The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 1678 of the Three Kingdoms

It is said that I can brow it into a Sichuan word, bite the teeth: "The Han people, must be the idea of ​​the seven-year-old military division in the Han people ..."

The Huns of the Xiongnu, the eyes of Wu Huang, falling on the body, not too air: "We died so many heroic warriors, and even the Han army burned, this can't play, you can Quickly retreat ... "

ratio: ""

Three national coalitions, just got up, this will retreat, where there is such a truth! ?

Liu Leopard and Shirah must refer to the depths of the mobei. The big man will definitely find their trouble, only to find him in the river!

Three allogends, noisy into a group.

In the end, Sima Zhao can't see it, stand out, said: "After returning to the soldiers, there is no such thing as a dead road, only the joint battle can we find a game!"

"Yes, the military said it is right!"

Miss Ma Zhao hit the eye, but the ratio can say helplessly: "Our Xianbei can give you some food, but can't retreat!"

People of the whole ethnic, basically do not aggricultural tillage, and the food is originally shortage.

If you can divide the food, you have to eat soil.

Three national coalition, morale is extremely low!

Han Jun Lu Liangshan Camp.

Yue Fei and the Han Jun will, sit on, talk about laughter.

"This battle, at least slaughtering hundreds of thousands of Wuhuang animal, cool!"

"Killing is still the next, the food of Wuhuang people, is burned most, what do they eat next !?"

"Haha, Yue Shuai commanded, this war is really happy!"

Yue Fei full of red light, put his hand, said: "Everything, even the war of tens of thousands of Wu Hui, the overall troops of the exotic coalition, there are still hundreds of thousands, can not be nile!"

Pride must defeated.

Yue Fei is deeply used in the way, this is the prevention of the public to prevent them from expanding.

Yue Fei asked: "Military division, how do you see?"

Yue Yun called: "Hey! Let you take people, steal an enemy camp!"

"Yue Xiao General, can't!"

Xu Wei said: "This battle is big, and it is very difficult to improve my military. Next, I think that it should be steady, put the big camp into the river set, form the posture of the frontal battle with the exotic coalition, and further consume the foreign coalition forces, When they come to their people, I will defeat the enemy! "

"Yuan is not bad!"

Feng Xiaobang said: "The three national coalitions, lost so many food, must be eager to fight, I can not need to worry, waiting for their mentality, immediately attack!"

The way of using soldiers, Qi Zheng.

Can't let the sword go to the front, but you can't stand firmly stabilize.

The combination of two is the king.

Yue Fei Comprehensive Opinion, the opening said: "The master is deciding, with Chen Shuai, the big camp is promoted, the three national coalitions, on the river, just in the river set in the final battle !!"

[First, stable update, new January, continue to ask for free flowers, evaluate tickets! .

The first thousand four hundred seventy-four chapters seven big military divisions, gods!

Chen Qingzhi's suggestion of the military teacher Jia Wei is also the same choice.

He put his arm army, steadily promoted 30 miles, and Yang Zhazhai, formed an east west of Yue Jiajun, showing the potential of the corner, and the situation in the river.

This suddenly, instead, the river set of three national coalitions were completely panicked.

I can take the two national troops in the second day, I can take the troops in the next day.

Unfortunately, they called for a long time, the Han army did not move at all, trimmed in their own big camp.

Under the helplessness, the three national coalitions Mingjin took the troops, the Xiongnu Wang Liu Leopard was very annoyed: "Grass! War and don't fight, this is what !?"

"The Han people, this is the sharpness of the fighting our heroic warrior, evil!"

Shile is not there, and his face is allowed to drop the water.

The ratio can also frown: "The military division, the Han army does not fight, what do we have?"

What method will not save a group of pigs!

Sima Zhao is simmer, where is the secondary array, more than ten thousand people, and is lighter by the enemy! ?

However, he said that he said, or said: "Wu Hua Wang said, this is the Han army fears the soldiers of the king, this is avoiding, if it is long-lasting, our military food is not enough, it must be very disadvantageous It's better to take advantage of the Han army to install, the antlers are not ready, Tonight? "

Wonderful! ?

Liu Leopard is bright, calling: "The Han army will steal our big camp, we can also steal their big camp, as long as success, immediately to reverse the situation!"

"It's not as good as it is to fight!"

Shiller also is moving, he is specially in danger.

"The military division is wonderful! Han people must not think that our army at this time, sneak attacking their big camp ... This is called anti-way!"

It is finally decided to be decided.

Hanjun Camp.

Ghost Guo Jia and Guo Jia Jia Qi Qi Qi: "I will see the meaning of the three people today, if you don't expect it, you will come tonight!"

Yue Fei and Chen Qing, also have this feeling, and immediately arranged.

Sima Zhao is almost gloomy, but it is too tender than the ghost Guo Fengfia and the tribute Jia Wen and is still too tender!

The moon is high.

The snow that is still floating in the air tonight, the north wind whistling, the bones are cold.

The three nationals sent 50,000 soldiers, under the leadership of the Three Enthusiasts, the snow night emergency army, sneak the Han army big camp! !

Liu Leopard easily broke through the first defense of the Han army, which was already seen in the champion of the Han army soldiers, and smiled in his heart: "Tonight can revenge hate, kill, let Han Dog Know the power of the Huns! "



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