The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 1602 of the Three Kingdoms

Cao Jun, who was originally relying on discipline, and suddenly began to explode ...

Xia Hou, he was scared, and he didn't come back. It was like a car, and he hit the city gate!



The city began to dramatically shake, at the same time, the Han army's flying thunder is also the beginning of a ruthless bombardment!


Xia Houzhen has not yet returned to God, a stone size of a grinding disk, has fly over from Xia Hou, a huge shadow in front of him, and in the unlimited expansion, Xia Hou's brain is blank, I don't even know that I will die here ...


Cao Wei soldiers on the city, watching the Xia Hou, who turned into a beach, completely dumbful!

Everyone has pumped a breath!

I am shaking in my heart!

too frightening!

That is a feeling from the depths of the heart, it is difficult to describe the words!

Human, absolutely impossible to fight against the Han army!

The flying thunder bombarded half an hour, the Lord will inexplicably be smashed into a meat, and the Cao Jun soldiers who kicked the city on the city have been scattered.

As long as it is a person, there is a small family, no one is willing to send it.

Zhang Liao observed the situation, saturate the cloud building with the city wall, the Han army tiger, and the Tiger-Camp, taking advantage of the power of the fortune, and the thick shield, jumped up to the giant deer city!

Step by step, step forward, step forward, first kill the Cao Jun near the city gate, win the control of the city gate, then pull up the giant gate, open the city gate, let go of the city , Do not give Cao Jun a little chance to resist!

The city gate opened, the fate of Julu City has been destined!

When it comes to the city to break the city, only one night, when the dust is settled, Zhang Liao is banned with the morning light, 297 into the city ...

Zhang Liaoba, asked on the side: "Sun Ce, what is the two of the brothers?"

Jin Yiwei held the boxing: "General Zhang, leaking the news in the Night City, Xia Hou, the army is surrounded by the strengthening of the grandchildren, instead by Sun Ce in the Wanjun, took the first level of Xia Hou Shang ... Sun Quan and Wu Jing general have nothing happened. Sun Ce is more than ten creations, dizzy, and the injury is not light ... "

"Speed ​​to find military doctors, be sure to properly deal with Sun Ce and others's injuries ..."

Zhang Liao Shen Si and a ring, or the opening said: "It will be sent to the military, Sun Ce is not slight, and the horse is sent to the official battlefield, handed over to the main public!"

For Sun Ce, Zhang Liao is also impossible to allow Liu Wei's specific attitude, and it is to stay.

However, Zhang Liai heard that Sun Shangxiang, Sun Shangxiang, posted, and between Liu Wei, it is already quite affection, so Zhang Liao does not dare to neglect ...


Jin Yiwei is holding boxing, leading.

The reins of the banner, but laughed: "This grandse will be a life, and it has returned a life!"

Zhang Liao is also a smile: "The main public is implied, and there is a lot of to people.

[First, stabilize and update, seek book friends to open automatic subscription, twenty plus ...].

The first thousand four hundred chapters of the military division Liu Bowen is coming, and the heart of the money!


In the military account of Guandu, Liu Hao is sitting on the top of the master, and the literary part of the civil and military is the second side, and talent Jiji!

But only heard the footsteps outside the account, then there is a brocade sweater, from the account outside the account!

Jin Yiwei Shen is excited, open the account, single knee pour Liu Wei followed before, and he hugged in the box: "Your Majesty, Chen Qingzhi came to the emergency newspaper, the West Road army has broken down the city, Zhen Shi Cao Wei Shizi Cao Yu, the current army stationed Li Yangcheng is in the north of the north, just waiting for the next order, immediately send the soldiers to attack Li Yangcheng! "

"Okay, ok, good!"

Liu Wei said three good words, hitting the festival, and smiled. "Chen Qing is worthy of the god of the White Robe, Jia Wen and the name of the National Mother, and attack Cao Wei Wang Duyu ... ! "

The West Road, the army, in just a few months, wear the entire part of the State Council!

Even thousands of miles away, straight to Huanglong, between the day, the Cao Weiwang, the Cao Wei!

This is simply a miracle, it can be loaded into the blue history, and Zhaofang is ancient, and he is admired by the future!

"Chen Yuchang, amazing!"

"Jia Yunjun is not bad, the seven big military division, countless nobles!" 327

"This, Cao Cao retreats, it is really a traitor!"

The big man in the account, Qi Qi shocked, and the championship was celebrated.

Zhuge Liang lightly shakes the goose feather fan, arching, gong: "Your Majesty, Cao Cao is sleepy to stay in Liyang City, such as the bones of the bones, but still can't relax, you need to guard against Cao Cao's desperate, from the East Road, escape from the East Road, escape to the giant Deer City! "

Escape to Julu City? That is also a dead!

But it is delayed the death time!

Liu Hao has received the giant battle report from the system, and immediately smiles, it is not in place, the giant deer is too guarded by the Cao Wei, Xia Hou Shang, but also a talent!

Gulu Taishou Xia Hou Shang - Wu Li 82, Intelligence 87, Politics 86, PRO to Rate 88!

Stunt, Zong Yingcai: Xia Hou Shang is the unparalleled talents of Cao's clan, and the Cao Cao is heavy!

Every 10 years old, Xia Hou Shangmili +1, intelligence +1, political +1, not +1!

Just a stunt, cultivating the growth, can be called the future!

Hi Houhang in history, is not a general manager, attacking Han Han, Dong Wu, has achieved great victory, but also being sealed as Jingzhou Mu, Stable Town Jingzhou!

On the occasion of Liu Yao, he only heard a few Jin Yiwei arrived.

The first Jinyi Guard held a wooden box, and he said: "Your Majesty, Zhao Yun will enter the Zhongshan Country, defeat the Cao Jun 100,000, and send Cao Wei Dafu Teacher Cheng Head here!"

One of the accounts in the account, Jin Yiwei, who took around, opened a wooden box, opened a look, it was a head wrapped with lime, and the appearance was like, and it was Cao Wei Dafu.


"Congratulations to the host, Cheng Wei and Sima Yi two, the means cool, there is a hurt, the host is the first level, the hidden reward - the heart of the celestial wolf!"


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