The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 1599 of the Three Kingdoms

Sun Ce was obliquely of Sun Quan, cold channel: "In your eyes, only Ronghua is rich, where there is this brother, this big gift, Sun does not dare to accept!"

He got up, his back to Sun Quan, did not give him a good face.


Sun Quan is slightly embarrassed, and the eyes are sharp, and it is not enough. Suddenly, the opening: "Big Brother, you, my mother, love for hand, today, how is it so sad?"

Sun Ce looked back and said: "You dropped the Han Dynasty, but I was Cao Wei, and the sand grouped, naturally it is the owner, there is nothing to say, say soon!"

[Second, stable and updated, seek flowers, ask for evaluation tickets, ask for support! .

The first thousand three hundred and ninety-seventh chapters have kill the little war!

"Big Brother, you don't have to rush me, let me go!"

Sun Quan is sighing: "The Emperor is so sweeping, sweeping Liuhe, Youzhou, and the state, all of them are in the hands of my owner, and the county of this arbitrary counts is rearranged, how much time?"

"Little sister affectionately, the mother suffers from heart, very much, I'm holding you ... Sun's Zhongyi, it is the Han Room, the father, the father, the death battle, isn't it just to help the big man?"

"This ... mother, no disease ..."

Sun Ce was silent.

He has been in Wu Yong, but it is not fake, but it is filial piety, for his mother, he has always been a speech.

The big filial sons in the Three Kingdoms, Sun Cene can be placed on a seat!

Sun Quan tears flash, cover up: "Hey, you ask him!"

Sun Ce is moving, but he sees Wu Jing, who is dressed up, comes out from the dark, said: "Bo, your mother suffers from heart, mostly hanging you, if you die, she can not live alive!"

Wu Jing is Sun Ce and Sun Quan's pro-intelligence, and it is also the general of the military, with Sun Quan, surrendering Liu Wei in Hengzhou City.

With such a real hammer, Sun Ce is believed to be eight or nine minutes ...


Sun Ce is like a numb, I don't know what to do for a moment ...

Wu Jing took his shoulders, and he worked hard to persuade: "Bo", this year, the Emperor's Raiders Huainan, fighting with Yuan Shu, resulting in a heavy loss, but the number of columns Invincible, sweep the world, the Sun is once again disappointing, there is no different in the arm, act against the sky, the whole family ... "

"You think, when you come, you can go to you."

Wu Jing personally won the horse, and it was also afraid that Sun Ce was unknowingly, and continued to follow the strong Han army hard steel, and even tired of these two big families.

Sun Ce was silent and half, said: "Hey, now ride difficult, do you think I should do?"

Wu Jingxin is happy, not to say unhappy: "Nowadays, the big man will be unfair, the big army is unfair, and the last step will be paid in the Cao Wei Legion. If you can open the giant city gate, Take a name, with your martial arts, you will have to use it, and you will not be possible on the Kowloon. "

Sun Ce sneaked half a ring, said: "This is not a small, and you can think twice ..."

Sun Quan should also have to say: "Big brother, time is urgent, early work, I will enter the city, if you go to the wind, I am afraid that it is harm to Xia Hou Shang!"

"Xia Hou Shang?"

Sun Ce did not think about it: "There is a yellow mouth of the district, can I ? I am temporarily living in the house, tomorrow morning, tell you to decide!"

Just when Sun Ce is located in the evening of the evening, a person who is dressed in a Sun House, and the sneaky flashed into the guo Taishou Xia Hou Shang's house ...


Xia Hou Shang, who is young, listening to Sun, who has finished, and the eyes have passed a glorious murder, hate said: "Wei Wang really has a foresight, buried in Sun Ce, the Cricket Dark Kis, and sent a field ! "

On the side, Cao Yutong gods Xia Hou Huidao: "Can hate! Sun Ce repeatedly, Wei Wang took him, he didn't know how to rebellion with Sun Quan, if you don't kill, who still people in the future?"


Xia Hou Shangyi fell to the front table, Huoran got up, according to the sword: "Transport the military order, mobilize the city north military camp, strictly guard the city gate, and send eight hundred dramas, and will also kill the grandfather, if you encounter To Sun Ce, Sun Quan, Decoction! "

Xia Hou Yu proposes: "Berren (Xia Hou Shang's expression), Sun Ce is a thief, and it is difficult to stop, I am afraid of eight hundred people, I am afraid that it is very difficult for him!"

Xia Hou Shang Shen Si is half-rang, nodded, swing the sword: "That's this, you have brought the city gate, don't let the Sun thieves secretly open the city gate, one with a thousand Hebei Shenji and Three Thousand Treasion, Mide the Sun thief! "

"Well, I will say it by the general!"



The calm and rushing footsteps suddenly sounded in the quiet and autumn night.

A team of hands holding a rim, wearing a heavy Cao Wei soldier, from the north of Juka, and killing into the city, go straight to Sun Ce's house ...

"Not good, there is a military coming!"

Sun Ce will wait for the peerlessness, five senses, far more people.

Sun Quan, Wu Jing did not react, Sun Ce has heard that there is a footsteps outside the door and suddenly emerge, and the face is changed ...

Sun Quan and Wu Jing have also been awake from the dream of Jin Yiwei, waiting for them to go to the hospital, it is shocked:

The big Sun Husi, at this time, the lights are clear, and the fire of the fire is covered with the fire, Sun Husu has been surrounded by a sharp soldier, even in the eaves, all covered with archers ... ...

Sun Quan is cool, and you can't say voice: "Big brother ... this ... What is going on!?"

Sun Ce also shook his head and said: "I ignore where to leak the news, Xia Hou still transferred the troops, you entered ..."

"Sun Ce! Wei Wang is not thin, you are deliberately remembering, tonight, the army is holding, you have a wink!"

Xia Hou Shang called loudly outside the door, the sound, killing unlimited.


Sun Ce is also unlucky.

It's nothing to do, I can't get my own idea, I will come to Xia Hou sole ...

He didn't reverse it in this way ...

"Sun thief, you have nothing to say !?"

Xia Hou still called: "He is descending, you can still leave your whole body, otherwise Sun Husi up and down, one will not stay!"

Nowadays, Xiao Qiao is Xiaoli, which is cultivated by Liu Wei, and Sun Ce is not a dollar relationship. However, Sun Ce has already married his wife in the early years, and he also gave birth to a few children. It is also old. , There is small ...

Dragon is against scales, can not touch!

Sun Ce's anti-scales are his family. After being threatened by Xia Hou, Sun Shi suddenly retired, called: "Xia Hou Shang, you are too much, if you don't kill you, swear not to be people!"

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