The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 1664 of the Three Kingdoms

Sima Zha was blended for so long, it was a little fox, and immediately sleeves: "Since the king has made, Zhao is not from?"

"Hahaha, give Mr. Puminar!"

I can laugh at Sima Zhao in the invitation, two people have long talking about half an hour, I finally entered the information.

Sima Zhao said: "The king is the hero of the world, departing the river cover, the food is sufficient, the soldiers are strong, the Murong, Tuo 2 people!"

It can repeatedly make accurate judgment, developing a small tribe to today's scale, Sima Zhao has to admit that the ratio can be a good.

Unfortunately, I met Liu Wei, I was pressed in the river.


Xiongxiong is a hionhous, which can always see the situation, and do the most favorable judgment to himself.

Sima Zhao stood up, one and earth, Lang said: "If the king is in a breath, it can naturally hold the life, just the big man river, just in front of you, if you miss this opportunity, you will lose the chance of the world!"

I can ask: "What is the meaning of Mr., the prosperous 300,000 troops are all knocked by the Han army, and the king is only more than 100 thousand army, hard to resist the Han army, and there is no ovary stone !?"

Sima Zhao said: "There is a one, help the king to swallow the big man!"


"First, with the current strength of the king, we must independently fight strong Han, not realistic ... but you can play the strategy of integration, Donglian Gao Li, 36 countries, North Control, Xiongnu, Wu Hui, Can become a four-way attack! "

"When I arrive, the Gao Jusi took the army to attack the big man, and the western region was 36 countries, and the big king can be with the Xiongnu, directly to the ground ... At this time, the big man is unstable, and the money is scarce. If this battle is generated, the king can achieve Wang Ba's industry, Ding Ding Guanzhong, not for years, you will inevitably, you can , ! "

Donned, Sima Zhao continued to throw an amazing insider message: "Before several months, Gigui has begun to transfer troops, gathered in the north of Dadhan Leo, now I am going to train soldiers, the king is a decision!"

Listening to Sima Zhao's plan, I can flicker in my eyes!

In this way, it can be said to be killed by the knife. There are three thousand people in the game, flowering four sides, playing a big Han Dynasty!

The chance of success is very big!

The return is also very rich!

| ,, only to see the return!

So there are so many people who make a horrible person in history, known as the !

"Just in accordance with the statistics!"


The duck is green, the wind is thrown.

Tonight is the New Year's Eve, the Han army soldiers on the side of the border, are gone by Leoy County, the holiday is a day.

Jiangnan sales, empty.

The air is rid of the snowflakes, gradually getting bigger, turning into a big snow like a goose, and falls in the air!

At this time, hundreds of rivers appeared on the river.

Numerous soldiers wearing simple clothes, taking advantage of dimless night, taking over the river, quietly sneaking into the big man's Leom County!

At this time, the depreciation is in his own Taishou, a big feast, and banquet the civil and military officials in the county.

The wine passed three patrols, and suddenly there was Wen Jing Zhao tired: "Too late, at this time, there is a letter from the probe, and the high sentence, the strength of the soldiers, maybe in the near future, can not prevent!"

The county, the general of the county, Har haha ​​smiled, said: "You really want too much, the Holy Queen, the mighty, the shock, this Gao Li is just the , how do you dare to take a big man?"

Yan Fang is also a laughing: "Lao Zhao, you are too small, Gao Shu Li, these cords, can you become a climate? Waiting for the weather, this general is in person with the river, sweep their old nest!"

"Yes, general might!"

"It's not a grandfather!"

"The generals of the unfoundation, extraordinary!"

Shounge, Dr. Dr. Ren, is a large | leg, make a small group, start to shoot the arrogant horses ...

Almost blowing him into it can be included in the Kowloon will be unparalleled!

Lu Fang is naturally a heart, and some is fluttering. When everyone is in the wrong, when the atmosphere is warm, there is a sound of screaming, and the sky is empty!

Leng County, the woman ran from the outside, shouted while running: "General, not good ... Leng County Xi'an Pingxian, has been captured by the Gorgeli Legion !!"

Table tennis table tennis!

The sound of the wine glasses fell!

This large group of people, taking the cold, and the wine woke up!

Yan Fanggu lobble shock, hurriedly got up: "Doctoral, speed to the third army, from Xi'an Ping County, intercepted Goguryee!"

"The end will go ..."

Ph.Deren is also almost scared, where is there a heart drink?

He dropped the wine glass, rushed to the military camp ...

Looking at the situation in the situation, the county Sima Zhao scared, he walked into the interior, he handed 4.8 ink, writing the situation in Wang Hou paper, Flying Eagle Book ...

"Wow, the big man is broad, and a lot of cattle and sheep livestream!"

"There is also a lot of money cloth, cool!"

"Golden Marshal God is invincible!"

A person who dressed in a Greaterliki helmet looks at his harvest, laughing in grin.

Gao Shui snails snapped in the cold river, the land is barren, naturally it is far more than the big man.

Poverty and brutal, brerenity, gain.

The Gao Shui family who used to have a bitter day suddenly received the news from Xianbei and the big guy. Gao Li Wang was shake, sent a Gao Li battle goddess, led the Gao Ji's 100,000 army, and the soldiers Jiangbei were treated.

Today, it is Giguri's day.

[Third, stable and updated, ask for automatic subscription, ask for rewards and remind ...].

The first thousand four hundred and sixty-one chapter committed my strong Han, although far!

"Gao Ji Li Jin Jin took the head of 100,000", the snow, the night, the duck, the green river, and he attacked Xi'an Pingxian ... Leoy County commander Deputy Miu Fang, the two people, the night, the army kills The foreigner sentinel, the thief army has more than ten thousand people. Leng Wai is probably not guarding ... Chen Zhao is tired, respectfully! "

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