The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 1644 of the Three Kingdoms

Murongjian has already regretted.

If you have two intelligence with the Tuoba, there are hundreds of thousands of Xianbei Ride, still is absolutely striking, breaking through the Han army, of course, is not there.

After the mid-to-tiger and wolf, the Tuo, Murong, but I have a slogan, I want to swallow the benefits, leading to the situation of the situation!

Nowadays, the Han army has kills, and Murong has a thousands of hate, and only to transfer the horse, regardless of everything.

how to spell! ?

The Han army first took the potential of the fire, and the success of the success, Wen Du was in the Wanjun, and the first level will be picked up!

It's just that it is alive!

The Xianbei Military Wang Qian immediately went, the Wen Du chased more, Sun Ce, Tai Shi, Huo Xin et al, is also brave and fine, Qi Qi gain!

"If you can take the Murong old dog level, you can report to the best!"

The texture is completely running, and the death of death is far away from Murong Jian, who is far away!

Since the Qing Du, since the enlightenment, natural will not be rewarded, Shen Bing Baojia plus the goddess, and I have to have the emperor of the emperor in Liu Wei, which is simply like Feng Yichang, and it is in the Xianchanabo!

"Murong old thief, can dare to come to the Wen Du!?"

As the distance is getting closer, the Wen Duo is ruthless, and the whole person will borrow from the horseback, and they will get up, and they will take the strength of the Xianbei cavalry, and finally rush to Murong. After the back, the long guns left and thorns, kill two guards, Xianbei Warriors!

! !

Murong is pretending to prevent, and it is a knife in the dark, and the poison is very poison. It comes to the neck of the Wen Du. If it is , the Wen Du is even a God, and it is also possible to live!

I saw that the text moved in the air, like the tiger's cut, the dangerous bareness of Murongjian passed, the long gun in his hand, the land, made a white, suddenly tatched!


Murongji Yilong shrinks, he is incredible to look at his chest, a bloody hole of a bowl size, is moving in the outside!

What is the hegemony, what glory is rising, all with this deep blood cave, the passage is exhausted ...

A generation of indifferent, Xianbei hung, this falls!

"so close!"

After the clouds were shocked, after the emptiness culling Murong, the momentum fell on the back of Murongjian, but also pinched a sweat ...

"I ... is I doing a dream !?"

"The king ... The king was killed by this Han !!!"

There is a prosperous warrior in the edge and sad, so sad!

Wen Du single arm mover, lifted Murongjian's body taller, transported twelve points, mad: "Murong is dead, who dares to send death !?"

[Second, seek automatic subscription, seek flowers, ask for evaluation tickets ... The three countries have finally, and next book friends want to see what the world? The book review area can be proposed, the buns will consider! .

The first thousand four hundred and forty chapters are invincible Liu Wei!

"Xianbei Wang Murong is dead ..."

"Xianbei Wang Murong is dead ..."

Wen Du raised Murong's head, the sound of the sound, such as the lion, and the battlefield was stirred away.

Good things don't go out, bad news is born thousands of miles ...

The Xianbei soldiers on the battlefield have pumped a cold!

Everyone can't believe that their ears are heard!

The Murong, the Northern Murong, Xiangbei, which died in the bus!

What is the rise of Yudong Murong, a dream empty, a drunken dream!

"All kill, one will not stay!"

Xiaobault Wang's grandchit is a spirituality, and the Tid to look at it and ride, and there is a laughter: "The big thing is!"

The night is deep.

The original moonlight was covered by black clouds, and they did not see five fingers, black paint ink.

Above the desert, it is a dead atmosphere.

Liu Yuyu, took the five-dragonfly, and a few major military divisions, the five thousand silver lion, light cavalry, 10,000 Dragon Scales, and the banned The army gave an archway side of Liu Wei.

"The big thing is!" 13

Xiaobault Wang, Sun, Yanyan Zhao, the dead, Murong, Xiang, Yunyun, the god, the sudden, Liu Wei received the news, the heart is hurting, suddenly I saw Jin Yiwei, dragonfly.

Mercedes-Benz to Liu Yao, the top ten meters, Jinyiwei rolled the hairdress, the saddle, the saddle, the knee, the knees, the loud said: "Your Majesty, in the front of the Yin Fengxia, found Tuoba Xianbei Wangqi, Xianbei Ride Most Ten miles, at least 10 thousand people! "

"found it!"

Liu Hao's spirit is oscillated, putting a hand, saying: "Discode!"


Jinyiwei hands holding punches, rolling the hawind, turning over the horse, galloping.

Guo Jia, the army of the side, and the long must be a long, and smiled. "Your Majesty, this war first stepped into Mu Dao, then break Tuo, since this is a big hurt, and the majesty is an unprecedented opening. The Jun! "

Zhuge Liang, Pang Tong and others, and Qi Qi smiled: "Your Majesty, the gods of the sacred, the world, the minister, etc., the five-body investment!"

Everyone has a strong confidence in Liu Hao.

Even the arrival of the treholdes and the Sima Yi are covered with Sima Yi, and the northeasis, and can only take advantage of Liu Wei, this is rampant.

Now Liu Wei integrates the Central Plains, Fourth Million, the tiger is six, when it is invincible!

The vibration arm is called, the army is mixed with indifferent, and it is a time problem!

The night wind on the refused land, the big military division Liu Bowen took the robe sleeve, and the hand said: "Your Majesty, at this time, if you want to explore the Dangdang Dynasty in the territory, you will move to the North ..."

"Your Majesty is in the Zhongyuan Xuanwu Mountain." It is aunt, and the night view of the sky, the south has a magnoliat of 30,000 miles, Yan Mian gathered in the north, why not move the north? "

Move around?

Liu Wei is slightly moved, but he did not think of this.

In the past, Duken Toma, in addition to the Jinling has a grouped meteorology, and a large part of the strategic consideration.

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