The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 1619 of the Three Kingdoms

Several students of Cui Wei, the discussion, the excitement and excitement in the heart.

It is more than 20 years old to say that Liu Hao is more than 20 years old, but Liu Yizhou is a generation of male and rising Heroes. It is destined to have the existence of everyone!

This explosive news makes this old man, it is hard to keep it calm ...

"When you are ...... When you are you !?"

Cui Wei got up, the body trembled, the long-awaited movement, the book volume in his hand did not know when, dropped on the ground, a heart god shocked ...

Cui Hu is like a chicken, justice, said: "Thousands of true!"

With the respect of Liu Wei, it directly entered the door in Jinyiwei, just saw Cui Wei in the inner court, and tied the book with a few teenagers.

"Your Majesty!"

Li Lianying tightly followed the back of Liu Wei, and screamed.


The Emperor of the Great Han, kiss Cui Fu!

I heard the sound, Cui Fu, Qi Qi, the inner courtyard of Cui Wei is no exception to him, and the volt bow is, and the first, Ziguo: "Miyin, etc. Welcome to Welcome Long live!"

"For", flat! "

Liu Wei put his hand, and smiled. "Cui Lao's spirit is embarrassing, the first-year-old Confucian name of Hebei!"

Cui Wei said: "The grass people are in the years old, but there is no morality, all non-scherants, how to get the first finger of your majesty? Your Majesty, let the grass people hit the horses, why is it? ...... "

Liu Wei smiled and asked a question: "Cui Aiqing is Wei Chen, or Han Chen?"

Cui Wei arch, Zong said: "The old man is suffering from the big man, nature is a big man, Cao Cao, the wolf in the wild, stirring the Hebei chaos, causing the time of His Majesty, the time, the time is late, everyone is getting ... Unfortunately, the old man is old and the old body is decreasing, and it does not move the sword. Otherwise, it is the first level, thank you! "257

Although Cui Wei is older, it is full of gas, which is strong!

"Qinghe Cui, a hundred years!"

Guo Jia, Zhuge Liang and others, have been respectful for Cui Wei's fence.

In this chaos, you can stick to yourself or the bottom line of Han Chen, is also a phoenix rolling ...

Liu Hao said: "There is Cui Lao Su Xi's minister, He Yushan is not happy? Cui Lao is in the palace, and there are many words to ask Cui Lao ..."

"What I want to ask, what I want to ask, the old man must know all, the words are all ..."

Cui Wei quickly said: "Shu Wen, Zu Wei, ... You first go back, the old man wants to go to the palace, suspend the class today ..."

In the hospital, these teenagers, rituals: "Yes, teachers!"

", , ... How do you listen so familiar??"

Liu Wei is in the original place, and the mind is moving ...


Search for the memory of the ceremony, Liu Hao finally remembered these people ...

[Third, stable and updated, seek book friends to open automatic subscription, differences, and help attack].

The first four hundred and sixty-six chapters receive the Qinghe Cui Wei, and the famous will meet again!

Liu Wei thought of it, Cui Wei, these apprentices, not a general figure!

Famous ancestors, smelling chicken swordsman, is a typical representative of diligent flow, the most prominent record of career, almost in the Northern Expedition!

This looks quite in British Wen, nor the average person.

In history, this guy is the serious ministers of Sima, the descendants, in the chaotic age, even a short emperor!

Don't look at this, I have five major three thick, but it is the Almighty martial arts that can be artilot. On the original historical track, it has also been ashableous!

Several people are famous after the Three Kingdoms, in the short-lived Division's name!

The famous will meet again!

Between Liu Wei, flashing , staring at a few people in front, seeming to look at a huge treasure house ...

This year, it is really a brick, you can see a peerless list ...

"How is your Majesty?"

Cui Wei felt the strange eyes of Liu Yu, asked.

"" 190

,, , is also a full-faced state, they feel Liu Hao's hot eyes, but they are facing each other, and they have never seen Liu Wei with each other ...


Liu Wei is comfortable, laughs: "Cui Lao teach people are tireless, these students, Hong Ziying, will be a business in the future!"

After that, Liu Hao deeply saw the young and warmth, the ancestors and other people, but they were thinking: what method should be used, bring these teenagers to the conver, and cultivate it, it can be a big man in the future!

Where can other people know Liu Yao's mind, Cui Wei is , slight smile: "His Majesty is like a torch, these children, must be a rare intersection ... The old man tried to teach, just to let them get the court in the future! "

Take Cui Wei on the car, Cui Wei noticed, several of the same words in the frame, the grades were not too big, but the eyes were all in the stars, and they were wisdom. Color, sitting in Liu Wei!

"Could it be ... the big man seven, the army !?"

Cui Wei moved the road.

Guo Jia and others, no shelves, and Yan Yue, said: "See Cui Gong!"

Although they live in a high position, they are the age, but they are all young, than Cui Xiaoyi, at least 178 years old ...

Cui Wei followed Guo Jia and others, and it was also a speech. After all, it is a reading person, and it is still very speech together.

At the temporary palace, Liu Wei took Cui Wei and others, and slowly went to the front hall of the palace to prepare for state affairs.

After Guo Jia and others with Cui Wei, Liu Yucai asked: "All the people, the beginning of the Hebei, now the Northern people scattered, can you have any way?"

Liu Wei did not hide it, and he opened the door to see the mountain.

Guo Jia took: "Chen believes that Cui Lao De is highly resistant, the knowledge is far-reaching, and the residence of the Qinghe, and understands the situation in the Northern Land, there must be a good job!"

Liu Wei asked: "It is also like this to think that Cui Gong, what can you have, can you set the Northland in the shortest time?"

Cui Wei did not dare to neglect, stand up, and the big robe sleeve left and right, and the lower body said: "If the old man does not guess the wrong, Your Majesty, the world, the world, after the parity, so that the heavy soldiers are in Qizhou County, inevitably, for the next step in the county, Xianbei, ... "

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