The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 1773 of the Three Kingdoms

So arrived, rushing to the enemy, is undoubtedly a bloody, excited.

But Liu Yuli is under the handsome flag, but has a feeling of all in the octaves in the control.

Ye Zha sneaked the look of Liu Yu Gujing, and the heart admired, but it was a strong mysterious feather.

What is I thinking in Liu Yuxin?

Liu Yuxin, it is already happy!

Today, this battle, in fact, since the life of life, it has decided to achieve the winning contract.

If you have fun, you can recognize your interest relationship, you will have a city, move the county, and keep the city. It is also a bit space.

But the end of life is self-used, self-sustaining Wu Yong, I want to come out, then I am in the middle of Liu Wei.

Just positive, the big man will?

How hard is, it is difficult to have a good name, and the five tigers of hundreds of millions of people will?

Following the Shou Dou will fail, towards the disease, the Jinjun began to be afraid, do not know what to do in a time ...

The scholars fell to the cliffs!

No waiting for Jinjun's deputy will be adjusted, and the commander of this command, Yue Fei did not leave the army to launch a raid!


Dragon Scales Xuanjia heavy cavalry began to launch a charge, heavy horseshoe, like a bang!

The two sides hit together, and the unknown wilderness was in the ear!

Dragon Scales, with the five elevated rumors, like the sharp sharp knife, poke in the Jinjun's array, the iron float is also rare, but under the morale, shape Such as a plate of shares, it is not as good as the Han army ...

"Complete the generals, soon ordered, what is the attack??"

"Grass, the generals are killed?"

"It's over, the generals are all smashed by the Han ..."


It is a sudden fire to attack, which is a sudden injury, which has a red blood, and vomiting a red blood.

"Laozi is still dead!!! Turning the horse to block the left and right wings, don't collapse!"

It is still in Yan Shou Lianlian, anger: "Iron floats and tempting against the Chinese army, and may not let the Han army get a half step!"

Under the hand, the risk of life, can't be said to be outstanding, but become a sandfield, a little problem is not.

After a few times, the entire Golden Army's array was finally stabilized and killed with the Han army.

Gold Bing is unparalleled, all knows.

I met the Han army today, this rumor is about to be broken ...

Zhao Yun rides a thousand, into the golden soldiers, the white dragon gun wears the right kill, don't know how many Jinjun will swear, in this case, it is almost equal to it is a foot. Step into hell!

Countless horseshoes are simultaneously shocked, the next breath, the people of the horse, will be turned to death!

"The sedation is small, death!"

Guan Yu Danfeng is squinting, and the value of eight hundred knife axes, like the sharp sharp knife, cut into the flaws of the Golden Commander!

A knife in hand, I have!

At this time, it is not Wu Sheng's Guan Yu, and it has also been a bit of anxiously, and the slightly separated a hundred meters.

Guan Yu Danfeng double eyes, Zhang opened, eyes, cold!

Guan Gong does not blink, blink of killing!

The gods, the gods, the gods, as if they can feel the murder of the owner, four hoofs are like wind, flying in the chaos!

Three hundred meters ...

Two hundred meters ...

One hundred meters ...

30 meters ...

Just when the two is about to see, Guan Yu suddenly stopped, he must be angry, green robe rolled, a strong momentum, suddenly broke out!

God · Cold Chase!

The state of the five tigers will be able to enhance the five-point force value, this five-point force value, almost the force of Guan Yu, short-lived to enhance a grade, and a knife absolutely violent BUFF!

In other words, now Guan Yu may be more horrible than Lu Bu under the Tiger in that year!

It's full of life, cold sweat!

Suddenly, I just saw the thousands of people in Wan Ma, a red face greece, holding a blue dragon, the moon knife, and the general gallout!


The distance between the two is close to more than ten meters, followed by Qinglong, there is a long-awaited Qinglong, and the head of the sky is empty, and the bite is biting towards the biting!

Qinglong knife, a knife is broken!

[Third, stable and updated, continue to ask for flowers, evaluate tickets, seek automatic subscriptions ...].

The first thousand five hundred and sixty-five chapters will be broken, crazy!

Guan Yu suddenly broke out, I didn't know how much braveness would be killed.

Today, the knife finally added another soul!


With a sudden whispering, after the sound of the sound, he is full of people with a goldbern, suddenly flying away!

Blood is like a fountain, in the neck cavity of life, coming out!

The eyes of life have risen, and they feel that they can float the whole person. The sky is hung, and everything in front of you will start turning!

Then, the battlefield is hustle and bustle, it is the boundless darkness, and his consciousness is completely swallowed ...

"Guan Yu is here, who dares to die !?"

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