The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 1771 of the Three Kingdoms

Liu Ji is also a dumb.

He is in person with the horrible combat power of the Han army.

It is not the South Song Dynasty army to compare!

But how did he say this?

Say it, you will not listen to life, you will be as a non-people.

"The golden country is unscrupulous!"

Liu is low, but the heart is a thoughts, a little sorrow; I originally rushed to the Jin Yushu, swept the Central Plains, so the surrender of the time, but the golden rushed by the Han Dynasty, the whole gold The country seems to have lost the main bone, a bit of a bit of chaos ...

It is the final conclusion that it has been conclusively, and finally, in the morning, Luoyang City is fighting hard!

Changfeng Xiao Xiao.

There is not long after winter, and there are some fever.

Micro-cold wind, blow the Han army iron heavens, hunting, the flag is lifelike red red long dragon, it seems to become a true dragon, break the air!

The Han army has a few days in the city. The Jinjun Lord will finish the people of Yan Shou, and refuse to listen to Liu's turtle shrinking the proposal, and decisively select the city to fight.

Ten thousand gold soldiers, the mountains are all over the mountain, the flag fluttering, the iron float is played, and it is also a horrific.

Liu Wei is under the lofding of the Chinese military, standing in the Kowloon Tiandi's chariot, looking at the gold army array, smiling: "This Luoyang City owner will be who, marching, there is a few points!"

Ye Zhaoyuan is looking at it, saying: "Your Majesty, Luoyang City, is the golden country, the golden, the golden, the golden army, the military and horse, the master, the life, the next member, the general, for people Rasmade, just use ... "

"This will be in the Liu Ziqi number, it should be the Liu Jun, named Li Guang!"

Liu Wei nodded slightly, sighed: "This person does not loses a good person, but it is voted from the enemy.

Taking a 18th ride, attacking the city pool, this is not anyone can get it.

Liu Jun is brave, and it is called a tiger.

Ye Zhandao: "After Liu Gun in the year, the family was smashed by the Chinese enemy Juan Dao, and the door was full, and it was a sensation to the wild."

Looking again, the golden army will finish longevity, height nine feet, born Yan Yu Tiger, waist and rush, strong, more wearing a set of gold helmet gold, handle, a golden knife, I am afraid that others don't know him identity of.

Before Yan Shou Dynors, Called: "The Han Royal listened, the speed took the Han army to retreat, this will be broad, and you can spare you a life. If you will be buried today, you will be here!"

Liu Wei does not move the look, and the momentum has lost an immersion.


Congratulations to the host, the Tiandi Long Yi is expected to use it!

Years - Wuli 91, Intelligence 57, Politics 55, During 77!

Stunt, just: Yichao life, if it is fighting with the enemy, force +2, intelligence-2!

"Oh, it is a guy who is playing and lost!"

Liu Wei's smile and said: "Pengju, give you!"

To deal with this kind of goods, Liu Wei does not have to fall according to your identity, personally end.

There is Wu Mu Marshal Yue Fei, it is already enough to die ...

Yue Fei asked the gunfight, called: "Who is willing to take this happiness, dedicated to the Emperor?"

The big journey bite the gold handheld a dark ax, laughing: "What dog things, dare to be mad in front of you !?"

Yang Ren, one of Jiulong, is also a double point, killing blazing: "The end will be willing to take this first level!"

This is more than life, which can be annoyed by the five tigers in the Han army.

Zhao Yun's legs, one clip, hand holding a white dragon gun, like the arrow of the string, galloping, long-awaiting:

"Some to take your level!"

[First, stabilize and update, ask for free flowers, evaluate tickets ...].

The first thousand five hundred and sixty-three chapters white robe dragons, Zhao Yun Qi Wei!

The Han army saw that the general is Zhao Yun, and the spirit is oscillated.

"Wuhu will be on, the gallblange!"

"Wuhu will be on, the gallblange!"

Zhao Yun's prestige can not blow.

From the beginning of Liu Wei, followed by Liu Wei, hit the madness of the wedding force, extinguished Liu Bei, Cao Cao, and committed the world, and invincible.

The shouts of the Han army have a shout, and the drums of the battle, and they have gathered into anger flood. It seems that they want to overturn the whole day.

The fun of the ears eardrum is shocked, and the smile said: "What is the gallbladder, it is a laughter, see the gold knife, a knife, you first!"

"Complete the general!"

"Kill him, kill him!"

"The generals of this white robe, small white face, selling good, next to the general!"

In the Golden Army, the most worship the warrior and is also passionate about killing blood bands.

"Look at the general!"

Yingsun only feels that the body is boil, rushing into the brain, I don't want to make a knife, I will rush to the front of the front, and Liu is still desperate, and I have not pulled it ...

"Come to the name, under a gold knife, never kill the ring!"

It is loud and loudly.

Zhao Yun is unlimited, loudspeak: "I am Zhao Yun, I will give you the first level, be dead!"


The gods, suddenly sent a dragon, the battlefield on the battlefield, and finally returned, as if they were scared!

"Oh, ah, ah!"

It's a little bit of life, just at all, where you still have other, relying on the regestal, the horses flying, killing!

The gold soldier, pulling the spear with long knife, and screaming: "General might!"

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