The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 161 of the Three Kingdoms

Kill younger waiting for special rewards! ?

Liu Wei smashed, see the task introduction.

"Hey, the party: ,, There will be special rewards, please know. "

Liu Yao is in his heart, killing a skeptical, which is equivalent to triggering this special task.

He is a bit curious, what is the reward of this task.

"Who knows, where do you want to wait? Where is it?"

Liu Wei asked these Yulin Jun.

"Little knows!"

One of the originals is the deputy will be out, and the boxing said: "Adults, before the chaos, the little once inadvertently hit the unimmetriants, the servant ... is not right, it is Zhang let the thief, Zhang let people bring people Out of Ximen, Zhao Zhong is an escape from the North Gate, and it is not known to go. "


Liu Wei is Shuran.

The military secret moves, said: "The main public, Zhang let Zhao Zhong and other foods, deep heart, see Luoyang City situation is not right, must be in the same time, go out to escape, when send people speed to chase!"

"Yes, the military teacher is reasonable!"

Liu Hao's eyes shilted, and the decisive sent people to search in the two directions.

Captured, then of course is blood to earn!

The 148th chapter of the brutal Dong Zhuo, killing the emperor!

Brutal Dong Zhuo, kill the emperor!

Luoyang City west, dozens miles away.

A carriage, the royal hules fled, and the heart of Changmadia was shocked, and he did not dare to stay more, decisively selected to run.

However, when he ran out Luoyang City, it didn't take long before, and I clicked it directly from the West Cool Ride!

Looking at the tide, I usually give yourself in the middle of the West, I'm looking for it.

"News ~"

The passing of the soldiers first discovered the Zhang Zhangfa | Shaking Zhang, urgent Malay to Dong Zhuo report: "The main public, found a group of eunuchs in front!"

"Eunuch, is it a lot of money?"

Dong Zhuo's eyes shouted, and the horse shouted: "I am the West Cool Tong Zhuo Zhuo, ordered to come to Qin Wang, what is the front side, the speed of the speed is here!"

Zhang let his face painted, said: " ... ... Zhang let this, this is to seek your tammy, Dong Nab is going to kill him ..."

"Well? District, I dare to make this spurs hit?"

Dong Zhuo heard the name, revealing the bloodthirsty rays in his eyes, tiger step, moved to Zhang.

In the carriage of Zhang Yun, a small eunuch stood at the front of the car, but it was exported: "Dong Love ..."

"What do you count, have you talking about?"

Dong Zhuo was very big, and the furious furious, I took out directly, and I flew out this show.


The air broke out of the fracture and crisp, accompanied by the scream, this little eunuch fell on the ground, stirring the smoke rolling, it is already a life and death.

"Don't ~~"

Zhang let's see the cleansing, the soul fly outside, but it is not easy to stop, and hurried to this little talence to struggle.

"Old slaves, venues, don't help you ..."

Zhang let the side climb, while a hoe, forehead blood.


"The main public, I'm not good!"

Du Zhuo's face, Li Ru's face, taking a breath, smashing a cold, smashing the voice, talking to Dong Zhuo: "The main public, big events, kill the wrong person, this little eunuch, I am afraid that Han Shao Di Dressress!"

"What, this is clearly a little eunuch in a speech."

Dong Zhuo was stunned, looked at Li Ru, unbelieving: "Do you have a mistake, he is wearing the eunuch's clothes? Han Shaotang's nine-five, how can it be a eunuch?"

"Will n't be wrong, Zhang let the attitude toward the little eunuch, it is too respectful!"

Li Run smiled and shook his head, and his face was repented.

At this time, Zhang let the slowly stand up from the ground, the body seems to be the same as the sheep epilepsy, shaking, : "Dong Zhuo, your thief, actually dare to kill today !?"

Although he is always open, he is at least at least as the emperor's faithful servant.

This news came out, Dong Zhuojie iron rid of the team, immediately exploded the pot!

"No, the main public ... isn't it really killing Han Di !?"

"It must be Zhang let this goods ... in the blood export!"

Rao is that they are all dead, and they are also a palpitations.

The emperor is the sky!

Now that the sky is collapsed, what should I do?

Everyone has turned his gaze to Dong Zhuo!


Han Yuli Liu Due, actually, this is dead!

I ... kill the emperor! ?

Dong Zhuo feels that his scalp is blown!

There are countless cavities on the body, as if there are blood and boil out.

Panic and excited, a thing called ambition, like a wild grass, breeding in his heart.

Dong Zhuo is not a common person, forcibly calming, asking: "Wen You (Li Ru Table), now it is not good, can there be any remedy?"

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