The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 1758 of the Three Kingdoms

If you want to persuade the masters, it is useless to rely on your mouth.

The world is big, the strong is respectful.

No one of the masters will work hard to do things than their weak people, only use absolute strength, will suppress it to shock their clothes!

The male sheep is span: "Today, it is in the hands of the Emperor, and the heart is oral, what to do, despite the command!"

Nineru is curious, asked: "When this is what it is, when?"

"After the event, I put Xiao Cooked!"

The remaining Xiao Qian is also silent and half-ring, and finally said.

Single singing, Xiao Qi is not an opponent, jointly siege, also defeated in Liu Wei, the black water master is also gone ...


"Congratulations to the host, the three major masters of the service, and the extra reward is 30000 points, the timing is mature, please choose the host!"

"Several one will go back to the palace"

Liu Hao said bluntly, but the heart is a slightly loft ...

Today, I have happened too much.

In the first, Xiao Yuxi is the outstanding people, and then there is three major Chinese division characters, and the task is almost satisfactory.

Liu Wei went to the palace to palace, and the underlying is gradually silent.

Among the night, there is a person who is shortening and diamonds, it is the West touro Ouyang Feng!

Tonight, Ouyang Feng originally wanted to take the opportunity to attack, but the result is scared, and it does not dare to move.

Why can't he think of, Liu Hao's strength, actually arrived at this level, and he defeated three major masters.

Specially waiting for half a ring, Ouyang Feng is going to come, secretly: "I am going to go, this big man is the emperor, deeply can't measure, can't provoke!"

Endlessness, it is the instinct of people.

Especially the villains like Ouyang Feng, which is more important than what revenge, and it is still their own life.

Ouyang Feng is going to turn away, but the ear suddenly heard a dragon-like whistling voice: "Since it is here, then stay here!"

This sound is made by the junction of the junction, it seems to be close, the shock is endless, the Ouyang Feng is in the back, and suddenly I feel that my shoulders are taken!

"He ... he actually knows that I am here !?"

Ouyang Feng shocked without endless, footstep, and the body of the law, I want to fly.

However, Liu Wei was locked him, and how could he ran at this time, between the night sky, a purple vain, Liu Hao is already in front of Ouyang Feng, two People lift their hands and have a palm!


As a result, there was no suspense, and the male sheep and others took the shoulders, and looked at Oyang Feng, who was shocked by Liu Hao, and his eyes were full of mercy ...

In front of the Holy Emperor, no one dares to call the master!

Ouyang Feng is actually speaking martial arts, more than they have to be slightly weak, and it is more impossible to be Liu Wei's opponent!

West Poison Ouyang Feng - Wuli 98, Intelligence 67, Politics 32, During 52!

Stunt 1, poison: Ouyang Feng is proficient in poisoning, if the enemy is against the enemy, force -2!

Stunt 2, five absolute: Ouyang Feng ranked five, talent, force +2!

Liu Yinxin secretly said: "This guy is a named poison, it is good in the premier of the big martial arts, not invaded ..."

Ouyang Feng really like Liu Yao, but it is impossible to let in turn.

It is a pity that there is no half of the effect on Liu Hao, but by Liu Hao bully, it has been braided.

Ouyang Feng is stunned, but it is only feeling that it is soft and soft, and the end is cold, and the head is numb ...

In his heart, there is only one thought: "The Han Emperor is a god !?"

[Third, stable and updated, ask for free flowers, evaluation tickets, support, movement ...].

The first thousand five hundred and fifty chapters, the second god is open, the dive is shocked!

"Ouyang Feng is doing it, let's go!"

Liu Wei, with Ouyang Feng, followed a small chicken, saying that several masters said.

After connecting the conference master, it is also the preparation of the front stage of the branch mission, and finally officially ended.

Now just the last step, about the study of the unparalleled mystery, so I can start ...

the next day.

Liu Yuxi gave Guo Jia to deal with Guo Jia, once again, the fire calls a few major masters, came to the palace to play the battlefield.

Several in the five in the Central Plains, coupled with Chu Xiancheng, released the wind and other people, there is a court, gathered together, there are Jinyiwei and Longjing Camp outside the play, there is no command, no Liu Wei, Anyone else must not be close to.

So many martial arts, gathered together, not to say, but it is definitely no ancient people!

According to the needs of the task, it is necessary to integrate the length of the martial arts, and create a new martial art. Liu Hao is naturally the actor who is not letting.

"All true education has the door to the highest", congenital gossip, the heavens and people! "

"Beibei's dragon is ignored, just fierce, forty-eight palms play, Feilong is in the sky, can be closed!"

"The male sheep feather is a feather, the ancient Lingxiao, everything is hidden, and it contains Confucianism!"

"Xiao Qian is in the dark, the world, the sky is evolving overbearing the soldiers!"

"There is no one in the wind, and there is no peak, take the wind!"

"Nine big gold is a great power, stick to the Buddha, fight 10 ..."

Liu Yu Tiandong Dragon has a sharp turn, breaking the method, and is not anevant.

In the god, it seems that there is countless way of shadow. If it is the figure of Wang Zhongyang, the male, the boy, and the other people, each makes his own home.

It seems that all major masters, while shooting, with Liu Hao in the opposite!

Everyone is somewhat, and the list is helpless!

But after a long time, Liu Hao's brain, faintly moved, accompanied by purple mean!

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