The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 1667 of the Three Kingdoms

Countless Gogrey military and the people cheering:

"General, Ten Trinity, Ten Crock, is really a Gao Shengli God, actually overcome the powerful big man!"

"Gao Xi Li Bingqiang Ma Zhuang, there is also the general of Jin Yu, it seems to be strong!"

"So many big-lived land, we have diverted several times in the Gao Lijiang field!"

"Oh, it's really happy !!"

Gao Shengli is poor, and it is called a small country.

And Jin Yan's rate of the army, connect to Dadang County, for Goguryee, it is already a madness | mad sports ...

Gao Jili Dawang Li Chengde, on the throne, haha ​​laughed, call: "What is the strong and the enemy, the king's view, the Han army is just like this ... Now there is a fresh polar people involve the Han army forces, the gold general is invoified The situation !? "

"Dawang Yingming!"

"Why can Jin General can't win the game, isn't the king trust, give him the power?"

"Say the end, or the king's implied, defeating the big man!"

On the edge of each Jun, there are basically some kind people.

Korean sticks in this regard, special outstanding.

A group of servants shouted, the front line small, they were blowing the sky, and Li Chengde praised Li Chengde as a sages that would be called with the three emperors!

A middle-aged ribrication of a look, arched: "The king, Jin General even broke the city pool, it should be a hi, but the minister thought that there was a great hidden danger!"


Li Chengde smiled and asked, and asked Yan Yue: "What hidden dangers, the prime minister directly said,"

In fact, Gao Ji's etiquette language, many of the Chinese Central Plains, and the official position is also the same as the Sino-Play, setting up a big military golden, and this yin rhetoric high-spirited, the executive interior.

Gao Yingzi-yu test: "The king didn't know, in the people, Jin General's prestigious name, it is already in the day of the day, now it has also overcome the large-scale counties, winning the city, and even knows the generals of God of God, not know the king ..."

This is coming from the three points, Gao Li Wang is really changing!

The most taboo of the king is that he is too capable of doing it, and it has been a head that belongs to his own!

This is the case.

However, Gao Li Wang is not a person without a brain. Haha laughed: "Those fools, but a bunch of idiots, high-yen, don't listen to them, this king as long as the sister of Jin Yan, that is a family, when Hit the big man, this king seals him a prince! "

"The king is so arrogant, this is also the blessing of Jin Yu!"

"Hey! I heard that Jin Yu's sister is good, there is the appearance of the country, still a pure, just like the king's hero!"

Everyone is a mess, blowing the Korean king's heart, and the sleeves: "Jin Yu will gain a great victory, this king wants to listen to the news!"

There is a guardian side of the body: "General Jin Yu is smuggler, the night will start the attack, the Han army will still be in the banquet, will be taken out by the Jin Hao, who will take the opportunity to break the enemy, capture the cattle and sheep, hundreds of thousands Household ... and even the Han army owner, it has already surrendered! "


Gao Li Wang smiled and said: "This king has the general of Jin Yu, invincible for the world, the Han army is constantly chaos, the people kill themselves, the death should be almost the same, when this king also sits on the Central Plains!"

"Dawang Yingming!"

"It is very good!"

"General Jin Yu will continue to play, can you get a good state, and expand our high-graceful land, expand ten times!"

Gao Junwen martial art officials have bounced.

This small country has never been a Suthers who is suppressed by the Chinese big man.

Now Jin Yu is better than a while, I am happy to forget, I don't put the big man in my eyes.

Leng County, County Guardian.

A high Sreth, a grandeur, who is wearing a male armor, is sitting on the master of the Malaysia.

Lu Fang has a meeting with Dr. Renren, accompanied by the left and right, laughing in the wine.

"This wine is a good taste!"

Golden God God, one hand, one hand | Playing wine glasses, press the handle of the flying tiger knife in the waist.

Dr. Ren Mei said: "General Jin Yu, this is the Central Plains Wang Hou wine, just like a jar, sell one thousand gold!"


Jin Yu took a surprise, looked at the princes of his own, the mouth was hung, and the angle was hung and the radiative, said: "The Han people are smart people, can create such a wine! Waiting for the general to hit the Central Plains, must To move all the princes, drink a drink! "

Yan Fang was crying and said, said: "The generals of the Jin Hao still don't have this idea for good, the big man is the emperor of the heavens, and there is a happiness between the world, and it is an invincible person. From! "

Liu Wei is his brother-in-law, how much can be resistant, alone | Can you still be a bit?

Jin Yu's eyes glanced at this two people, secretly said: these two goods, weak strength, first see the battlefield situation is wrong, immediately surrendered, if it is a big man, it is like this, it is easy to be confused ...

Doctoral is also aware of Liu Hao's power, retreats to neck the neck, said: "General Jin Yu, the Han Emperor, the hand will be like a cloud, or do not play the idea of ​​Youzhou ..."

"Ha ha!"

Jin Yu cold smiled: "What are you afraid!? This general of the flying tiger knife, from there is no enemy, will also be afraid of Han Han! Treated three days, then attacked the Tun, Xuanzang, Zhenzuo ... When Gao Silee rises, finally arrived !! "

[First, stabilize and update, seek flowers, evaluate tickets, all kinds of add more ...].

The first thousand four hundred and sixty-four chapters, the emperor, the martial arts, ghosts, no test!

Today is the winter, and the sky is still snowing in the sky.

This is a cold wind, blowing on people, just being cut by a knife.

Fortunately, in the Daxi army equipment, the army is also equipped with warm jackets in winter, so this, many soldiers are also frozen.

Zhou Yuhou is white and white warm robe, and the army is in the long run.


The Jinyiwei, the flying fish, came to the horse, said: "Zhou Shuai, front line detection news, Leng County has been occupied by Gogui's stick, Xuanzang County, Lin Dun County, true nap, also fall Entered the hands of Gao Li! "

"This Korean stick, it is not an unique generation!"

Zhao Yun, one of the five tigers, wrinkled: "Zhou Shuai, military division, what should I do next?"

At the side of Guan Yu, Zhang Fei is also the command of Zhou Yu, Zhuge Liang, waiting for their orders.

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