The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 1621 of the Three Kingdoms

Liu Yuxin suddenly tight, pinched the eyebrows, asked: "Who is it in Xuanwu Mountain, you have seen it?"

There is no need to move in the dark: "It's too fast, but her body is too fast, I will disappear in the eyes, and the end will not be clear at all ..."


"Congratulations to the host, successfully triggered the emperor to save the beauty!"

Mission description; [ , Sun Shangxiang is unknown, please save the host!

Task reward; [If you rescue Sun Shangxiang success, then Sun Shangxiang's good feelings increased by 20-50 points, and the heart is attributed, this is the shortcut of the three countries!

"Sun Shangxiang's good feeling is already in more than eighty points. From normal angle to brush, at least a few months have accumulated a good feeling, but this task is completed, but it can directly put the task of the brush to brush it ..."

Liu Wei is slightly movement, secretly calculates: this task, or go to see!

Don't say that the good feelings of Sun Shangxiang, it is 0.0 to say that Xuanwu Mountain is a good treasure, it is called Liu Wei. He also has seen a lot of gas transportation to treasure, but amazing a lot of treasures, naturally!

Liu Wei said: "I understand, you use some wine to use some wine, let go of it tonight, rush to !"

"The end will, obey!"

When he moved in his heart, he sat in the seat, but in his heart, he was in mind: His Majesty for this Sun Shangxiang, it is really in the heart, one is a danger, immediately personally live to save!

Liu Wei did not have a big branches, just told Cao Qiqin with a soldier who had hundreds of Jinyiwei and Longku Camp, and he took the night. When he moved to the road, rushed to Xuanwu Mountain ...

[Fifth, the plus of flowers, continue to automatically subscribe, and a few buns plus more] ...

The first thousand four hundred and eighth chapter Xuanwu big array, chaos the world of Feng Ming Cao Festival!


Hundreds of Dragon Camp banned the iron roller rolling, the floods of the steps and the little red!

Stepping on the Dragon Dragon dragonfly, it is also a horse, running in the forehead!

In Liu Wei, the Supreme Holy Crossing and the rush of the Emperor Dragon ring, but the time of the day, everyone has already arrived in Xuanwu Mountain!

I don't know, I am scared!

This is a mysterious, but it is a majestic and standing into the cloud.

Even Mianshan Peak, this starts, no matter which point of view, it is a feeling of alpine!

Cao Shaoqin is dark, saying to the side: "Dragonfly, what do you see this Xuanwu?"

: "The left and right ... is like a millennium!"

"It's not simple ... there may be a monk!"

In Liu Hao, Jin Zi is flashing, looking at Xuanwu Mountain, raising his hand, pressing the virtual press, and the brocade must stop behind.

This Xuanwu Mountain is like a thousand years of huge mysterious turtles, surrounded by Mian Mountain peaks, like the dragon from the river, the cloud is around, the fond is in a fond, makes people feel like a fairyland!

In the perspective of Liu Wei, this kind of spiritual treasure, ten eight nine is the Taoist real thing!

Cao Shaoqin followed Liu Yu time for the longest, and also knowing is amazing, asked: "Your Majesty, I really have a fog, and the Taoist people who are taking the troops."

When I moved, I was also looking forward to Liu Wei to solve the gods for them. They practiced the martial arts, and they also walked into the room, but they didn't touch the aisle real person, but they were the legend of the people. Awesome means ...

Liu Wei said: "The Tangmen live people, the soul is strong, and it is a road to the martial arts. The means cannot be underestimated!"

Liu Wei went through the wilderness, he saw a number of martial arts masters, and met several truths.

I have seen two trip to the opposite practice, and even I have also explored the Taiping Daozhang and Tianshi and Xuandu swords.

The martial arts repair, Dao law forge!

Two cultural methods, trivial, but can faint fit, life and hard work.

Cao Shaoqin frowned to count the Xuanwu Mountain, and I said: "This way, let people send people to the eagle, inform the Tianfeng Legion, and send Jinyiwei to the Xuanwu Mountain, explore the news, and do planning ..."

In Cao Shaoqin, Liu Wei is the body of Wanjin. Can't take care of it.

Tian Feng Army was ordered at this time, as long as he received a message, he could come immediately, very fast.

Cao Shaoqin first sent ten Ming Ling's Jinyiwei to go to the hill, self-mysteris, and looked at the deep mystery inexplicable Xuanwu Mountain. "" Your Majesty, the body of Wanjin, can not be easily involved, etc. First go up ... "

I haven't finished, and there is a sharp scream in Xuanwu Mountain. I want to see the voice of Jinyiwei, as if I have seen any voices, listen very to people ...

Cao Shaoqin Yue Yixuan, it is also the earthquake!

Jin Yiwei is a talented, a tenth is gently and loose, planted here, it seems that this Xuanwu Mountain is deeply uniform!

Liu Wei Jianyou took a pick, according to the nine-five Tianzi Holy Sword, took the lead in the Xuanwu Mountain stone, this piece of blue stone, all the way to the top, but there is countless mysterious texture, watching a vicissitudes, It is like a crustal of a mysterious turtle ...


"Congratulations to the host, triggered the hidden task: Trial of Jiangshan Society!"

Tip: [Please see the Baxwalk Mountain Bar, and defeat the main team!

"Jiangshan social map !?"

Liu Wei thoughtfully moved, the volume of the volume included in the storage space, suddenly released the luxury, Liu Wei's consciousness sea earthquake!

Cao Shaozin said: "Your Majesty ... still let the lower minister ..."

"It turns out ... So!"

Didn't wait for him, Liu Yu Tiandi Dragon is running, Jin Zizhui emergency, sinking half a ring, lightly smiling: "Xuanwu Shan Dao Qianqi, but so ... Shaqin, you come with you!"

This is the mystery of the door.

However, Liu Wei won the gentleman's god-level array of Qimen, and learned the Taiping, and he went on the wine in this Xuanwu Mountain. This well-furnished big array!

Ordinary people stepped into this odd set of illusion, and ten nine nine did not know how they were killed ...

Cao Shaoqin followed the two people, although the martial arts were still still, but there was no passive door secret surgery, overtaking, ten eight nine should be covered by Yin.

Liu Wei stepping on the Xuanwu Mountain step by step, every step forward, there is a kind of understanding, this Xuanwu Mountain Bar, for him, there is no pressure at all.

Various mystery, all are illusted!

Tiandi Longyi, Hedd on the top, in the Xuanwu Mountain, found an elegant wooden house.


On the outside floor, the horizontal is lying, all of which are finished in the past!

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