The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 1654 of the Three Kingdoms

"If you can once with your spring breeze, I will die!"

"Hey, don't look at the mirror, look at your own look, can you compare the emperor with Guizhen Niang Niang?"

"Hey! Think about it, don't you do?!"

The female soldiers of the Tianfeng Legion saw Liu Wei, such as the Queen Cai Wenji, and did not make envy sigh, gossip's heartbeat burned.

Men like beautiful beauty, this is a well known truth.

In exchange, the woman is also coming to the joy of the Handsome Men's man!

Liu Wei breaks the charm value of the limit, plus the impact of the practice of the Yellow Emperor, the temperament is deep and the power, and there is a very powerful killing power, which is very powerful, and the later generations of the makeup PS is handsome. Slag!

"The military discipline of Tian Feng Army has forgotten it, who wants to try military law?"

Mu Ni Huangfeng slightly cold, back to the first look, the eyes of the Tian Feng Jun, the female soldier of Tian Feng Army became a statue, never stand together, do not dare to have more and more sentences ...

Mu Nihuang looked at Liu Hao's back disappeared in the Queen's Feng Yan, but the heart was not known to have a silky sate ...

"His Majesty!"

In the Queen's driving, Cai Wenji is respectful to Liu Wei, but he was worked by Liu Wei, laughed: "The old wife is old and wife, no need to stick these vulgar gifts ..."

Liu Yuwen soft eyes, such as a star, giving Cai Wenji up and down.

After giving birth, the body of Cai Wenji did not look at it. It is still a perfect body. The temperament is more familiar, properly a peerless palace!

"Hey? Xiaoyang where?"

Liu Hao embracing with Cai Wenji, and then discovered that the car seems to have less baby daughter ...

Cai Wenji said: "Your Majesty, Auntie is in the car in the back of the sister, follow the sister to learn martial arts ... Chen Chen does not understand, just heard that the talents are unfair, and the immigration is thousands of miles!"

"It is worthy of the baby daughter, it is really unionery ..."

Liu Wei is slightly happy ...

"Your Majesty is in the middle of the year, for the world, it costs, the minister is busy, but I can't help it, and I can't even have a life for myself."

Cai Wenji's face is full, and the heart is very tangled.

The first thousand four hundred and fifty chapters qualification enchanting emperors!

The air transport of a Dynasty was stabilized by the emperor.

But the emperor's successor prince is also the top priority of the country.

Historically, like Liu Wei, the majestic emperor, there is no one, but it is like Liu Wei, there is only one daughter's emperor, but it is not common ...

Liu Wei was very popular with Cai Wenji's heart, softly persisted: "Wen Ji, what is the relationship between the son? Our daughter, there must be a shocking unparalleled emperor!"

This is not Liu Yu Hu Bao, Liu Wei's qualifications, but Liu Wei has seen the most enchanting!

I have been in the world, and I am alarmed that Jiang Dong Dao Dianxian Zuoi, Liu Wei also cultivated Liu Wei as the future of the emperor ...

"Your Majesty is ..."

Cai Wenji said softly, but the heart is in mind: all said that the Emperor Queen's palace is three thousand beautiful, and he is a state of labor, but there is no family, the hometown is those, it seems to find a chance for your own ...

Liu Wei and Cai Wenji did not wait for a long time in the phoenix driving, , justice, show cloud and other women, took Liu Wei to board the car.

"Chen Yu ... worshiping Your Majesty!"

"Chen Yu ... worshiping Your Majesty!"

In a crisp, Liu Yanyu fell in the crowd.

Liu Wei's small model, already there is a clear spirit, the whole person powder is very cute.


The big eyes of the pair of water spirits, drizzled, Liu Wei saw Liu Wei, two shallow swirls were thrown on the cheeks, and there was no meaning of life.

"Hey! The daughter, it is already a beautiful embryo, and it must be a peerless beauty!"

Liu Hao is happy, and holds a small Liu Wei in front of him.

I used to be too small for Liu Wei. The system prompting meter could not spy the test. I have been in the past few years. I have been trying again. Sure enough, it is already available ...

Jinling Princess Liu Wei - Wuli 60, Intelligence 88, Political 60, During 60, Taoji 90, Charm 92!

Stunt 1, Tianheng Zhu Body: Wan Meilong does not invade, it is not damaged!

Liu Yutong is born, benefiting from the emperor, strong air!

Every 10 years old, six-dimensional properties +3!

Stunt 2, peerless genius: Liu Wei Tiansheng Road, Zhong Lingjun Xiu, I have been able to do it!

Have the god level learning ability!

Contact with attributes above their own people, there will be a chance to enhance a certain value!

"Hey, what is your eyebrow?"

Xiao Liu was hugged in his arms by Liu Hao, gigd, the little hand of the meat, couldn't help but touch the amount of Liu Wei's one for the gods ...

Liu Wei: "" "

Know Liu Wei's demon, but this is not too enchanting! ?

Just started, intelligence has been so metapamatic, other properties, it is already the ordinary people and the grid!

Congenitual body, you can still feel the sense of life of the Tian Dynasty, this is the day, it is not going to day! ?

But it is my own daughter, of course, the stronger, better!

Liu Wei took Liu Wei's hair and laughed: "Here is a god, wait for the baby to grow up, you will understand ..."

"Oh, I got it!"

Little Liu Wei, the same thing, it seems that I have nodded and started to practice.

Liu Wei is also not relaxing any time, practicing the martial arts, Liu Wei also learned Liu Wei's fine tradition, followed by the mink.

This martial arts, it is said that it is spread to the Spring and Autumn Holy Doctors, but there is an emperor rating, in Liu Wei, but it is also a good practice.

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