The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 1632 of the Three Kingdoms

Their wao is of course, of course, knowing what the Xianbei cavalry will mean.

Frequently broke the city, bloody slaughter!

As long as it is a woman, it must be robbery, the man is not so good, and the fresh poison people have broken the city, they have always likes the blood tidal | city, come to the Han people's resistance ...

On the horizon of the sky, there was a group of black pressure cavalry!

It looks far away, just like a group of unsuccessful ants, it is a group of vast!

The horseshoe sound, the ground starts to vibrate, and the smoke is swept to the dragon!

Between the heavens and the earth, it is full of suffocating horror!


Xianbei Pioneer General Murong, Ma parked outside Qing County, the waist of this team's waist, strong, holding a seventy eight pound of heavy wolf tooth stick, a horse is in front of tens of thousands of cavalry array.

"I finally saw the Han people's city ..."

Murong fierce is from the familiar, and he has always hugged the Han people with extreme hatred, raising the wolf tooth stick in his hand. "Han people in the city, such as pigs and sheep, etc. Money grab food and grab the woman! "

[The first morning, stable and updated, ask for free flowers, evaluate the ticket to walk away ...].

The first thousand four hundred and twenty-nine chapters are willing to use my blood, help Huaxia!




Tens of thousands of Xianbi cavalry, raised the hife knife in his hand, like a wolf group, starting crazy screaming!

"This group ..." The animal is not as good ... "

Qingxian County is a middle-aged scrimmer, standing in the city, seeing the Xianbei cavalry who watched the side, and smashed a cold breath ...


That is the feeling of coolness!

Qingxian is just a small city pool in Youzhou, the people in the city, and experienced a war in the year, but several thousand households.

In the city, the army is also eight hundred, and it is also a county of the squad.

Eight hundred-hearted, standing in the city, the same feelings with Qingxian County, there is a young gimmick, holding the hand of the weapon, is shaking!

"Ten thousand ... tens of thousands, can you keep it ..."

"What should I do if the county is?"

"Yeah, we only have eight hundred people!"

In the face of everyone, Qingxian County is : "Quick Book Letter to Qizhou Pastoral Grand Party, and then prepare the fire oil, arrow, and encourage the people in the city, cooperate to guard the city ... If you are broken by the freshman City, must be Tucheng! "


The county is holding his hands, and it is slightly to lead ...

Tens of thousands of fresh iron rides, long drives, and mighty into the territory of the big man.

As a result, it was blocked by the eight hundred people to die before Qing County.

"I hope to use my blood, help Huaxia !!"

Eight hundred big man warriors, launch the last charge!

Footsteen and soar!


The long knife danced, the blade was staggered, and the horse head of the Xianbei cavalry who wanted to kill the city was flying, and the horse flew the cavalry, then he was headed by the Han Dynasty!

The blood is like the spring water, splashing to the elderly palad cheeks, which seems to be more energetic!

Although it is a county, the Han army is brave and bloody, but it is not afraid of death, causing several times to her own killing!

So courage, shocking the prosperity of the siege! !

"This group of Han Dogs, two feet, how to become so powerful !?"

Pioneer General Murong, looked at the arrow of the city to continue to dramatically, giving a rumored warrior to the horse, the heart is hot, crash: "But only a few hundred people, we spit a spit, all drow them , Kill! "

Oh, ah!

Fresh polar people red eyes, don't hit the impact, start impacting the city gate.

Bang! !

Get! !

With a loud noise, the gates who have been lost for a long time have finally, and the Xianbei cavalry is like a tide, and it has poured into Qingxian ...

, .

The night is deep, the oil lamp is burned in indoor lonely.

At this time, the Xianbei military horse is frequently transferred, and Liu Yizhen is the Gongsun, who is Qizhou Mu, is negotiating with the generals Xu Huang, Yang Wei and others to discuss the military.


On the occasion of everyone, there was a scream and screaming in the door, and then a brocade sweeping the hairdressing, from the outside of the door, pushed the door and pushed the door, and worshiped in the hall. Hold the box: "Adults , No.18! "


Gongsun: Xu Huang and sheep, etc. above, Xu Huang and Yang Yi, and there are people: "Speaking!"

"The military machine has received the news, and the county Murong is full of more than ten thousand iron rides, and the Qizhou Qing County, 100,000 fire, please ruling the general!"

Gongsun strategy is gently, and has not yet been with fresh and humble people. The blood is boiling, deep sucking, forcibly suppressed exciting mood, asked: "General, General Proga, how do you see?"

Sheep frown: "Murong Super Yin is awkward, if it is from soldiers, absolutely more than Murong Xianbei, go to find news, look at Tuo's trend, I suspect that Murong Xianbei and Tuo joint attack, there are 300,000 yet Iron ride, can not prevent! "

"Just a matter of urgency ... It is necessary to quickly send generals, leading the army to help the Qing County, with the light cavalry to the Xianbei cavalry, as long as it can drag the football pace of the frocial cavalry, you can wait until the Lord Mada will come to help ... When you come, the Emperor is under Sweeping the north of the north, it is very humble, like it is general! "

Everyone in the hall, neitched Qi Qi, general Xu Roundai: "Don't be good! At the end, I will lead to Chamma from, driving the Qing County, killing the freshness!"

Gongshun said: "Then, the generals of Xu Huang are general, Gongshun Fan is a deputy, leading to Miao Yi from 30,000, and Chiyue Qing County!"

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