The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 1616 of the Three Kingdoms

"You are full of pet?"

Liu Yu stabilizes Cao Wei Wang, the first time did not have to forced the shape, let go of the celebration, but the order will order Cao Wei's old forces.

Only the rear is more stable, it can be waved.

"Full pets full, don't you come?"

Liu Hao took the emperor, in the middle of the eyes, the golden purple flashed, watching the pet.

There is a flying fish clothing in the second side, and the Jinyiwei, which is embroidered, is served, and the murderous, nail is dead!

This is not that Liu Wei is full of pets.

When Cao Cao was still in Zhangzhou, he would pursue Liu Wei policies. At that time, it was several times as a messenger of Cao Wei. He came to make the emperor Jinling, and Liu Hao naturally gave a hand.

In the face of Liu Wei's pressure, full of pet is calm, not humble: "The minister of the country, nothing can be said, please give you a dead!"

The game of power is always a battle.

Liu Wei has achieved the victory of the whole dish. Then they have the old power of Cao Wei, which is inevitable, this is clear, and it can be paid in the face ...

"Yesterday, the cabinet Wang Yun Wang is a book, saying Man Ben Ning is the world, and I am convinced that I am convinced!"

Liu Hao smiled and said: "It is a talent that the Han Room is still in the chaos, the Han Room is still in the world. It is not as good as the talent such as Bern, it is better to take it. For the world, Taiping!? "

"Your Majesty ... don't kill me?"

Full of pet slightly ...

As the party feathers of Cao Cao, the core of the heart of the minister did not think that Liu Wei can actually carry him at this time, do not pursue the sinful responsibility of Jiao Cao Cao ...

Listen to Liu Yao's meaning ... I have to use him! ?

"Under the genus, the king of the king, the soil of the earth, the kingchen!"

Liu Wei smiled and said: "If it is not Cao Yao, he can use it, what can he use, what is the love?"

This is from Liu Yuxi.

There is the help of Tianmili, Liu Wei can clear the state of a person, let alone Liu Yu Emperor Emperor Trision, all loyalty attributes will increase, hegemony is very!

What is anticipated, what is more than?

Such a good opportunity to put in your eyes, if you can't catch it, you are not worthy of Liu Wei.

"Sin of the minister ... Wishing!"

Full pet two-sided large sleeves, volts, squatting, Zigong said: "The sinning does not have no morality, but Mongolia is so thick, it must be exhausted, after the day, I will take the dog!"


"Congratulations to the host, the host Emperor Emperor, the premium is full, the current pet 5.4 loyalty is 80 points, the extra reward is 800 points, please continue to make persistent!"

"Okay, ok, good!"

Liu Yulong Yan Yue, slammed the sleeve, and the emperor of the joyous clouds really strong, suddenly empty, there is a shaped giant hand in the air, holding the full pet stand, ask: "Bern Ning , Have you been in the north, is it possible to understand the situation in the city? "

Full pet: "The minister knows one or two, what do you want to know?"

Since Liu Hao gave him a face, full of nature, gum, can not be repeated any shelf.

Liu Hao asked: "Do you want to take the Northern Division in the shortest time, what is the idea?"

Full of pupil, arched, arch, Zong said: "Chen is dull, think of a stupid method, maybe you can try it ..."

[Stable update, ask for free flowers, evaluate tickets! .

The first thousand and forty-three chapters are super big harvest, the pseudo god reward is!

"Oh ... Ai Qing but says, he listens!"

Liu Hao's appearance was slightly oscillated, putting a hand, indicating that the pet continued to say.

Wang Xiaqi, the big military division, although the intelligence is the same, but just lay down the site, for the understanding of the internal power of Cao Wei, is definitely not as good as full ...

Liu Haohua vigorously made a full pet, which is ready to be in full, open a gap, but also to die for all, can spend the smallest strength, solve the inner suffering after Cao Wei dry, completely accept the northerners!

Full petition wording and half rang, the first: "Your Majesty, can I heard that Qinghe Cui?"

"Qinghe Cui?"

Liu Wei moved slightly, asked: "Berning said ... can it be a Cui Wei, a Cui Wei, a Cui River?"

Among the three countries, there are more than a fierce, such as a star, the big foundation of the earth, and the high-rise, superfluous, and the people are endless.

Such as Cai Wei, Zheng Xuan, Guan Ning and others are all Confucianism, this Cui Wei, is also a person in the famous north!

The key is that he is from the Cui's ethnic group, in the ancestors of Cui, there is no shortage in the big man's court, which is a hundred years of luxury valves!

"Your Majesty is this person!"

The pet continued: "Yuan Shao is in place, recruiting its exquisite, but not heavy, Cui Lao Zeng Li Wei Wei ... Cao Cao, can not invade the brothers and foot base, the result is degraded, hidden in the mountains, and later Cao Cao listened to the drama The words of Zhiyi, come to the Wei Wangfu, who is in the Wei Wangfu, is responsible for the singularity of the Wei Wangfu, and Cui Wei has resolutely built ... So, Cui Lao is in Hebei, such as Cai Lao in Jiangdong! "

When I am full, I said that Liu Hao has a number.

Cao Cao's hand is also a top talent. This hand is in the first suspected of promoting the name of Cui Wei, it can be said that he will sit on the northern faucet!

However, this Cui Wei, resolutely enacted the high officials of Cao Wei, and it is also a famous fashion, and the lonious!

Liu Zhen nodded and smiled. "The meaning of Bern Ning, I already understand, if you can take the Qinghe Cui, you can buy a horse bone, take this, take the Northern people, not here!"

Full of favor, respectfully, respectfully: "His Majesty, the procurement of the goddess, the five-body cast of the admire!"

Liu Zhen nodded and asked on the side: "Bowen, Berning is so big, what do you see?"

The seven Military Military Normal University has been standing on the side. Just now, Liu Bowen listened quietly. At this time, Liu Zhen was named to the name, and he was slow, and the arched hand, Zigong said: " Sixth, there have been on the right track, and Man Bo Ningwu has been talented. It is just not A. You can serve the Ministry of the Ministry, and the Langcheng is responsible for the security of Hebei Yucheng! "


The pet is shocked!

When Liu Bowen opened, he sent him a big man!

, is equal to a hand of Cao Wei Wang, [Almost equivalent to the later generations of the city, is also a position that is easy to do out!

Liu Wei did not hesitate, smiled: "The military is so good ... In this case, you will be temporarily filled with Bern Ning as the city, responsible for the stability of the state, the public, there is no mistake!"

Full pets, I worshiped, with the head and grabbed the ground, I said: "Chen ... I don't have a hopes!"

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