The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 1634 of the Three Kingdoms

"See His Majesty!"

"See His Majesty!"

A group of flying fish clothing, Jinyi Wei, who embroidered the Spring knife, stunned on the side, saw Liu Wei, immediately kneeping, hugging, gong.

Liu Wei screamed slightly, Dragon Tiger stepped, directly arrived at the inner court, and I found a young , who was handed over, and practiced in the hospital.

Long gun dance, like a giant python, there is a dragonfly in the sea, the pound is strong, it is even more staggia!

Liu Wei praised: "Wen Dao fruit is really a monk, Meng Qi is less than the courage!"

Zhao Yun, Ma Chao, is all the five tigers under Liu Wei, when fighting, I like to wear a white shirt.

Wen Dao is also a white shirt, handsome.

I saw Liu Wei, I came in, and Wen Mu got slightly, the gun in the hand was suddenly stopped ...

Sun Ce will take a step first and said: "Wen Du, with your martial arts, if you can return to the big man, I will inevitably be reused!"

Wen Du is smiling: "Sun Ce, I am not as you, be a backlord!"


"Tip, the current Wen Du has hostile to the big man, under normal state, the probability of the conviction is 1%!"

If it is not a stubborn, Liu Hao will take him early.

One percent of the possibility, almost impossible ...

However, Liu Hao's 457 air transportation to Bajiang Mountain Society, suddenly a shock, a sky, ghosting:

"The host can use the Jiangshan community map, greatly increase the chance of receiving the Wen Dai!"

The sudden surprise, let Liu Yunzhong slightly bright: this effect is equivalent to a free emperor! !

Jiangshan community map, really is infinite!

"Use Jiangshan Society Map, Emperor Zhao Ying Ducheng, how many success rates?"

"Please know the host, if you use the Jiangshan social map, the success rate of the context will be upgraded to 80%!"

Liu Wei did not hesitate to urinate the Jiangshan community map, and smiled. "Subto, this is poor, Cao Cao is the Han Chen, but he is doing it, but it is a tamper!"

The gods are quiet, and the ancient wells do not wave.

"So, when you use people, the secondary is so brave, why not drop the big man, remember the section, become a full righteous, !"


After a moment, Liu Hao's gods in the gods of the gods, slowly launched, emperor, and arrogant!

A roll of the mountain river, the sun and the moon, the flood is swept, suddenly in front of the Wen Du, crazy impacts his spiritual belief ...

[Third, free flowers, evaluation of a wave, fight! ! .

The first thousand four hundred thirty-one chapters will have a gentleman, and the god will be driven!

Wen Dai's heart wave tide ups and downs, movement: "A ... How can he like to be me?"

"The sand field is killed, the knife gun is angry!"

Liu Wei did not empty, said: "Various, ! Just a good job, the parents brothers, can be houched, men are in the world, why not seal Worship, there is one The opportunity is posing before! "

The Emperor's grade acting, the voice is good, plus the invisible influence of Jiangshan social map, Wen Sang beliefs, and I can't help but take off: "What ... opportunity?"

Liu Hao Laoxiao: "The Northern Frequently, with the Central Plains, the trip of the trill, the south, the big man in the south, and the governor will gallop the northern Xinjiang, ,

Open the soil and protect the country for the people.

This is the supreme dream of all the martial arts, the Wen Du is hesitant, and the mind seems to be flashing in the river, and suddenly biting his teeth: "The end will be Wen Du, willing to take the role of the dog!"

To be said, the monk monk slammed down, she hugged, and respectfully greeted Liu Yu.

In front of the country, the personal private complaint is just the same thing, short!

320 !

"Congratulations to the host, convinced the generals, and the extra reward 2000 points!"

I have a member of a member!

Liu Yuxin secretly, helped the Wen Du, took a shot of his shoulders, laughed: "You have a time, Yan Zhao is the dead, and then a member of the general!"

"Yan Zhao is the dead?"

Wen Duo slightly stunned, asked: "Dare to ask, this Yan Zhao is the dead, what does it mean?"

Sun Ce was smiling: "Your Majesty is the integration of the Northern Division, known as Yan Zhao's death, aim to hit the prosperity, we will hit the prosperity, we will be the same army robe!"

Wen Du suddenly said: "It turns out, the end will understand ... I don't know when you are preparing to the Xianbei in the field ?!"

Liu Wei smracked down, Danfeng, smiled and smiled: "You can send troops, Yiu Waiti!"

"It is the same as the day, and it is fresh!"

The army of the army held the military news from Liu Yufei, only a short eight words, but the striker hook, force the paper, the murder!

I asked: "The General of the Dragon, the SMAN and Changshan County situation?"

Zhao Yun Da Ma Jin knife sits on the seat, stunned to hold the boxing: "Military division, Zhongshan country is broken, Changshan County is also a broken bamboo, was broken by Wei Yan, the rear, can send troops, welcome prosperity!"

: "Frequorence, this time, the big man, also served Murong, Tuoba's two" soldiers, I want to visit the Central Plains, the meaning of His Majesty, is to take the initiative to attack, killing the fresh and white Outside, the county, Shanggu County will be the main battlefield ... "

"Our army is in the middle of the country, from the top shape, it is in the Xiebei side, if the monarch of the monarch led the army to the mole, the strange attack is full, and it will inevitably get a grateful, one battle!"

Zhao Yun hugged the way: "The military division will make a strategies, win thousands of miles, and will hear military divisions!"



Zhao Yunzhi is forced, and I asked quickly: "Military division, isn't it to fight on the front? Why do you have to put the Qianzhou, cut to Xianbei?"

"Yeah, Huaxia Shenzhou, is it a fresh foot ?!"

"Military division, I am willing to die, resist prosperity ... still don't have to be so!"

Everyone is also a group of challenges and said.

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