but the Cao Wei Wang is elite, it must be in the arch of Cao Wei!"

"I hope to take the general, kill Cao thief!"

"I hope to take the general, kill Cao thief!"

The silver lion behind the light cavalry began to scream.

Not only Guan Yu is depressed, they are more uncomfortable, Cao Cao uses a tiger chariot, and after the role of their role, this official is dead, and there is no big relationship with them.

Basically, Cao Wei Dawns paired in the big man trap and tiger!

Now, when you are chasing, you can just play the mobility of light cavalry, cut off Cao Cao is a return, thousands of miles to chase, take it!

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