The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 1766 of the Three Kingdoms

Jin Yiwei is reading the war: "Yesterday's battle, our army is big, consumes more than 2,300 people's price, successfully hits 20,000 yuan of Jin Dynasty iron floats, only the Lord will lead thousands of people to escape thousands of people to escape ... ...

"This is the holy toast, and there is such a victory!"

Liu Wei Hongguang face, his hands toast: "This will salute a cup, you will work together to resist the scorpion!"

Waice is not rough.

Liu Hao even still in the stars, and another side scheduling the Qinglong chariot, but the emperor of his own emperor, plus all kinds of legal gods and emperors, the emperor, the martial arts, and the Han army soldiers who open the dashio. , At least a few golden armor cavers.

Meng Yu arch said: "Your Majesty often said Yan Zheng, He Yuanqing two generals, but the world of the Tiger, this day, there is really a passion and unparalleled, chiseling the gold soldiers, the two generals are in the first time, the day is high-reward, Your Majesty will pay attention to it! "

He Yuanqing flew his head, grinned: "The general of Liu and Mengjun commanded, the fire broke the fire, so that the golden soldiers fell into the bottom of the valley, we could successfully succeed, this drove over more than 20,000 iron turns, Really happy! "

Strictly moved his head: "Unfortunately, when you kill the Navy, it is slow, Jin Jun's Lord will have no trace of Liu Jun ..."

If you can kill Liu, it is a big job!

The hall is laughter, and the atmosphere is not strong. Meng Yu is booming, holding a boxing, saying: "Some, after today's small victory, you can't expand, Xiaowei, the golden army, the golden army, also Gamble, the battle of the national gas! "

"Meng Jijun said that!"

The Chengdu Fu Han Jun defeated the city, with 100,000 people.

However, these people, the core force is still Liu Wei's tiger, 30,000 unsatisfactory.

It is necessary to face the battle of millions of male army, and everyone is hanging.

Liu Wei said: "Meng Jijun said, Jin Bing's soldiers, will soon will attack Chengdu, and there is a Mongolian iron ride. There is a tiger after the wolf. If it is in front of it, it will increase the injury, or the first Give the commanding order, quickly dispatch the generals to support, and the party is the best! "

The public will be gathered in the Chamber of Commendation and finally discussed the results.

Meng Yu Lou said: "Chengdu is headed in the wild, the city, holding the Chengdu government, waiting for the aid, it is a victory!"

The Han army is warm, the atmosphere is warm.

In the golden country of the golden country, it is no more than the atmosphere, a few generals, with a dog's leather hat, and the face, but there is no one to open.

Still the Lord, the face is cold, the opening: "What is the situation?"

The Pioneer Tiefoot, 30,000 first, there is only five or six thousand people, which is basically a survivor who has discarded his armor and flying rapidly.

Liu's face is popular, holding a box: "Han army is fraudulent, actually in the will, the pioneer army has not been fired, the first war defeated!"

"The battle was broken, the big gold was so brave, and even the armor fled back!"

Following Yan Shou pointed to Liu, and said: "All this is because you are not used in the Han people!"

It is a general position of the Golden Guo, the main position, the status of the Golden Guo, is not Liu, which is more than that of Liu.

Liu Yun lost 30,000 iron floating heavy armor, the value is even higher than the life of the tens of thousands of army, and it is not hurting from the National University of China.

The generals of the golden country in the hall, and I suddenly started spray against Liu's cold.

It's a cold, saying: "This will be defeated today, this general should have you, read in your year, he is high, once he has been working for the big gold, temporarily stay in the army, listening to the mountain Lion Camel Marshal Fall! "

Liu Jialu: "Thank you general!"

It's hard to smile, "You will not take the waste of the soldiers, but also the general of Xie Ben, hurry back, this general let you see, what is called with the soldiers!"


Liu integrity, is ashamed, and the head is speechless.

At this time, he had a little envious and jealousy Liu Wei.

The two were originally a colleague in the army. At that year, the status of Liu is better than Liu Wei.

However, Liu Jun is optimistic that the north will lead to the world, do not hesitate to abandon the small family, invest in the golden country, and change this to the next!

The golden people are always golden people, and he will call him in the bones.

After the rise of the Dangdang Dynasty, Liu Wei was a seal, and the Town side of Town. Today, he stepped on his shoulders and made a big work, and he couldn't even more on the stairs!

Liu Ji wants to look back, and there is no way, it can only sigh sadness in his heart:

Times, what is the hero?

[First, more, this Liu's finish is the death of the Song thief, it is really a slap. .

The first thousand five hundred and fifty-eight chapter king privilege, Qinglong comes!


"Congratulations to the host, the South Song Dynasty, the general, Liu Wei and Meng Yu ratio, in Pingtian Mountain, set the price, kill the iron floats of Dajin Pioneer Liu Dynasty, the iron float sauce is more than 230,000, and the extra reward is 8,000 points. , Extra rewards value 46000 points! "

"Break the Pioneer, the first battle, the hidden mission, the small number of mission, the extra privileges, is being issued, please wait ..."

Liu Wei's spirit, suddenly woke up by this system!

Finally, start!

Southern Song Dynasty, finally wolf again!

This task is difficult, but the sacred, Mongolia and the golden country of Million Tungle, will step down the Huaxia River!

In the case of such a Central Plains, even if I saw Liu Wei, I saw the common scene, I would like to be excited.

"This Liu is not a Han.

Liu Hao sheds, and began to search on this Liu's 13-sex capabilities and historical memory in memory.

Liu Ji - Wuli 93, Intelligence 76, Politics 69, During 86!

Technical, emergency attack: Liu is good at leading the lead, led the army to attack, can achieve the result of unexpected, if the enemy is under this, then Liu's force + 2, the rate +2.

Liu's property capabilities, it is also good, but it is now opposite enemy, if there is an opportunity, kills the kills!

"Your Majesty, how to wake up?"

Cai Wenji woke up, Feng Yan is circulated, and it is gentle and infinitely looked at Liu Wei.

Liu Hao said: "It should be in this south, the soldier horse is transferred frequently, and there will be a battle in the world ..."

Cai Wenji is on the shoulders of Liu Wei, and the warmth of the road: "Jun is a sword, killing the four squares, sorrow, selfssing piano, Shen Fu, Since the matter is urgent, he is going to take a few times in Kowloon. The general, can be in full! "

"Wife is so, what is the husband?"

Liu Wei gently kissed on the cheeks of Cai Wenji, got up from the gottage and stood up.

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