The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 1750 of the Three Kingdoms

Looking at the two people and Xu Wei, like two majesty mountains, strong pressure, killing violent, such as the frenzy, I want to completely crush the enemy!

This is definitely not a play!

The gas field is too powerful on Jiulong!

Even if there is a few martial arts, even if there is a few martial arts, it is almost scared, and it will be returned. "Not a brother, not a brother ... I don't think about it, I will wait to find the Han emperor. Don't have something ... "

Liu Hao was arbitrarily swaying, Cai Wei and Xu Wei, stopped at the place where the two came from the next ten steps, but it was also a handshed, and the eyes were taking the two, only waiting for Liu Hao. Next, start now.

It's honest, saying: "The Emperor of the big man is the hero of the world, my big golden domain, very excited, if the Southern Song can cut Chengdu, then the big gold and Dahan, you can join the Friends, in the future Isn't a good thing in common development? "

Good thing?

Is it a good thing to be a good thing for you?

Cut the Chengdu, for the big man, there is an egg benefit?

There are many civil and military in the temple, it is boiling.

Zhang Shijie stands out, it is said: "Your Majesty, Chengdu is a big man, how can we cut to Jin Guo !?" 290

Lu Xianfu also angry: "When you really have this!"

Zongze also said: "Jin Guo strongly accounted for the land of Huaxia North, it is already a discrimination, if you quit the Central Plains, maybe the Holy Queen is large, you can do it!"

The military commander can't stand, and the old will take the lead in leaving Ye Zhong, and it is said: "Jin Guoji, it is to find trouble, to Chengdu, first with millions of Han family men!"

Yan Cheng, He Yuanqing and other military, Qi Qi, angry: "Maybe God, what is the fear of the big man !?"

In the heart of the big man, it is full of pride.

In exchange, it is a Southern Song Dynasty, holding a national policy, and has always been low and lifting, and the son is the same. Where is the hard gas of the Golden Guo?

Liu Wei's big man, first of all, the army is strong, and Liu Wei is sitting in the town, and it is a soul of the real dragon.

Only fist is hard, in the era of weak meat, you can fight.

Zhang Shijie, Wen Tianxiang, Lu Xianfu, etc., even the waist is much more than ever.

In the Golden Temple, a fierce battle voice, gathered like a mountain sea, it seems to have the dome to overtight!

[Fifth, the evaluation ticket is more, a little cold, the book friends will keep warm, and it is cold].

The first thousand five hundred and forty-two chapters of the overbearing Liu Wei!

If the fierce look can kill, then you will be bright and get rid of the joy, and you have already got a thousand knives to kill the eyes of the big man!

"This is still weak and small Han ..."

It's completely submerged to be completely submerged by the three views of the Han people in the Han people.


Everything has changed!

Now, in turn, Liu Yuze is high, the big man in the hand, the group is exciting, in the face of strong two countries, but also not afraid, but it is necessary to declare war to the gold and Mongolian war.

Liu Wei looked up his hand, according to the virtual point, the sound of the tsunami in the temple, suddenly stopped.

It's a bit of a bit of life, I haven't returned to God, I just heard Liu Wei and smiled: "Jin Guo is stealing in the north, and it is coveted into the rich, nor a day in the day, but always Didn't succeed ... When you are now, Chengdu will have no war again! "

"It's so fast !?"

Follow up, the heart is happy, and the hand smiled: "There is a word in the Central Plains, called the teacher's job is Junjie. Nowadays, the big gold iron float is 10,000, and the feet of 297 will be all over, this is also the big man, the big man Clear this, let the Chengdu government give us a big gold, it is really hard to see when it is ... "

He didn't finish it, Liu Hao is in the eyes, Jin Mang is like a sun, a word, one word: "Since today, only my Han family is north, light recovering Huaxia, and then there is another river, and there is no barbarithite. Further, today is not killing, etc.

Liu Wei's eyes, Jin Mang, with a shot of all, the twelve, the crown of the bead curtain, wearing embroidered violet dragon robe, it seems that there is a breath of the power, like Yuan Guanglong , Winding Liu Wei, guarding him!

"His Majesty!"

Dadang Wenwu, the mood is very excited!

What is not always! ?

When it is really a queue!

This time, like a huge, ,

This Han Dynasty ... is too tightening?

This time, as long as you are not stupid, you can listen, it is completely in the golden country, Mongolian two countries! ?

Liu Wei put his hand, and he said: "At present, the Trinity of Li is the second messenger!"

"Old slaves, lead!"

Li Lianying took the finish bright and looked out and took off ...

Zhang Shijie held his fist: "Your Majesty, this two are all right, it is better to kill, to promote my big Chinese,"

"The overall situation is currently, this two people are like a antite!"

Liu Wei shook his head, and she said: "It is easy to kill these two people, but there is no help for the overall situation, the next layout, it is not good to continue ... Feng Xiao, What is it? "

This is not wrong, Liu Wei as long as the master is sent, with Jin Yiwei, can pack it up, but do this, you can't maximize the benefits!

Guo Jia Qinglang's eyes, flashing a wise light, smiled and said: "Your Majesty, this two people have appeared, it is indeed a perfect opportunity, and I have a perfect opportunity. I heard it before, the palace In, it seems to have a Mongolian aristocratic woman? "

Zhang Shijie said: "Feng Xiaoli, this is the relationship with the layout, what is the relationship?"

Lu Xiufu squinted, and he went to the beard and smiled. "Chen understood the meaning of Feng Xiaoli, the so-called jade of the mountain, you can attack the stone, this Mongolian aristocratic woman, maybe it, this I can use a perfect chess piece to use ... "

Xiao Yuxi is distinguished, and it is beautiful, and now it is in the hands of Liu Hao, it is indeed a great chess!

Guo Jiadao: "If it can make a pair of hindrances with the Mongolian messenger, it is just to let the Golden Messenger, in the unintentional, then you can call your heart ..."

"Whether you play a drama, this double country, you don't attack it, you can break it one by one ... this is also a root wolf!"

Liu Wei smiled: "Feng Xiaozhen is Zhang Liang!"

"Feng Xiaoli, it is really a ghost, this is an out, killing bloodless, the two countries, the military union, not attacking, can not born in trouble!"

The big man of the temple, the generals are shocked, and the intelligence of Guo Jia is in the heart.

I have to say, this one of the drowsing and wolf, from the subtleties, the ring is deducted, and the various details have been considered, and it is absolutely worthy of no life.

Recently, Lin'an City.

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